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Brava. Well argued.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The loyal puppy as bad as the master ... Neither one of you stated what was racist ... Or you don't know what racism is. To argue something you have actually provide more than accusations unfounded in reality.

Actually, Mertex defined it quite exactly. Are you too stupid to read, or simply a cowardly racist? Never mind, you're not important enough to me for me to care. Carry on. Your ignorance is quite entertaining.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Actually, Mertex defined it quite exactly. Are you too stupid to read, or simply a cowardly racist? Never mind, you're not important enough to me for me to care. Carry on. Your ignorance is quite entertaining.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I read what she described ... But you have to make some kind of connection between what I said and how it applies to a form of racism or discrimination.

If I were to say a truck driving down the road is blue ... It doesn't mean I am discriminating against the truck or the color blue.

Actually, Mertex defined it quite exactly. Are you too stupid to read, or simply a cowardly racist? Never mind, you're not important enough to me for me to care. Carry on. Your ignorance is quite entertaining.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I read what she described ... But you have to make some kind of connection between what I said and how it applies to a form of racism or discrimination.

If I were to say a truck driving down the road is blue ... It doesn't mean I am discriminating against the truck or the color blue.


Ahh, but you accused her of not defining racism at all. So, which is it gonna be?
Actually, Mertex defined it quite exactly. Are you too stupid to read, or simply a cowardly racist? Never mind, you're not important enough to me for me to care. Carry on. Your ignorance is quite entertaining.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I read what she described ... But you have to make some kind of connection between what I said and how it applies to a form of racism or discrimination.

If I were to say a truck driving down the road is blue ... It doesn't mean I am discriminating against the truck or the color blue.


Ahh, but you accused her of not defining racism at all. So, which is it gonna be?

I didn't accuse her of anything regrading her knowledge of racism ... I asked her to identify the racism (or discrimination) in my statement and if she knew what racism is? The same things I asked you and you have haven't yet answered ... No need for you to hide behind her bigotry.

Now I did accuse her of being immature and going on a witch-hunt ... And if you are dead set on being her little toady, I certainly don't mind accusing you of the same behavior.

Last edited:
Actually, Mertex defined it quite exactly. Are you too stupid to read, or simply a cowardly racist? Never mind, you're not important enough to me for me to care. Carry on. Your ignorance is quite entertaining.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I read what she described ... But you have to make some kind of connection between what I said and how it applies to a form of racism or discrimination.

If I were to say a truck driving down the road is blue ... It doesn't mean I am discriminating against the truck or the color blue.


Ahh, but you accused her of not defining racism at all. So, which is it gonna be?

I didn't accuse her of anything regrading her knowledge of racism ... I asked her to identify the racism (or discrimination) in my statement and if she knew what racism is? The same things I asked you and you have haven't yet answered ... No need for you to hide behind her bigotry.

Now I did accuse her of being immature and going on a witch-hunt ... And if you are dead set on being her little toady, I certainly don't mind accusing you of the same behavior.


The very fact that you call me someone's toady says nothing about me, but alot about you.

As to racism, I have already answered. I said point blank that Mertex perfectly defined racism. This automatically implies or infers that that is also MY definition of racism. Pay attention, fer fux sakes. Smart people don't need to reinvent the wheel and I am not your fucking secretary.

Dear G-d, please send me just one single Conservative who can actually concentrate himself on something in a worthy way for more than 3 milliseconds. Thanks, G-d. -Stat


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The very fact that you call me someone's toady says nothing about me, but alot about you.

As to racism, I have already answered. I said point blank that Mertex perfectly defined racism. This automatically implies or infers that that is also MY definition of racism. Pay attention, fer fux sakes. Smart people don't need to reinvent the wheel and I am not your fucking secretary.

Dear G-d, please send me just one single Conservative who can actually concentrate himself on something in a worthy way for more than 3 milliseconds. Thanks, G-d. -Stat

I didn't ask you just to define racism ... I asked you to actually explain what in my statement is racist or discriminatory ... Which you still haven't done. Cuss ... Be ugly ... Cling to your bigoted ideas ... But you still have not supplied a bridge between her definition of racism and how it applies to my statement.

I am taking bets now on whether you are retarded enough to think failing to answer the question concerning how my statement exhibited racism or discrimination is sufficient response. It seems you have made the mistake of confusing your bigotry as mine.

Insinuating that San Antonio is now called Mexico City? Why else? Of course I knew you would deny it.....gotta keep up the pretense.

Deny what ... Be above what ... What is it you are insinuating? Why else would I do what ... What is it you think I meant.?

I know what I said, what I meant and why I said it ... How about you explain yourself?
The least you could do is own up to what you say. Playing the dumb card doesn't become you, who tries to come off as someone above racism.

The only one keeping up pretense is you ... Attempting to have some idea what you are talking about ... Or that the bigoted ideas you have contain any relevance to the accusation you have made.

Grow Up!

You know exactly what you were trying to convey. Acting dumb and pretending that you were comparing San Antonio to Mexico City for some other reason just makes you look like a spineless person. At least, if you are going to be so bold as to make racist remarks, own them, unless you are that ignorant that you don't know what racism is.

I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell the other lefties who whine about racism on this board.

Unless and until I see you in a Guno thread chastising Guno for calling people Christ crackers and such I don't give a god fuck about your opinion about what is and what is not racism..

Then don't whine about what blacks are doing in Ferguson, because I don't give a good fuck either, about your opinion of them.
The excuses need to stop, just like you said none of that exist today, so not a lot of sympathy is going to come from whites anymore who have moved on or have been born into a different era, and so the broad discrimination excuse brush has to be used now, because it is harder to prove that a person was not being discriminated against when they say that they were, and especially if they claim this when in fact there weren't, so the quick excuse broad discrimination brush works wonders in that regard for those who will use it in a heart beat these days.
1. What do you mean none of that exists today? Just read over the posts from the right, they are filled with racial slurs. If it occurs on a Forum, where all it amounts to is words, why would you think it doesn't exist in real life? Maybe you don't recognize racism, like so many on the right don't, and don't consider the slurs and nasty treatment as racism.

What a set up that is, and many people have got to be envious of such a set up, because it sure beats working like so many whites and blacks do in America, but sadly still can't get ahead because of it all.
2. You are of the mind set that only blacks are on welfare, and therein is the problem with your understanding.

I don't think that Whites are buying it anymore, and especially the whites who had nothing to do with any of it now, and weren't even born into it yet they have to carry the burden because the blacks are going to make them carry the burden, along with the guilt even if they are innocent in these things except for their having white skin in which convicts them.

3. When everyone starts treating others with the same respect they want to be treated, then the problems will decrease. Just like you are tired of what you consider a burden on you, I'm sure that blacks are just as tired of being treated like second-class citizens.

OK, I will try and converse with a racist now, and shockingly one who likes to give the definitions of racism to another when eat up with it herself, so I will answer the best I can to your replies.

1. Racism in the form of what it once was in the past does not exist today in that same from (you keep chasing ghost or creating ghost in your mind), where as what exist today is generally reactionary or knee jerk off of what someone else has said or started, but in real life where the races work and intermingle together, you don't have these problems at all. I consider the problem as being reactionary today in most cases or reverse racism in a lot of other cases.
True, that some of that exists, and it's also a problem. But, don't tell me that racism doesn't exist because I have witnessed it myself. Of course we don't have slaves, but there is the mentality that blacks are lazy, not as smart, etc, etc., by many and it's not true. Generalizing about any one race is never smart.

2. You undoubtedly didn't catch where I said whites and blacks working in America, because it is costing all of us in extreme taxation when all is said and done. Where did you get that I was of the mindset that only blacks in America are on welfare? Are you trying to create a racist in order to battle with a racist ? It won't work... Policy changes are needed, and the right policies put in place. Most all people would agree, but of course not the ones (all races) who get the free stuff to the point of dependency, and why would they ?
Yes, I guess I missed where you said whites and blacks, so the racial background of people is not what causes people to decide to try and milk the system. However, Welfare has undergone revisions so that no one is supposed to stay on longer than 5 years....unless they are truly incapacitated, so it could be that the system is not working the way it is supposed to, and that is a problem that needs to be fixed. But, I have seen many comments that insinuate that "all" blacks prefer to be on welfare, which is crazy, because I've never seen anyone get rich off welfare.

3. Yes I agree but that respect is a two way street always, and it has no defining lines regarding race, so people need to get over it, and they need to make their way from where it is that they are at in their lives, but it always starts with the one in the mirror first.. Have you never read in the Bible where it says "kill them with kindness and you shall heap coals of fire upon their heads" ? How come it is that people don't trust in his word anymore, because doing it our way isn't working as is shown daily ? This goes for everyone in life who resist the good Lord's teachings in these things.
Respect is a two way street, and as long as neither side wants to be the first to extend the olive leaf, and as long as there are those within each side that won't go along with the rest, we will continue to have these types of altercations. Martin Luther King jr did a lot to change things from the way they used to be and he wanted it to be done peacefully, so the people that were violently protesting in Ferguson were going against MLK's desires. And, they were not discriminating, either, I saw where a black woman's business was vandalized. Fortunately, kind people have come around to help her. I don't know what happened in Ferguson with the policeman and Michael Brown, but it needs to be investigated without bias to get to the bottom so if there was wrong doing it can be addressed and maybe changes need to be put in place.
Brava. Well argued.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The loyal puppy as bad as the master ... Neither one of you stated what was racist ... Or you don't know what racism is. To argue something you have actually provide more than accusations unfounded in reality.


Maybe you are that ignorant and don't realize how racist your comment was. Comparing a city made up of "Mexicans" to an American city could only mean that the American city is made up of if you insist that is not what you meant, and you don't want to own your racist comment, please do try and explain what exactly you meant by your stupid comment.
Maybe you are that ignorant and don't realize how racist your comment was. Comparing a city made up of "Mexicans" to an American city could only mean that the American city is made up of if you insist that is not what you meant, and you don't want to own your racist comment, please do try and explain what exactly you meant by your stupid comment.

Even if you did have your context correct (which you don't) ... The statement would still not demonstrate racism or discrimination.

The only ignorance displayed resides in your bigoted ideas related to racism and discrimination not present in the statement. Keep on repeating the same thing over and over and pretend it is an explanation as to what is racist or discriminatory about the statement.

It isn't racist or discriminating against Mexicans or San Antonio. I didn't apply a negative connotation to Mexicans or San Antonio. Now if you were to suggest Mexicans would somehow degrade one's opinion of San Antonio ... That would be your impression of Mexicans and not mine ... Bigot!

To say that dolphins swim in water ... Doesn't mean that everything that swims in water is a dolphin ... Nor does it mean there is anything wrong with dolphins or swimming in water.

Last edited:
Actually, Mertex defined it quite exactly. Are you too stupid to read, or simply a cowardly racist? Never mind, you're not important enough to me for me to care. Carry on. Your ignorance is quite entertaining.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I read what she described ... But you have to make some kind of connection between what I said and how it applies to a form of racism or discrimination.

If I were to say a truck driving down the road is blue ... It doesn't mean I am discriminating against the truck or the color blue.


Ahh, but you accused her of not defining racism at all. So, which is it gonna be?

I didn't accuse her of anything regrading her knowledge of racism ... I asked her to identify the racism (or discrimination) in my statement and if she knew what racism is? The same things I asked you and you have haven't yet answered ... No need for you to hide behind her bigotry.

Now I did accuse her of being immature and going on a witch-hunt ... And if you are dead set on being her little toady, I certainly don't mind accusing you of the same behavior.


The very fact that you call me someone's toady says nothing about me, but alot about you.

As to racism, I have already answered. I said point blank that Mertex perfectly defined racism. This automatically implies or infers that that is also MY definition of racism. Pay attention, fer fux sakes. Smart people don't need to reinvent the wheel and I am not your fucking secretary.

Dear G-d, please send me just one single Conservative who can actually concentrate himself on something in a worthy way for more than 3 milliseconds. Thanks, G-d. -Stat
Yes she perfectly defined it alright, and she fit the bill or definition of it perfectly..
The excuses need to stop, just like you said none of that exist today, so not a lot of sympathy is going to come from whites anymore who have moved on or have been born into a different era, and so the broad discrimination excuse brush has to be used now, because it is harder to prove that a person was not being discriminated against when they say that they were, and especially if they claim this when in fact there weren't, so the quick excuse broad discrimination brush works wonders in that regard for those who will use it in a heart beat these days.
1. What do you mean none of that exists today? Just read over the posts from the right, they are filled with racial slurs. If it occurs on a Forum, where all it amounts to is words, why would you think it doesn't exist in real life? Maybe you don't recognize racism, like so many on the right don't, and don't consider the slurs and nasty treatment as racism.

What a set up that is, and many people have got to be envious of such a set up, because it sure beats working like so many whites and blacks do in America, but sadly still can't get ahead because of it all.
2. You are of the mind set that only blacks are on welfare, and therein is the problem with your understanding.

I don't think that Whites are buying it anymore, and especially the whites who had nothing to do with any of it now, and weren't even born into it yet they have to carry the burden because the blacks are going to make them carry the burden, along with the guilt even if they are innocent in these things except for their having white skin in which convicts them.

3. When everyone starts treating others with the same respect they want to be treated, then the problems will decrease. Just like you are tired of what you consider a burden on you, I'm sure that blacks are just as tired of being treated like second-class citizens.

OK, I will try and converse with a racist now, and shockingly one who likes to give the definitions of racism to another when eat up with it herself, so I will answer the best I can to your replies.

1. Racism in the form of what it once was in the past does not exist today in that same from (you keep chasing ghost or creating ghost in your mind), where as what exist today is generally reactionary or knee jerk off of what someone else has said or started, but in real life where the races work and intermingle together, you don't have these problems at all. I consider the problem as being reactionary today in most cases or reverse racism in a lot of other cases.
True, that some of that exists, and it's also a problem. But, don't tell me that racism doesn't exist because I have witnessed it myself. Of course we don't have slaves, but there is the mentality that blacks are lazy, not as smart, etc, etc., by many and it's not true. Generalizing about any one race is never smart.

2. You undoubtedly didn't catch where I said whites and blacks working in America, because it is costing all of us in extreme taxation when all is said and done. Where did you get that I was of the mindset that only blacks in America are on welfare? Are you trying to create a racist in order to battle with a racist ? It won't work... Policy changes are needed, and the right policies put in place. Most all people would agree, but of course not the ones (all races) who get the free stuff to the point of dependency, and why would they ?
Yes, I guess I missed where you said whites and blacks, so the racial background of people is not what causes people to decide to try and milk the system. However, Welfare has undergone revisions so that no one is supposed to stay on longer than 5 years....unless they are truly incapacitated, so it could be that the system is not working the way it is supposed to, and that is a problem that needs to be fixed. But, I have seen many comments that insinuate that "all" blacks prefer to be on welfare, which is crazy, because I've never seen anyone get rich off welfare.

3. Yes I agree but that respect is a two way street always, and it has no defining lines regarding race, so people need to get over it, and they need to make their way from where it is that they are at in their lives, but it always starts with the one in the mirror first.. Have you never read in the Bible where it says "kill them with kindness and you shall heap coals of fire upon their heads" ? How come it is that people don't trust in his word anymore, because doing it our way isn't working as is shown daily ? This goes for everyone in life who resist the good Lord's teachings in these things.
Respect is a two way street, and as long as neither side wants to be the first to extend the olive leaf, and as long as there are those within each side that won't go along with the rest, we will continue to have these types of altercations. Martin Luther King jr did a lot to change things from the way they used to be and he wanted it to be done peacefully, so the people that were violently protesting in Ferguson were going against MLK's desires. And, they were not discriminating, either, I saw where a black woman's business was vandalized. Fortunately, kind people have come around to help her. I don't know what happened in Ferguson with the policeman and Michael Brown, but it needs to be investigated without bias to get to the bottom so if there was wrong doing it can be addressed and maybe changes need to be put in place.
Good post, as I see you are trying to fight the urge, and that is good.. We may can converse a little bit here after all...
Even if you did have your context correct (which you don't) ... The statement would still not demonstrate racism or discrimination.

The only ignorance displayed resides in your bigoted ideas related to racism and discrimination not present in the statement. Keep on repeating the same thing over and over and pretend it is an explanation as to what is racist or discriminatory about the statement.

It isn't racist or discriminating against Mexicans or San Antonio. I didn't apply a negative connotation to Mexicans or San Antonio. Now if you were to suggest Mexicans would somehow degrade one's opinion of San Antonio ... That would be your impression of Mexicans and not mine ... Bigot!

To say that dolphins swim in water ... Doesn't mean that everything that swims in water is a dolphin ... Nor does it mean there is anything wrong with dolphins or swimming in water.


Don't be silly or stupid. Or course it would and of course it does. I love it when racists try to turn themselves into pretzels in order to prove that their "logic" is somehow sound. This is really fun to watch.

But please, since you are a rightie and so sure that your statement is not racist or bigoted, and since I am sure your party wants to do grandios Latino outreach, I openly challenge you to make those statements in real life in front of real life Latinos - and then just see how they respond.

Unless of course you already instinctively know that it is totally racist/bigoted or are far to cowardly to admit it.
Actually, Mertex defined it quite exactly. Are you too stupid to read, or simply a cowardly racist? Never mind, you're not important enough to me for me to care. Carry on. Your ignorance is quite entertaining.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I read what she described ... But you have to make some kind of connection between what I said and how it applies to a form of racism or discrimination.

If I were to say a truck driving down the road is blue ... It doesn't mean I am discriminating against the truck or the color blue.


Ahh, but you accused her of not defining racism at all. So, which is it gonna be?

I didn't accuse her of anything regrading her knowledge of racism ... I asked her to identify the racism (or discrimination) in my statement and if she knew what racism is? The same things I asked you and you have haven't yet answered ... No need for you to hide behind her bigotry.

Now I did accuse her of being immature and going on a witch-hunt ... And if you are dead set on being her little toady, I certainly don't mind accusing you of the same behavior.


The very fact that you call me someone's toady says nothing about me, but alot about you.

As to racism, I have already answered. I said point blank that Mertex perfectly defined racism. This automatically implies or infers that that is also MY definition of racism. Pay attention, fer fux sakes. Smart people don't need to reinvent the wheel and I am not your fucking secretary.

Dear G-d, please send me just one single Conservative who can actually concentrate himself on something in a worthy way for more than 3 milliseconds. Thanks, G-d. -Stat
Yes she perfectly defined it alright, and she fit the bill or definition of it perfectly..

This is, of course, a lie.

Mertex does none of the things she defined, not even in the slightest.

Are you really that ignorant, or did your handlers tell you to say that?
The excuses need to stop, just like you said none of that exist today, so not a lot of sympathy is going to come from whites anymore who have moved on or have been born into a different era, and so the broad discrimination excuse brush has to be used now, because it is harder to prove that a person was not being discriminated against when they say that they were, and especially if they claim this when in fact there weren't, so the quick excuse broad discrimination brush works wonders in that regard for those who will use it in a heart beat these days.
1. What do you mean none of that exists today? Just read over the posts from the right, they are filled with racial slurs. If it occurs on a Forum, where all it amounts to is words, why would you think it doesn't exist in real life? Maybe you don't recognize racism, like so many on the right don't, and don't consider the slurs and nasty treatment as racism.

What a set up that is, and many people have got to be envious of such a set up, because it sure beats working like so many whites and blacks do in America, but sadly still can't get ahead because of it all.
2. You are of the mind set that only blacks are on welfare, and therein is the problem with your understanding.

I don't think that Whites are buying it anymore, and especially the whites who had nothing to do with any of it now, and weren't even born into it yet they have to carry the burden because the blacks are going to make them carry the burden, along with the guilt even if they are innocent in these things except for their having white skin in which convicts them.

3. When everyone starts treating others with the same respect they want to be treated, then the problems will decrease. Just like you are tired of what you consider a burden on you, I'm sure that blacks are just as tired of being treated like second-class citizens.

OK, I will try and converse with a racist now, and shockingly one who likes to give the definitions of racism to another when eat up with it herself, so I will answer the best I can to your replies.

1. Racism in the form of what it once was in the past does not exist today in that same from (you keep chasing ghost or creating ghost in your mind), where as what exist today is generally reactionary or knee jerk off of what someone else has said or started, but in real life where the races work and intermingle together, you don't have these problems at all. I consider the problem as being reactionary today in most cases or reverse racism in a lot of other cases.
True, that some of that exists, and it's also a problem. But, don't tell me that racism doesn't exist because I have witnessed it myself. Of course we don't have slaves, but there is the mentality that blacks are lazy, not as smart, etc, etc., by many and it's not true. Generalizing about any one race is never smart.

2. You undoubtedly didn't catch where I said whites and blacks working in America, because it is costing all of us in extreme taxation when all is said and done. Where did you get that I was of the mindset that only blacks in America are on welfare? Are you trying to create a racist in order to battle with a racist ? It won't work... Policy changes are needed, and the right policies put in place. Most all people would agree, but of course not the ones (all races) who get the free stuff to the point of dependency, and why would they ?
Yes, I guess I missed where you said whites and blacks, so the racial background of people is not what causes people to decide to try and milk the system. However, Welfare has undergone revisions so that no one is supposed to stay on longer than 5 years....unless they are truly incapacitated, so it could be that the system is not working the way it is supposed to, and that is a problem that needs to be fixed. But, I have seen many comments that insinuate that "all" blacks prefer to be on welfare, which is crazy, because I've never seen anyone get rich off welfare.

3. Yes I agree but that respect is a two way street always, and it has no defining lines regarding race, so people need to get over it, and they need to make their way from where it is that they are at in their lives, but it always starts with the one in the mirror first.. Have you never read in the Bible where it says "kill them with kindness and you shall heap coals of fire upon their heads" ? How come it is that people don't trust in his word anymore, because doing it our way isn't working as is shown daily ? This goes for everyone in life who resist the good Lord's teachings in these things.
Respect is a two way street, and as long as neither side wants to be the first to extend the olive leaf, and as long as there are those within each side that won't go along with the rest, we will continue to have these types of altercations. Martin Luther King jr did a lot to change things from the way they used to be and he wanted it to be done peacefully, so the people that were violently protesting in Ferguson were going against MLK's desires. And, they were not discriminating, either, I saw where a black woman's business was vandalized. Fortunately, kind people have come around to help her. I don't know what happened in Ferguson with the policeman and Michael Brown, but it needs to be investigated without bias to get to the bottom so if there was wrong doing it can be addressed and maybe changes need to be put in place.
Good post, as I see you are trying to fight the urge, and that is good.. We may can converse a little bit here after all...

Thank you for proving that you are a worthless troll. That is most helpful.

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