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This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Sharpton Obama Wants Ferguson Protesters to Stay on Course FrontPage Magazine
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Sharpton Obama Wants Ferguson Protesters to Stay on Course FrontPage Magazine
Didnt see anywhere in your link where he said to loot or engage in violence. Can you quote that?
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Because of your obvious limited intellect you have missed the point of his brief speech in which he said words to the effect that
"some people might think the veredict is a mistake, which is understandable"

A President should not make such inflammable and subjective statement.

The President is telling the mob that he understands the reason for their anger ...and the consequent inevitable step is now happening....riots and anarchy!
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
Everybody but numb nuts BHO knew how his "stay the course" remark would be taken by the lawless marauding hoards..nobody can be that naive.
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Because of your obvious limited intellect you have missed the point of his brief speech in which he said words to the effect that
"some people might think the veredict is a mistake, which is understandable"

A President should not make such inflammable and subjective statement.

The President is telling the mob that he understands the reason for their anger ...and the consequent inevitable step is now happening....riots and anarchy!
Who told you that was inflammable and subjective? I didnt hear him saying anything about a a mob. He said he understood the protestors anger. Are you touched or do you always make stuff up like this?
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
Everybody but numb nuts BHO knew how his "stay the course" remark would be taken by the lawless marauding hoards..nobody can be that naive.
You sound like a conspiracy nut. Let me guess. The NWO is going to start tomorrow?
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Sharpton Obama Wants Ferguson Protesters to Stay on Course FrontPage Magazine
Didnt see anywhere in your link where he said to loot or engage in violence. Can you quote that?

What the fuck is STAY THE COURSE, you stupid monkey? They already showed what their COURSE was back in August! You knuckledraggers are dumber than the fucking subversives!
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Sharpton Obama Wants Ferguson Protesters to Stay on Course FrontPage Magazine
Didnt see anywhere in your link where he said to loot or engage in violence. Can you quote that?

What the fuck is STAY THE COURSE, you stupid monkey? They already showed what their COURSE was back in August! You knuckledraggers are dumber than the fucking subversives!
Stay the course means to keep protesting you cave chimp. Go shave yourself please. Maybe your fur is making your temperature rise.
Know what is REALLY scarey? If this is how rioters, looters, killers shooting at people and officers and fire department are treated by the national guard and under orders from a pussy govenor is handled...can you imagine what chaos would ensue if the enemy that are NOT americans ever landed on our soil? I used to think americans would all band together, regardless of race or beliefs or whatever...but not any more. THIS, friends and neighbors, is showing THE WORLD just how easy it would be to destroy us from the inside of the USA. We would turn on each other and those who are supposed to serve and protect would do NOTHING. Not one damn thing.

THAT is what is scarey.
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Sharpton Obama Wants Ferguson Protesters to Stay on Course FrontPage Magazine
Didnt see anywhere in your link where he said to loot or engage in violence. Can you quote that?

What the fuck is STAY THE COURSE, you stupid monkey? They already showed what their COURSE was back in August! You knuckledraggers are dumber than the fucking subversives!
Stay the course means to keep protesting you cave chimp. Go shave yourself please. Maybe your fur is making your temperature rise.

Only when you stop throwing your own shit on yourself, Wog!
While I see both sides of the issue, do you really think the rioters give a fuck what the President of the United States said?
"Stay the course" is code speak to "do what you planned". It's obvious. So again..WHY is he allowed to stay in office? WHY?
While I see both sides of the issue, do you really think the rioters give a fuck what the President of the United States said?
If you are talking about what the POTUS said there is only one side of the issue. Sanity or cave monkey monkeyshine. These idiots are claiming the POTUS is encouraging people to loot even though they cant quote it anywhere. Its amazing he say "no violence" and they translate it to "kill whitey."

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