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So...the police do nothing. The fbi does nothing. Govenors do nothing. Just let them do what they want then? Burn burn burn. Shoot. Kill. Destroy. And nothing is done. Nothing.
So where is the Chief WOG to calm the situation down? Why isn't HE sending in reinforcements to stop the complete destruction of this town by OUT OF TOWN, PAID INVADERS? The fucking governor refuse to let the National Guard take action, OVERIDE the governor's orders and FEDERALIZE the N.G. to take care of the problem... orders are any CIVILIAN with a gun is to be arrested, any resistance, shoot him!

So...the police do nothing. The fbi does nothing. Govenors do nothing. Just let them do what they want then? Burn burn burn. Shoot. Kill. Destroy. And nothing is done. Nothing.
There's going to be HELL TO PAY... mark my words... HELL - TO - PAY!

This is madness.
This is awesome watching the monkey people go ape shit.

I told you
I understand you now, Tank. But I still have difficulty with condemning of the entire black race. However, the bad sure are outweighing the good right now.
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Because of your obvious limited intellect you have missed the point of his brief speech in which he said words to the effect that
"some people might think the veredict is a mistake, which is understandable"

A President should not make such inflammable and subjective statement.

The President is telling the mob that he understands the reason for their anger ...and the consequent inevitable step is now happening....riots and anarchy!
Who told you that was inflammable and subjective? I didnt hear him saying anything about a a mob. He said he understood the protestors anger. Are you touched or do you always make stuff up like this?

Your interpretation of what is happening indicates that you are bias and problably you are texting this on your I Phone in the middle of the mob in Ferguson!

With intellectually handicap fools like you around, no wonder there is such a mess in the US.
All those people that had jobs...have no jobs any more now that their livelihood has been burned down. The small business owners that put all they had into their stores..gone. So much destruction. And it all could have been stopped when it first began if the cops had the power to DO SOMETHING, but are being held back under orders I presume.
If I had a business there, I would be suing big time.
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Because of your obvious limited intellect you have missed the point of his brief speech in which he said words to the effect that
"some people might think the veredict is a mistake, which is understandable"

A President should not make such inflammable and subjective statement.

The President is telling the mob that he understands the reason for their anger ...and the consequent inevitable step is now happening....riots and anarchy!
Who told you that was inflammable and subjective? I didnt hear him saying anything about a a mob. He said he understood the protestors anger. Are you touched or do you always make stuff up like this?

Your interpretation of what is happening indicates that you are hopelesly bias and problably you are texting this on your I Phone in the middle of the mob in Ferguson!

With intellectually handicap fools like you around, no wonder there is such a mess in the US.
Its not my interpretation dummy. You seem to have flunked vocabulary. Please quote where the POTUS encouraged any violence.....Exactly you dim witted cave chimp.
Can't wait to hear the excuse why the N.G. wasn't sent in.

Damage will be in the BILLIONS.
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
You are a retarded moron. The POTUS specifically said no violence.

Because of your obvious limited intellect you have missed the point of his brief speech in which he said words to the effect that
"some people might think the veredict is a mistake, which is understandable"

A President should not make such inflammable and subjective statement.

The President is telling the mob that he understands the reason for their anger ...and the consequent inevitable step is now happening....riots and anarchy!
Who told you that was inflammable and subjective? I didnt hear him saying anything about a a mob. He said he understood the protestors anger. Are you touched or do you always make stuff up like this?

Your interpretation of what is happening indicates that you are hopelesly bias and problably you are texting this on your I Phone in the middle of the mob in Ferguson!

With intellectually handicap fools like you around, no wonder there is such a mess in the US.
Its not my interpretation dummy. You seem to have flunked vocabulary. Please quote where the POTUS encouraged any violence.....Exactly you dim witted cave chimp.
Why don't you just STFU and go away, ya ignorant mother fucking dick head.

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