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We have no leadership and have had none for 6 years, just a narcissist and anarchist playing King of the Mountain.
It's really REALLY depressing. And sending a horrible scarey message to the rest of the world watching this..especially terrorists that have more than sticks and bats.
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Because of your obvious limited intellect you have missed the point of his brief speech in which he said words to the effect that
"some people might think the veredict is a mistake, which is understandable"

A President should not make such inflammable and subjective statement.

The President is telling the mob that he understands the reason for their anger ...and the consequent inevitable step is now happening....riots and anarchy!
Who told you that was inflammable and subjective? I didnt hear him saying anything about a a mob. He said he understood the protestors anger. Are you touched or do you always make stuff up like this?

Your interpretation of what is happening indicates that you are hopelesly bias and problably you are texting this on your I Phone in the middle of the mob in Ferguson!

With intellectually handicap fools like you around, no wonder there is such a mess in the US.
Its not my interpretation dummy. You seem to have flunked vocabulary. Please quote where the POTUS encouraged any violence.....Exactly you dim witted cave chimp.
Why don't you just STFU and go away, ya ignorant mother fucking dick head.
Why dont you make me you lice infested cave monkey? Can you quote where the POTUS encouraged violence or do I need my trusty decoder ring?
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Sharpton Obama Wants Ferguson Protesters to Stay on Course FrontPage Magazine
Didnt see anywhere in your link where he said to loot or engage in violence. Can you quote that?

What the fuck is STAY THE COURSE, you stupid monkey? They already showed what their COURSE was back in August! You knuckledraggers are dumber than the fucking subversives!
Stay the course means to keep protesting you cave chimp. Go shave yourself please. Maybe your fur is making your temperature rise.

would you like to comment on all the arson and looting and breaking the law?
Didnt see anywhere in your link where he said to loot or engage in violence. Can you quote that?

What the fuck is STAY THE COURSE, you stupid monkey? They already showed what their COURSE was back in August! You knuckledraggers are dumber than the fucking subversives!
Stay the course means to keep protesting you cave chimp. Go shave yourself please. Maybe your fur is making your temperature rise.

would you like to comment on all the arson and looting and breaking the law?
I already did. Buckshot in the ass of all looters and rioters should have been the order of the day.
-Automatic weapon gunfire at Chambers and Westdell Dr in STL

-Police have backed out of Chambers as a high powered rifle is being fired

-Police retreating from Grand and Arsenal

-STL PD Tweet:
CORRECTION: Dellwood City Hall not on fire. A car near the bldg was set on fire
Can't wait to hear the excuse why the N.G. wasn't sent in.

Damage will be in the BILLIONS.
Fear of what?
Whomever is holding them back is afraid. Maybe of being labeled. Or taking charge when our own president gave the go ahead to "stay the course". I don't know the reason why...but what else could it be except FEAR?
The level of retardation in your comment is off the scale. I cant believe they let you people out in public.
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Because of your obvious limited intellect you have missed the point of his brief speech in which he said words to the effect that
"some people might think the veredict is a mistake, which is understandable"

A President should not make such inflammable and subjective statement.

The President is telling the mob that he understands the reason for their anger ...and the consequent inevitable step is now happening....riots and anarchy!
Who told you that was inflammable and subjective? I didnt hear him saying anything about a a mob. He said he understood the protestors anger. Are you touched or do you always make stuff up like this?

Your interpretation of what is happening indicates that you are hopelesly bias and problably you are texting this on your I Phone in the middle of the mob in Ferguson!

With intellectually handicap fools like you around, no wonder there is such a mess in the US.
Its not my interpretation dummy. You seem to have flunked vocabulary. Please quote where the POTUS encouraged any violence.....Exactly you dim witted cave chimp.

I am not going to waste my valuable time trying to educate a complete and utter moron such as your good self.

Do your own research - if you are capable - then go back and continue enjoying yourself at the riots.....burn some more cars,loot some more shops and fire off some more shots.

Now, do us all a great favor and just piss off!
Again..why was the national guard called in if they were not to be used? A SHOW of force that means squat?
Because of your obvious limited intellect you have missed the point of his brief speech in which he said words to the effect that
"some people might think the veredict is a mistake, which is understandable"

A President should not make such inflammable and subjective statement.

The President is telling the mob that he understands the reason for their anger ...and the consequent inevitable step is now happening....riots and anarchy!
Who told you that was inflammable and subjective? I didnt hear him saying anything about a a mob. He said he understood the protestors anger. Are you touched or do you always make stuff up like this?

Your interpretation of what is happening indicates that you are hopelesly bias and problably you are texting this on your I Phone in the middle of the mob in Ferguson!

With intellectually handicap fools like you around, no wonder there is such a mess in the US.
Its not my interpretation dummy. You seem to have flunked vocabulary. Please quote where the POTUS encouraged any violence.....Exactly you dim witted cave chimp.
Why don't you just STFU and go away, ya ignorant mother fucking dick head.
Why dont you make me you lice infested cave monkey? Can you quote where the POTUS encouraged violence or do I need my trusty decoder ring?
Oh believe me you scab covered fucking puss factory, if I could I would.

Nappy headed coon.
Know what is REALLY scarey? If this is how rioters, looters, killers shooting at people and officers and fire department are treated by the national guard and under orders from a pussy govenor is handled...can you imagine what chaos would ensue if the enemy that are NOT americans ever landed on our soil? I used to think americans would all band together, regardless of race or beliefs or whatever...but not any more. THIS, friends and neighbors, is showing THE WORLD just how easy it would be to destroy us from the inside of the USA. We would turn on each other and those who are supposed to serve and protect would do NOTHING. Not one damn thing.

THAT is what is scarey.
Whoever is responsible for this apparent stand down, needs to be fired, and then some medieval remedy as well.

Didnt see anywhere in your link where he said to loot or engage in violence. Can you quote that?

What the fuck is STAY THE COURSE, you stupid monkey? They already showed what their COURSE was back in August! You knuckledraggers are dumber than the fucking subversives!
Stay the course means to keep protesting you cave chimp. Go shave yourself please. Maybe your fur is making your temperature rise.

would you like to comment on all the arson and looting and breaking the law?
I already did. Buckshot in the ass of all looters and rioters should have been the order of the day.

ok, I agree. Thanks for being reasonable. Many of these businesses are run by minorities I bet.
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Because of your obvious limited intellect you have missed the point of his brief speech in which he said words to the effect that
"some people might think the veredict is a mistake, which is understandable"

A President should not make such inflammable and subjective statement.

The President is telling the mob that he understands the reason for their anger ...and the consequent inevitable step is now happening....riots and anarchy!
Who told you that was inflammable and subjective? I didnt hear him saying anything about a a mob. He said he understood the protestors anger. Are you touched or do you always make stuff up like this?

Your interpretation of what is happening indicates that you are hopelesly bias and problably you are texting this on your I Phone in the middle of the mob in Ferguson!

With intellectually handicap fools like you around, no wonder there is such a mess in the US.
Its not my interpretation dummy. You seem to have flunked vocabulary. Please quote where the POTUS encouraged any violence.....Exactly you dim witted cave chimp.

I am not going to waste my valuable time trying to educate a complete and utter moron such as your good self.

Do your own research - if you are capable - then go back and continue enjoying yourself at the riots.....burn some more cars,loot some more shops and fire off some more shots.

Now, do us all a great favor and just piss off!
You are too dumb to educate anyone let alone me. I dont have to do research. I can read and I heard the comments first hand. i didnt get the secret code message you claimed. More cave monkey talk from a cave monkey stressed by the events of the day. I dont pee on people but I heard you would like that.
Didnt see anywhere in your link where he said to loot or engage in violence. Can you quote that?

What the fuck is STAY THE COURSE, you stupid monkey? They already showed what their COURSE was back in August! You knuckledraggers are dumber than the fucking subversives!
Stay the course means to keep protesting you cave chimp. Go shave yourself please. Maybe your fur is making your temperature rise.

would you like to comment on all the arson and looting and breaking the law?

Yes, scum like YOU Wog, are what gives black people a bad rap! They use any excuse to riot, and even if the officer was indicted, these sub human slime would have rioted. With the FIRST breaking of a window, that should have been the signal for the police to take all these protestors down, we see that THIS is exactly what you get when it starts with you low IQ'd simians, and you don't do anything about it! Anyone seen looting should be shot on the spot, it's one thing to legitimately protest, it's completely different when you riot and loot!

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