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When I come here, it's like my computer slows down to the point I can't hardly get a word to type in, but when I leave here everything is good again.. Scratching me head now about what is going on with the site maybe?
Looks like all quiet tonight ?
Reported riots in Mexico city.
Is that what they call San Antonio now?


Oooh, that sounds like a racist remark........trying to compare San Antonio to Mexico mean by the number of Hispanics? Thought you were above that....:rolleyes:

This is how racists and bigots out themselves without even knowing it. And yes, this is how the Right does Latino outreach. And the Left thanks the Right for this. Please, Right, keep on doing what you are doing. Thank you.

How Marxist thugs bring people together...


Yes just look at what a legacy this President is going to have when he gets done, and I don't think he is finished yet. Let's check the score board where as there is the Fast and Furious situation, Benghazi, and then there is Racial incitement, and taking sides on the issues without letting the justice system work as it should first, then he can't get anything done except through Executive Orders, or how about the ACA in which is so bad that they call it Obama Care, Iraq in shambles, Russia re-arming for a new cold war, China testing us, trading high risk prisoners for one possible deserter who got others killed looking for him, no help for a decorated marine who made a wrong turn and went to a Mexican Prison for it, upping the dependency rates in the nation to unsustainable levels upon his watch, being insensitive about the deaths of Americans, siding with the Muslim Brotherhood against Egypt, and suggesting that the rogue president be re-instated there, instead of investigating what went wrong before injecting himself into their business, calling Fort Hood work place violence instead of a terrorist act, siding with radical Americans against the majority of Americans within our nation, and on and on it all goes. Feel free to add anything I may have missed.

Lets not forget the Iran reach out program...

Iran: ‘Americans Have Very Clearly Surrendered’

VIENNA—Top Iranian leaders have been celebrating a recently inked extension in nuclear negotiations with the West, with leading military figures and politicians saying that the deal is a sign that the “Americans have very clearly surrendered to Iran’s might,” according to regional reports.

As negotiations in Vienna break up so that leaders from all sides can return to their countries for further deliberations, the Iranians have already begun mocking the West and insisting that the country’s nuclear rights will soon be recognized.

With a seven-month extension in talks—originally scheduled to expire on Monday—set to start in early December, nuclear experts are predicting that Iran will continue its most controversial nuclear work and likely have enough enriched fuel for a bomb by June 2015.

The “Americans have very clearly surrendered to Iran’s might, and this is obvious in their behavior in the region and in the negotiations, and the enemies’ reservations vis-a-vis Iran are completely felt,” Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the Iranian Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), was quoted as saying late Monday following the announcement of an extension in talks
Sadly, this story has been nothing but a fraud and a complete waste of our time.

Our media hypes up stories in order to get you angry and emotional, because they need the ratings in order to get the money. It's a business. They do it for their bottom line.

I was reading this article, and I have a few thoughts to share on it. Michael Brown was the aggressor in this story. By no means was he a gentle giant. Anyone with eyes, common sense, and integrity can see how he stole those items and then pushed and intimidated that little store clerk. He was a big bully, who actually thought he had the right to treat people that way and not face any sort of consequences for his actions.

Later in his confrontation with the officer, we learn that this man tried fighting with the officer in order to get his gun. The physical evidence does not lie: the driver-side window was smashed, the driver-side mirror was bent inward, there was a bullet hole and blood in the car, and there was gunpowder residue within it. If he were to gain control of the officer's gun, do you not think he would have then shot him? A gentle giant does not physically abuse others. He does not attempt to hurt or kill people. This man was a danger to society and may have eventually managed to kill somebody along his path. Someone nipped him in the bud.

All the racebaiters and racists in this discussion put aside, let's be reasonable. A lot of the initial witnesses outright lied to everyone. Only after the developments did they change/recant their accounts. Dorian Johnson is responsible for causing much of this unrest, because he lied. He said Brown was shot while running away. The evidence refutes this. He said Brown had his hands up. Credible/fearful witnesses refute that. He said the officer dragged the 300lb man into his cop car through the window with one arm. Physics and credible witnesses refute that.

How many liars have poured gasoline on this fire?

Was the officer supposed to allow himself to die, or almost die? Why? Don't the lives of the police who keep our peace.... don't they matter, too? Was Wilson supposed to be another David Smith that you never heard about thanks to our media? In upstate New York last March, Police Officer David Smith responded to a disturbance call at an office, when suddenly, a disturbed man pummeled the officer as he was attempting to exit his vehicle and then grabbed his gun and shot him dead. The case didn’t become a national metaphor for anything. Our media wants money. That's why they jump on the biggest powder kegs they perceive, well before any of the actual evidence has been laid out. These false narratives tear our country, and out people, apart.

A lot of these people supporting Brown are ignorant. Some blinded. Some zealous. They swallowed up the lies and the exaggerations without keeping a cool head and a cynical mind, letting their paranoia and emotions run rampant instead of adhering to the values of critical-thinking and analysis. These people have been had yet again. Who was it that stoked the flames and the lies during the Martin/Zimmerman issue? Who was it? Do you see a pattern?

Our media is to blame for all of the lies, the emotions, and the destruction our nation has been suffering.
Sadly, this story has been nothing but a fraud and a complete waste of our time.

Our media hypes up stories in order to get you angry and emotional, because they need the ratings in order to get the money. It's a business. They do it for their bottom line.

I was reading this article, and I have a few thoughts to share on it. Michael Brown was the aggressor in this story. By no means was he a gentle giant. Anyone with eyes, common sense, and integrity can see how he stole those items and then pushed and intimidated that little store clerk. He was a big bully, who actually thought he had the right to treat people that way and not face any sort of consequences for his actions.

Later in his confrontation with the officer, we learn that this man tried fighting with the officer in order to get his gun. The physical evidence does not lie: the driver-side window was smashed, the driver-side mirror was bent inward, there was a bullet hole and blood in the car, and there was gunpowder residue within it. If he were to gain control of the officer's gun, do you not think he would have then shot him? A gentle giant does not physically abuse others. He does not attempt to hurt or kill people. This man was a danger to society and may have eventually managed to kill somebody along his path. Someone nipped him in the bud.

All the racebaiters and racists in this discussion put aside, let's be reasonable. A lot of the initial witnesses outright lied to everyone. Only after the developments did they change/recant their accounts. Dorian Johnson is responsible for causing much of this unrest, because he lied. He said Brown was shot while running away. The evidence refutes this. He said Brown had his hands up. Credible/fearful witnesses refute that. He said the officer dragged the 300lb man into his cop car through the window with one arm. Physics and credible witnesses refute that.

How many liars have poured gasoline on this fire?

Was the officer supposed to allow himself to die, or almost die? Why? Don't the lives of the police who keep our peace.... don't they matter, too? Was Wilson supposed to be another David Smith that you never heard about thanks to our media? In upstate New York last March, Police Officer David Smith responded to a disturbance call at an office, when suddenly, a disturbed man pummeled the officer as he was attempting to exit his vehicle and then grabbed his gun and shot him dead. The case didn’t become a national metaphor for anything. Our media wants money. That's why they jump on the biggest powder kegs they perceive, well before any of the actual evidence has been laid out. These false narratives tear our country, and out people, apart.

A lot of these people supporting Brown are ignorant. Some blinded. Some zealous. They swallowed up the lies and the exaggerations without keeping a cool head and a cynical mind, letting their paranoia and emotions run rampant instead of adhering to the values of critical-thinking and analysis. These people have been had yet again. Who was it that stoked the flames and the lies during the Martin/Zimmerman issue? Who was it? Do you see a pattern?

Our media is to blame for all of the lies, the emotions, and the destruction our nation has been suffering.
Yes, but the people have got to be smart enough to tell lies from the truth, and so does the average citizen. Most can, but over time a lot of people have been dumbed down enough to buy into just about anything, and worse the government has just about given the blacks what they think is a get out of jail or trouble free card, just because they are black. People are so fearful of this government today, and so fearful of their protections of these groups being based upon such narrow minded thinking, that it has become pathetic anymore.

How would you like to be riding around and thinking to yourself that you have a federal government get out of jail free card these days, and knowing that if you are smart enough, well you can work that gift to your advantage on or over just about anything or what anybody says otherwise in society ? That has got to be the wildest thing I have ever seen this day and age, where as in order to blanket protect a group, you have to include even the worst among that group, and why is this ? It's because you are doing this as based upon ones skin color, their gender or their sexuality when protecting them. HOW STUPID CAN THIS BE ? It is exactly why Martin Luther King said that he longed for a people that would judge a person not based upon their skin color in life, but judge them based upon their character instead, and this goes for everyone out there in my honest opinion. The reason he felt he needed to say that, is because of exactly what we are seeing today in these groups, where as you have the ones who are peaceful, but then you have the ones who are not, but the government until something like this (CRISIS) happens, well it can't figure out who is who as based upon their criteria in which they use, because it blankly protects one and/or a people as based upon their skin color, or ones sexuality or ones gender. They do this instead of judging ones character in life instead, and that is where it all keeps going wrong for them and this nation that is filled with diverse characters who are Americans first and all other second.

Now it could fix these things quickly if it went by ones character 100% of the time, but it won't do that because there are to many racist who have taken control of the government now, and it is just sad is what it all is, and I mean just sad for most of the Americans and their good character regardless of these things. The feds are actually doing what Martin Luther King in his speech didn't want it to do, and that is to judge a people based upon their skin color, and not upon their character. The Government is the biggest fail going now, and it has created all this mess we are seeing right now today, and that includes the idiotic media in which we have right now today.
Streets were pretty cleared out last night.

The police must have dispersed job applications instead of tear gas.


Police had job application launchers.

Army Guard had tents set up...forced paternity tests for statewide dna database.

Rioters stayed home.
I don't want to feed into this type of stuff, but here is a true story that my daughter was telling me about upon her adventures to the local Walt-Mart on this day (Thanksgiving Sell) before the Black Friday.sell.. She said that as she was standing in line to check out, there was a young black feller about three people back, and she couldn't help but over hear him make a statement that said this "hey look they got us at the back of the bus bro", and so what was this about ? Was this said because they were behind some white people in line as if the white people were positioned there on purpose by the store management or something ?... LOL... I guess they were trying to be funny or something, but in light of all that has transpired lately, I don't think anyone was amused by that kind of thing.

You can't make this stuff up can you ? It's really sad when the civil rights movement is being trashed by the new youth of today or by those who would use it for almost any kind of gain not related to the movement at all, where as they are using BC these days in order to start or keep something going all the time it seems, but it's not helping as Johnathan Gentry said in that You Tube Video, it's just not helping at all..
This is how racists and bigots out themselves without even knowing it. And yes, this is how the Right does Latino outreach. And the Left thanks the Right for this. Please, Right, keep on doing what you are doing. Thank you.

What was racist about the statement?
I always figured you for one of the smarter ones on the right....please don't play the dumb card.

Do you know what racism is?
I do. Any comment that is meant to demean people of different races whether joking or serious is racism. Any act that insinuates that people of a different race or not as good as your own race is racism. Any act of discrimination based on race or skin color is racism. Did you know that?

  1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

  2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Are you suggesting the student riots in Mexico City have anything to do with The Michael Brown case?
This thread is about the Michael Brown case and what has ensued in relation to please, don't add insult to injury by acting dumb.
The excuses need to stop, just like you said none of that exist today, so not a lot of sympathy is going to come from whites anymore who have moved on or have been born into a different era, and so the broad discrimination excuse brush has to be used now, because it is harder to prove that a person was not being discriminated against when they say that they were, and especially if they claim this when in fact there weren't, so the quick excuse broad discrimination brush works wonders in that regard for those who will use it in a heart beat these days.
What do you mean none of that exists today? Just read over the posts from the right, they are filled with racial slurs. If it occurs on a Forum, where all it amounts to is words, why would you think it doesn't exist in real life? Maybe you don't recognize racism, like so many on the right don't, and don't consider the slurs and nasty treatment as racism.

What a set up that is, and many people have got to be envious of such a set up, because it sure beats working like so many whites and blacks do in America, but sadly still can't get ahead because of it all.
You are of the mind set that only blacks are on welfare, and therein is the problem with your understanding.

I don't think that Whites are buying it anymore, and especially the whites who had nothing to do with any of it now, and weren't even born into it yet they have to carry the burden because the blacks are going to make them carry the burden, along with the guilt even if they are innocent in these things except for their having white skin in which convicts them.

When everyone starts treating others with the same respect they want to be treated, then the problems will decrease. Just like you are tired of what you consider a burden on you, I'm sure that blacks are just as tired of being treated like second-class citizens.
Insinuating that San Antonio is now called Mexico City? Why else? Of course I knew you would deny it.....gotta keep up the pretense.

Deny what ... Be above what ... What is it you are insinuating? Why else would I do what ... What is it you think I meant.?

I know what I said, what I meant and why I said it ... How about you explain yourself?
The least you could do is own up to what you say. Playing the dumb card doesn't become you, who tries to come off as someone above racism.

The only one keeping up pretense is you ... Attempting to have some idea what you are talking about ... Or that the bigoted ideas you have contain any relevance to the accusation you have made.

Grow Up!

You know exactly what you were trying to convey. Acting dumb and pretending that you were comparing San Antonio to Mexico City for some other reason just makes you look like a spineless person. At least, if you are going to be so bold as to make racist remarks, own them, unless you are that ignorant that you don't know what racism is.
Insinuating that San Antonio is now called Mexico City? Why else? Of course I knew you would deny it.....gotta keep up the pretense.

Deny what ... Be above what ... What is it you are insinuating? Why else would I do what ... What is it you think I meant.?

I know what I said, what I meant and why I said it ... How about you explain yourself?
The least you could do is own up to what you say. Playing the dumb card doesn't become you, who tries to come off as someone above racism.

The only one keeping up pretense is you ... Attempting to have some idea what you are talking about ... Or that the bigoted ideas you have contain any relevance to the accusation you have made.

Grow Up!

You know exactly what you were trying to convey. Acting dumb and pretending that you were comparing San Antonio to Mexico City for some other reason just makes you look like a spineless person. At least, if you are going to be so bold as to make racist remarks, own them, unless you are that ignorant that you don't know what racism is.

I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell the other lefties who whine about racism on this board.

Unless and until I see you in a Guno thread chastising Guno for calling people Christ crackers and such I don't give a god fuck about your opinion about what is and what is not racism..
The excuses need to stop, just like you said none of that exist today, so not a lot of sympathy is going to come from whites anymore who have moved on or have been born into a different era, and so the broad discrimination excuse brush has to be used now, because it is harder to prove that a person was not being discriminated against when they say that they were, and especially if they claim this when in fact there weren't, so the quick excuse broad discrimination brush works wonders in that regard for those who will use it in a heart beat these days.
1. What do you mean none of that exists today? Just read over the posts from the right, they are filled with racial slurs. If it occurs on a Forum, where all it amounts to is words, why would you think it doesn't exist in real life? Maybe you don't recognize racism, like so many on the right don't, and don't consider the slurs and nasty treatment as racism.

What a set up that is, and many people have got to be envious of such a set up, because it sure beats working like so many whites and blacks do in America, but sadly still can't get ahead because of it all.
2. You are of the mind set that only blacks are on welfare, and therein is the problem with your understanding.

I don't think that Whites are buying it anymore, and especially the whites who had nothing to do with any of it now, and weren't even born into it yet they have to carry the burden because the blacks are going to make them carry the burden, along with the guilt even if they are innocent in these things except for their having white skin in which convicts them.

3. When everyone starts treating others with the same respect they want to be treated, then the problems will decrease. Just like you are tired of what you consider a burden on you, I'm sure that blacks are just as tired of being treated like second-class citizens.

OK, I will try and converse with a racist now, and shockingly one who likes to give the definitions of racism to another when eat up with it herself, so I will answer the best I can to your replies.

1. Racism in the form of what it once was in the past does not exist today in that same from (you keep chasing ghost or creating ghost in your mind), where as what exist today is generally reactionary or knee jerk off of what someone else has said or started, but in real life where the races work and intermingle together, you don't have these problems at all. I consider the problem as being reactionary today in most cases or reverse racism in a lot of other cases.

2. You undoubtedly didn't catch where I said whites and blacks working in America, because it is costing all of us in extreme taxation when all is said and done. Where did you get that I was of the mindset that only blacks in America are on welfare? Are you trying to create a racist in order to battle with a racist ? It won't work... Policy changes are needed, and the right policies put in place. Most all people would agree, but of course not the ones (all races) who get the free stuff to the point of dependency, and why would they ?

3. Yes I agree but that respect is a two way street always, and it has no defining lines regarding race, so people need to get over it, and they need to make their way from where it is that they are at in their lives, but it always starts with the one in the mirror first.. Have you never read in the Bible where it says "kill them with kindness and you shall heap coals of fire upon their heads" ? How come it is that people don't trust in his word anymore, because doing it our way isn't working as is shown daily ? This goes for everyone in life who resist the good Lord's teachings in these things.
Insinuating that San Antonio is now called Mexico City? Why else? Of course I knew you would deny it.....gotta keep up the pretense.

Deny what ... Be above what ... What is it you are insinuating? Why else would I do what ... What is it you think I meant.?

I know what I said, what I meant and why I said it ... How about you explain yourself?
The least you could do is own up to what you say. Playing the dumb card doesn't become you, who tries to come off as someone above racism.

The only one keeping up pretense is you ... Attempting to have some idea what you are talking about ... Or that the bigoted ideas you have contain any relevance to the accusation you have made.

Grow Up!

You know exactly what you were trying to convey. Acting dumb and pretending that you were comparing San Antonio to Mexico City for some other reason just makes you look like a spineless person. At least, if you are going to be so bold as to make racist remarks, own them, unless you are that ignorant that you don't know what racism is.

Own up to what retard ... What was racist about the statement?
Do you know what racism is?
Are you suggesting the student riots in Mexico City are related to the Michael Brown case?
Or are you doubling down on your desire to avoid proving what isn't there?

You can continue to make the same accusations all you want ... But they are feckless and unsupported.

Take your witch-hunt elsewhere.

This is how racists and bigots out themselves without even knowing it. And yes, this is how the Right does Latino outreach. And the Left thanks the Right for this. Please, Right, keep on doing what you are doing. Thank you.

What was racist about the statement?
I always figured you for one of the smarter ones on the right....please don't play the dumb card.

Do you know what racism is?
I do. Any comment that is meant to demean people of different races whether joking or serious is racism. Any act that insinuates that people of a different race or not as good as your own race is racism. Any act of discrimination based on race or skin color is racism. Did you know that?

  1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

  2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Are you suggesting the student riots in Mexico City have anything to do with The Michael Brown case?
This thread is about the Michael Brown case and what has ensued in relation to please, don't add insult to injury by acting dumb.
Brava. Well argued.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Brava. Well argued.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The loyal puppy as bad as the master ... Neither one of you stated what was racist ... Or you don't know what racism is. To argue something you have actually provide more than accusations unfounded in reality.


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