Breaking: five officers down in Florence County South Carolina.

Notice how the US homicide rate began declining after the Brady law went into effect:

The simple fact is that gun bans work in developed nations. They decrease homicide rates significantly. As long as tards deny that fact, they will lose the gun control argument every time. You can't deny reality and then claim you are right and everyone else is wrong.

What actually matters in this debate is whether or not we want to repeal the Second Amendment. Liberals deny that is their ultimate goal, but it is as plain as the nose on your face that is the ultimate goal. And that is why people like 2Aguy and the NRA are so intransigent against even the most common sense gun control measures. So everyone is pushed to the extremes in gun control debates.

"Give them an inch, they will take a mile."
The officer who was killed had recently got his 30 year pin -- he spent 30 years putting his life on the line and made the ultimate sacrifice.

The suspect in custody will certainly be referred to as "mentally ill" -- he is a Vietnam Vet, disbarred lawyer from what I have read -- and he was an avid marksman who often bragged about how good of a shot he is...definitely not an NRA member I am sure

As for those with fingers crossed hoping the suspect would be black? why? that officer would not be any less dead if the person who killed him was black or white -- so I suspect when people assume the suspect is black, it is for a deeper more sinister reason -- welp, better luck next time racists....
As for those with fingers crossed hoping the suspect would be black? why? that officer would not be any less dead if the person who killed him was black or white -- so I suspect when people assume the suspect is black, it is for a deeper more sinister reason -- welp, better luck next time racists....
So we still don't know anything except he's "male."
Dang,, Nice days ahead for more public safety in the coming days in SC.


So the shoot is a vet?
So who was the 20-year-old man in the home was wounded?
A Vietnam vet would not really want 20's son, unless a grandson.
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Dang,, Nice days ahead for more public safety in the coming days in SC.

View attachment 220262
Oh happy day! It was a ......

WHITE guy!

An angry white guy and a MILITARY VET!


Well, he earned it after understanding he was used in a useless war for 1% making money.
Like Dubya lies into fake wars will start going off in our near future, for all the oil land plundering for the 1% again,
where they got nothang in the end as well..LOL! Fighting for BS and on lies. FFS.
But still, sucking off gobmint dimes social welfare programs, taking checks before and after.
As for those with fingers crossed hoping the suspect would be black? why? that officer would not be any less dead if the person who killed him was black or white -- so I suspect when people assume the suspect is black, it is for a deeper more sinister reason -- welp, better luck next time racists....
So we still don't know anything except he's "male."
I like how you left out the rest of what I said....if you didn't, you would have known he is a 74 yr old white male, former Vietnam Vet, self proclaimed expert marksman -- none of which factors into why he did what he did..

But something tells me if all we knew is that he is a black male -- you would factor in quite a bit

"....Authorities say Hopkins sprayed gunfire at the law enforcement officers from two agencies, killing Carraway and wounding the six others, from a perch inside his home near Florence, South Carolina on October 3, 2018. He was taken into custody after a standoff, but not before seven officers lay wounded.

Fred Hopkins, who is also known as Frederick Hopkins, is 74-years-old. He was taken to the hospital because he fell at the scene and has not been able to speak with police. He is the husband of Cheryl Turner Hopkins. You can read about the life of Officer Carraway here. He was a former football coach and family man who worked in law enforcement for more than 30 years.

Authorities were trying to serve a search warrant for a 27-year-old person who was accused of sexually assaulting a foster child at the home when Fred Hopkins is accused of opening fire on them, according to WPDE-TV." - Source
The usual suspects here don`t even have the joy of screeching about BLM.
As for those with fingers crossed hoping the suspect would be black? why? that officer would not be any less dead if the person who killed him was black or white -- so I suspect when people assume the suspect is black, it is for a deeper more sinister reason -- welp, better luck next time racists....
So we still don't know anything except he's "male."
Could be transgender male! Let's hope so!

"....Authorities say Hopkins sprayed gunfire at the law enforcement officers from two agencies, killing Carraway and wounding the six others, from a perch inside his home near Florence, South Carolina on October 3, 2018. He was taken into custody after a standoff, but not before seven officers lay wounded.

Fred Hopkins, who is also known as Frederick Hopkins, is 74-years-old. He was taken to the hospital because he fell at the scene and has not been able to speak with police. He is the husband of Cheryl Turner Hopkins. You can read about the life of Officer Carraway here. He was a former football coach and family man who worked in law enforcement for more than 30 years.

Authorities were trying to serve a search warrant for a 27-year-old person who was accused of sexually assaulting a foster child at the home when Fred Hopkins is accused of opening fire on them, according to WPDE-TV." - Source
The usual suspects here don`t even have the joy of screeching about BLM.
He could be a transracial transgender male who used to be a black female. Let's hope so!

He's a cop killer, so obviously a Democrat. That goes without saying.
In the years before the act was commenced, Home Office statistics show that homicides involving firearms were 75 in 1993, the same in 1994, and 81 in 1995. Aside from spikes around the turn of the century, the subsequent years have all seen markedly lower gun-deaths recorded.


So the act does in fact seem to have made a difference. But a cursory look at the news will show that on any given day there are guns employed by the criminal fraternity in robberies, attacks and gang violence. They don’t all result in death, of course, but they are out there, and being used. So where are they coming from?

“A lot of guns come from countries in Eastern Europe,” says Squires. “They are coming in components, and one thing we do desperately lack is adequate scanning technology which can swiftly identify firearms components.” Guns can be purchased on the internet, especially the so-called “dark web”, which allows untraceable and non-standard communications technology, and have been increasingly brought into the country via legitimate parcel courier companies.

Firearms Act: Twenty years on, has it made a difference?

Yeah...wrong....actual gun murder numbers......they had guns in the 1970s they have guns now.......Their gun control laws do not have any effect on the British criminal and the willingness to murder victims or police....

Page 19 research paper homicide statistics House of Commons
27, May 1999







Homicide in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics

Pseudocon propagandists always stop their charts about the UK homicide rate long before the present day.

It is true the homicide rate went up for a few years after the ban. But today, the homicide rate in the UK is lower than before the ban. It has been steadily declining for well over a decade.


Yes...your graph stops at 1998.......that hides the fact that the current murder rate is the same as it was in the 1970s.... you know...before they banned guns, you lying ass....
It is precisely because of the rising homicide rate over the decades which led to the banning of handguns.


And now the homicide rate is steadily and rapidly returning to the lows of long ago since the handgun ban.

Wrong... gun know....crime where criminals use guns....was up 42% in London....up 23% across England and Wales... you are desperately clinging to the low murder number in order to hide the fact that British gun control is failing...since criminals in Britain have more guns and are using them for more crime....

Meanwhile, you can't hide the fact that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%... you can't explain that.... you can't explain how our gun crime rate, unlike Britain, went down 75% as more Americans own and carry guns....while in Britain their gun crime rate keeps going up....and over all, our violent crime rate went down 72% as more Americans own and carry guns, which is the exact opposite of what you guys said would happen if more Americans owned and carried guns.

Nothing you say about guns is even remotely true or accurate..... and you had better hope the violent young males in Britain keep using their guns without actually killing anyone...because they have more of them, and they are becoming more violent each year....
2aguy, the number of people murdered with guns in the other first world industrial nation is miniscule compared to the number murdered here in the states with guns. This particular fellow used a military style weapon with a large magazine, and effectively held off a lot of officers. Looks like good guys with guns are just as much at the mercy of a crazy with a war weapon as the rest of us. Time to make it a lot harder to own one of these weapons of war. But go ahead and make sure nothing is done for a decade or two, and the present people under 40 will make gun laws for this nation that will make you blanch. People like you are your own worst enemy.
There were obvious signs this fellow was not stable, so why was he allowed to continue to own this type of gun?
2aguy, the number of people murdered with guns in the other first world industrial nation is miniscule compared to the number murdered here in the states with guns. This particular fellow used a military style weapon with a large magazine, and effectively held off a lot of officers. Looks like good guys with guns are just as much at the mercy of a crazy with a war weapon as the rest of us. Time to make it a lot harder to own one of these weapons of war. But go ahead and make sure nothing is done for a decade or two, and the present people under 40 will make gun laws for this nation that will make you blanch. People like you are your own worst enemy.
There were obvious signs this fellow was not stable, so why was he allowed to continue to own this type of gun?

You don't know what you are talking about....... you hear it had a magazine and assume it was a select fire military weapon? Oh, no, you think it was possibly an AR-15? Do you realize the AR-15 was never a "weapon of war" and is no different from any other semi automatic rifle, pistol or shotgun?

You are a fool.....hey, let's give up this gun now in the hope they won't take all the other ones later....that doesn't work, they want all the guns....and you using their language...."Weapon of War" makes you look like an idiot....

Notice how they went from "we need to ban assault rifles" to, we need to ban "weapons of war?" Do you know why they did that....

Pump action shotgun.....current weapon of war.

6 Shot revolver......weapon of war.

Lever action rifle......weapon of war.

AR-15....never used in war.
2aguy, the number of people murdered with guns in the other first world industrial nation is miniscule compared to the number murdered here in the states with guns. This particular fellow used a military style weapon with a large magazine, and effectively held off a lot of officers. Looks like good guys with guns are just as much at the mercy of a crazy with a war weapon as the rest of us. Time to make it a lot harder to own one of these weapons of war. But go ahead and make sure nothing is done for a decade or two, and the present people under 40 will make gun laws for this nation that will make you blanch. People like you are your own worst enemy.
There were obvious signs this fellow was not stable, so why was he allowed to continue to own this type of gun?

He could have done the same thing with a are the reason we lose on the gun issue....the anti gun extremists look at you funny and you are ready to turn in whatever they want...
2aguy, the number of people murdered with guns in the other first world industrial nation is miniscule compared to the number murdered here in the states with guns. This particular fellow used a military style weapon with a large magazine, and effectively held off a lot of officers. Looks like good guys with guns are just as much at the mercy of a crazy with a war weapon as the rest of us. Time to make it a lot harder to own one of these weapons of war. But go ahead and make sure nothing is done for a decade or two, and the present people under 40 will make gun laws for this nation that will make you blanch. People like you are your own worst enemy.
There were obvious signs this fellow was not stable, so why was he allowed to continue to own this type of gun?

This is a weapon of war...Which is why the anti gun extremists are using "weapon of war" instead of "assault weapon." They want all the just want to give them up one category at a time.......


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