BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

I guess I was wrong about the Seminole moniker, but down-south Indians are different.

Different than other "Seminoles". Miccosukkee are different.
They aren't that much different. The Miccosukee separated from the Seminole nation in 1962. They all descended from the Muscogee Creek Indians.
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I hope he or she is not a conservative. That would not look good on us.

Well it seems he identifies himself as such. But nobody who does what he did deserves to identify as conservative as modern American conservatives aka libertarians (little "L") aka classical liberals believe in due process, orderly transfer of power, settling political differences at the ballot box, and condemn all forms of violence or intimidation or violation of rights used by those to take that which they aren't entitled, or to terrorize and condemn people. What this guy did is despicable.

This guy is apparently a Trump supporting Native American which will make it harder for the left wing media to demonize him. But he is no conservative and I really doubt he is a Trump supporter unless he is totally loony tunes. Nobody in their right mind would think sending even non working pipe bombs to prominent Democrats two weeks before the election would in any way help the President and his agenda.

Edit: I should have said that he CLAIMS to be Native American, but the Seminole tribe that he identifies with says they have no record of him at all.
make it harder for the left wing media to demonize him? Demonize himself the minute he sent bombs LOL

He was #MAGA man long ago. Social media accounts have him being a Trump supporter

Yes. Unfortunately we cannot choose who joins our political party or who admires us. I would guess all politicians or anybody running for anything cringes when at least one or two nefarious persons come out in support of us. So some idiot shoots police officers from a rooftop and another shoots and almost kills Republicans at a baseball practice and both are on record as a registereded Democrats who say they voted for Obama. Obama didn't want that kind of endorsement. And Trump sure as hell doesn't want the endorsement of a nut like Sayoc.

It would be nice if we had a media that was even handed in these things though and called them for what they are--evil and/or deranged people who act on their own and not on behalf of any group, political party, or prominent person. They pretty well said that when it came to Obama. But when it comes to Trump, not so much. And that is almost as despicable as the guy who is the focus of the coverage this week.
It would be even nicer if we had an honest man as president.

What makes this guy different is that he went after a list of Trump's favorite people to vilify and demonize. If anyone wants to suggest Trump's rhetoric did not influence this nuts choices, they are welcome to look so foolish

nd Trump has been warning people about how dangerous mainstream Democrats are .. of course a made up crock of crap
/----/ It would have been nice to have an honest man as president in the prior administration.
/---/ And with zero proof they accuse Brett Kavanaugh of organizing rape trains in high school....OH WAIT -- never mind.
View attachment 224937
Not exactly, Democrats who believe Cavanagh was part of train rapes, based it off of the testimony of others. So there was at least something to cite, even if it wasn’t true.

Whereas the nuttery of this being a Democrat false flag was made up completely out of whole cloth.

You obviously have not read a thread on here in days! Who benefits the most by this action? Democrats. Republicans have nothing to gain. So why would they do it, unless they are mentally incompetent?
Dumbfuck, who said the magabomber is mentally stable??

Exactly! Congratulations! You have it figured out finally!

Republicans would not do this, but some wingnut insane steroid juiced past his prime, living in his van ex-stripper would!

Exactly! Some seriously dangerous "wingnut insane steroid juiced past his prime, living in his van ex-stripper would" -- be allowed into rallies with Trump. Would be influenced enough by Trump's anger ad hatred to make a list of people that Trump mentions
/----/ And what rhetoric motivated James Hodgkinson, a left-wing activist, who shot up the ballfield?
I bet if these were pro left stickers on the van you ring wing fuckers would belive thr fact. But because it goes your Maga agenda, it's all lies.

You only accept the truth when it's in your favor.

So far there's nothing to bar feeder on.

He is apparently a Trump supporter.
The Senate shooter was a Bernie supporter.
The las Vegas shooter was an Obama supporter.

All nuts..


Who shot the Senate?
2017 Congressional baseball shooting - Wikipedia

Steve Scalise is a Congressman. He is not a Senator. You are confused yet again.

Not about the shooting... If you are reduced to semantics you don't have much do you? There were also Senators there BTW dumbass. I didn't say that Steve scalise was a senator... That's your imagination at work.

It happened... It was a Bernie guy......
That didn't make Sanders guilty of anything.

This latest Fiasco does say something though and people are hearing the message loud and clear... The Deep state will keep fighting Trump for as long as he's in office. The problem is everybody sees it now.

I bet if these were pro left stickers on the van you ring wing fuckers would belive thr fact. But because it goes your Maga agenda, it's all lies.

You only accept the truth when it's in your favor.

So far there's nothing to bar feeder on.

He is apparently a Trump supporter.
The Senate shooter was a Bernie supporter.
The las Vegas shooter was an Obama supporter.

All nuts..


Who shot the Senate?
2017 Congressional baseball shooting - Wikipedia

Steve Scalise is a Congressman. He is not a Senator. You are confused yet again.
Steve himself was not 'the' target. Republicans at a softball game were, and no one had been demonizing Republicans and suggesting they be attacked. Trump has mentioned people targeted by name. The pipe bomber, rightwing, domestic terrorist went after a list of Trump's favorite targets

You are completely full of shit. Trump hasn't mentioned anyone who didn't mention him first. Your suggestion that he simply stand there and take the abuse is laughable. That's what Romey did. Sanders spends his entire rhetoric on attack.... He targets Republicans
In general. There is no such list except in the minds of those who resent being exposed.

Sorry... You don't get to use the "it's different" Line here...double standards all the way with you guys.. It's going to cost you on the sixth.

55 for Mitch... 2 more judges on the way.

Cesar Sayoc, Jr., identified as suspect in pipe bomb attacks

Sayoc's white van, which had pictures of Trump and the presidential seal plastered to the windows, was seized by the officials and hauled off to a secure facility.

The suspect is a registered Republican, according to records.
Now let’s see how recently registered. And what his prior party affiliations are...

What for?

Really, you have nothing better to do with your life than scour around for ways to score partisan hack points on a message board? Kinda pathetic.

and then you are here for what, jackass?

Me? I'm the logic police. My advice to such wankers on this board generally starts with, "you have the right to remain silent..."
Cesar Sayoc, Jr., identified as suspect in pipe bomb attacks

Sayoc's white van, which had pictures of Trump and the presidential seal plastered to the windows, was seized by the officials and hauled off to a secure facility.

The suspect is a registered Republican, according to records.
Now let’s see how recently registered. And what his prior party affiliations are...

What for?

Really, you have nothing better to do with your life than scour around for ways to score partisan hack points on a message board? Kinda pathetic.

and then you are here for what, jackass?

Me? I'm the logic police. My advice to such wankers on this board generally starts with, "you have the right to remain silent..."
/----/ But you never take your own advice.
Just tweeted by Tapper:

Jake Tapper‏Verified account @jaketapper
BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources. — CNN’s Mark Morales, Evan Perez, Shimon Prokupecz, and Brynn Gingras report

Latest news: Trump critics and CNN receive explosive devices - CNNPolitics

Federal authorities have arrested a man in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources.
We now know some in LE have been targeting the wrong people. California police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue 'anti-racist' activists, documents show

We have more extremely violent Trump supporters being arrested every day. From coast to coast - This bomber does not exist in a vacuum

Members of California white supremacist group arrested in connection with deadly Charlottesville rally - Los Angeles Times

You know that this is a deep State set up.
The overkill on the van was classic overreach. In any case it's irrelevant at this point. Let's posit for a moment that this guy did this all on his own with no interference from the deep state. It doesn't matter anymore.... The FBI's credibility is so flushed away has to be irretrievable anytime this decade. So whether this is a false flag or the real thing is no longer the point.... The real point is what people are thinking... And I am amazed at the speed with which the greater community of conservatives reach the conclusion nearly simultaneously that this was a setup.

So it's a backfire even if it wasn't meant to be one... It's a backfire even if it wasn't a setup.

It's a backfire because everything that happens between now and November 6th is locked into that partisan antipathy that the left is mostly responsible for.....with the antifa rallies, the get in their faces philosophy and the obvious Grand production of the Kavanaugh hearing. The canoe has gone too close to the waterfall... It isn't coming back not even for the Sayoc Fiasco. Too little too late deep Staters!

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Cesar Sayoc, Jr., identified as suspect in pipe bomb attacks

Sayoc's white van, which had pictures of Trump and the presidential seal plastered to the windows, was seized by the officials and hauled off to a secure facility.

The suspect is a registered Republican, according to records.
Now let’s see how recently registered. And what his prior party affiliations are...

What for?

Really, you have nothing better to do with your life than scour around for ways to score partisan hack points on a message board? Kinda pathetic.
Awww... would that make you uncomfortable...? Seek a safe space snowflake. Before long we’ll find out all about him. Do those curious about, and investigating his history, in search of motive “have nothing better to do”? Lol!!!

Apparently you had your heart set on Composition Fallacy.

Long way to fall when it works against you innit.

Just tweeted by Tapper:

Jake Tapper‏Verified account @jaketapper
BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources. — CNN’s Mark Morales, Evan Perez, Shimon Prokupecz, and Brynn Gingras report

Latest news: Trump critics and CNN receive explosive devices - CNNPolitics

Federal authorities have arrested a man in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources.
We now know some in LE have been targeting the wrong people. California police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue 'anti-racist' activists, documents show

We have more extremely violent Trump supporters being arrested every day. From coast to coast - This bomber does not exist in a vacuum

Members of California white supremacist group arrested in connection with deadly Charlottesville rally - Los Angeles Times

You know that this is a deep State set up.
The overkill on the van was classic overreach. In any case it's irrelevant at this point. Let's posit for a moment that this guy did this all on his own with no interference from the deep state. It doesn't matter anymore.... The FBI's credibility is so flushed away has to be irretrievable anytime this decade. So whether this is a false flag or the real thing is no longer the point.... The real point is what people are thinking... And I am amazed at the speed with which the greater community of conservatives reach the conclusion daily simultaneously that this was a setup.

So it's a backfire even if it wasn't meant to be one... It's a backfire even if it wasn't a setup.

It's a backfire because everything that happens between now and November 6th is locked into that partisan antipathy that the left is mostly responsible for.


What stunt is on next week's agenda I wonder.

And I find myself agreeing with President Trump's assertions of left wing press complicity. For instance, do they have to open an editorial with the perp being a Republican supporter?
Cesar Sayoc, Jr., identified as suspect in pipe bomb attacks

Sayoc's white van, which had pictures of Trump and the presidential seal plastered to the windows, was seized by the officials and hauled off to a secure facility.

The suspect is a registered Republican, according to records.
Now let’s see how recently registered. And what his prior party affiliations are...

What for?

Really, you have nothing better to do with your life than scour around for ways to score partisan hack points on a message board? Kinda pathetic.
Awww... would that make you uncomfortable...? Seek a safe space snowflake. Before long we’ll find out all about him. Do those curious about, and investigating his history, in search of motive “have nothing better to do”? Lol!!!

Apparently you had your heart set on Composition Fallacy.

Long way to fall when it works against you innit.


I think you're missing the point. first of all this latest Fiasco did absolutely nothing to gain or lose votes one way or the other.

This is a backfire for the left even if it's not a setup. The bad reputation that the FBI has developed over the past two years of being a harbor for Liars, sneaks and weasels directly overshadows any effort they are putting out now.

What's really hilarious is that this could be the real thing and it doesn't matter. It's going to be seen as a deep State production because they've already demonstrated their capable of it... And it's going to backfire even if it's the real thing.

Now that my friend is a composition you can take to the bank.

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Cesar Sayoc, Jr., identified as suspect in pipe bomb attacks

Sayoc's white van, which had pictures of Trump and the presidential seal plastered to the windows, was seized by the officials and hauled off to a secure facility.

The suspect is a registered Republican, according to records.
Now let’s see how recently registered. And what his prior party affiliations are...

What for?

Really, you have nothing better to do with your life than scour around for ways to score partisan hack points on a message board? Kinda pathetic.

and then you are here for what, jackass?

Me? I'm the logic police. My advice to such wankers on this board generally starts with, "you have the right to remain silent..."
/----/ But you never take your own advice.
View attachment 225112

Last wanker who tried to make that case was Cecilie1200 . I immediately challenged her to document it. Ten days later, ---------- we're still waiting for example number one.


Here's your chance to show her up. Watcha got.
So now we’re allowed to get angry about terrorism?

Why liberals are more disturbed by the pipe-bomb postings than they ever were by Islamist outrages.

So now we’re allowed to get angry about terrorism?
/----/ While calling for calm and unity - dempocRATs strike hard.
Local GOP office in North Carolina firebombed

They all have the same boss. Sayoc and Antifa. just as predicted the violence is escalating prior to November 6th as the left sees itself going down.

There's no way they can save the Senate.
And now it looks like they might not even get the house.

Cesar Sayoc, Jr., identified as suspect in pipe bomb attacks

Sayoc's white van, which had pictures of Trump and the presidential seal plastered to the windows, was seized by the officials and hauled off to a secure facility.

The suspect is a registered Republican, according to records.
Now let’s see how recently registered. And what his prior party affiliations are...

What for?

Really, you have nothing better to do with your life than scour around for ways to score partisan hack points on a message board? Kinda pathetic.
Awww... would that make you uncomfortable...? Seek a safe space snowflake. Before long we’ll find out all about him. Do those curious about, and investigating his history, in search of motive “have nothing better to do”? Lol!!!

Apparently you had your heart set on Composition Fallacy.

Long way to fall when it works against you innit.


I think you're missing the point. first of all this latest Fiasco did absolutely nothing to gain or lose votes one way or the other.

This is a backfire for the left even if it's not a setup. The bad reputation that the FBI has developed over the past two years of being a harbor call Liars sneaks and weasels directly overshadowd any effort they are putting out now.

What's really hilarious is that this could be the real thing and it doesn't matter. It's going to be seeing as a deep State production because they've already demonstrated their capable of it... And it's going to backfire even if it's the real thing.

Now that my friend is a composition you can take to the bank.


Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. Fallacies are fallacies, PERIOD. You don't get a "get out of fallacy free" card just because you think you can sell some myth.

Wasn't even your point White Knight charging in on trusty steed to defend milady's fallacy, but the fact remains what political party this guy is with, if any, now or in the past, is Fucking Irrelevant, and at the risk of repetition, PERIOD. And there ain't nothing you can do to change that so -------- sucks 2BU.

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