Breaking: five officers down in Florence County South Carolina.

Time to form armed possees to protect our police and first responders. America is at war.

And, as usual, they don't identify the suspect.
Or we could get decent gun control like other countries where law enforcement is rarely shot and their homicide rates are a fraction of ours.

Cops in other countries are rarely shot now because they have, in the past, respected their law, with the increase of violent, 3rd world males to their societies, their police are being attacked more and more and as this happens.....killing them isn't too far away.
You make up a lot of shit. Law enforcement is rarely shot where there is strong gun control. Simply a fact.

Wrong, law enforcement is rarely shot in countries that haven't destroyed their families with welfare states....Europe has reached the point where their welfare states are creating more and more young males who are sociopaths.....where teenage girls are raising young males without men to be role models...violence and murder is coming to Europe, and their people won't be able to stop it.
You are claiming Europe isn’t way ahead of us with welfare? You really this stupid?

Their countries were destroyed during the war, their male populations drastically reduced along with the culture shock.... They are now catching up.
Thanks gun culture. Only in America are law enforcement so regularly shot.

American gun culture...good people with guns, use those legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murder....this is according to research by the CDC......

And as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate has gone down 49%, our gun crime rate has gone down 75%, and our violent crime rate has gone down 72%...that is what American gun culture has helped achieve...

Meanwhile, in Britain where they banned guns...? Gun crime is going up, murder is going up, violent crime is going through the roof....
Crime went down after background checks.

And law enforcement is shot and killed weekly. This is rare where there is strong gun control.

Tell that to the Mexicans.....
Why? They don’t have strong gun control. Their governent and law enforcement are corrupt. Laws aren’t enforced.

Moron, shit head.....Mexico has extreme gun control...... they have one gun store in the entire country and it is controlled by the Mexican Military, you can't get a gun if you are a normal citizen.....and yet the drug cartels have all the military guns they want.

Nothing you say is true, factual or based in are a vile, disgusting human being.
Can’t have strong gun control if laws aren’t enforced. Law enforcement is corrupt. Heck the government just had to disarm a bunch of law enforcement. Drug cartels are the law.
Or we could get decent gun control like other countries where law enforcement is rarely shot and their homicide rates are a fraction of ours.

Cops in other countries are rarely shot now because they have, in the past, respected their law, with the increase of violent, 3rd world males to their societies, their police are being attacked more and more and as this happens.....killing them isn't too far away.
You make up a lot of shit. Law enforcement is rarely shot where there is strong gun control. Simply a fact.

Wrong, law enforcement is rarely shot in countries that haven't destroyed their families with welfare states....Europe has reached the point where their welfare states are creating more and more young males who are sociopaths.....where teenage girls are raising young males without men to be role models...violence and murder is coming to Europe, and their people won't be able to stop it.
You are claiming Europe isn’t way ahead of us with welfare? You really this stupid?

Their countries were destroyed during the war, their male populations drastically reduced along with the culture shock.... They are now catching up.
And you think they have less welfare than us? Really?
American gun culture...good people with guns, use those legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murder....this is according to research by the CDC......

And as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate has gone down 49%, our gun crime rate has gone down 75%, and our violent crime rate has gone down 72%...that is what American gun culture has helped achieve...

Meanwhile, in Britain where they banned guns...? Gun crime is going up, murder is going up, violent crime is going through the roof....
Crime went down after background checks.

And law enforcement is shot and killed weekly. This is rare where there is strong gun control.

Tell that to the Mexicans.....
Why? They don’t have strong gun control. Their governent and law enforcement are corrupt. Laws aren’t enforced.

Moron, shit head.....Mexico has extreme gun control...... they have one gun store in the entire country and it is controlled by the Mexican Military, you can't get a gun if you are a normal citizen.....and yet the drug cartels have all the military guns they want.

Nothing you say is true, factual or based in are a vile, disgusting human being.
Can’t have strong gun control if laws aren’t enforced. Law enforcement is corrupt. Heck the government just had to disarm a bunch of law enforcement. Drug cartels are the law.

Moron...Britain has strong gun control laws and actual law enforcement and it is a freaking island...and their gun crime rate is going up, not down, you moron. Are you really this stupid, or do you just enjoy pretending to be this stupid when you post?
Crime went down after background checks.

And law enforcement is shot and killed weekly. This is rare where there is strong gun control.

Tell that to the Mexicans.....
Why? They don’t have strong gun control. Their governent and law enforcement are corrupt. Laws aren’t enforced.

Moron, shit head.....Mexico has extreme gun control...... they have one gun store in the entire country and it is controlled by the Mexican Military, you can't get a gun if you are a normal citizen.....and yet the drug cartels have all the military guns they want.

Nothing you say is true, factual or based in are a vile, disgusting human being.
Can’t have strong gun control if laws aren’t enforced. Law enforcement is corrupt. Heck the government just had to disarm a bunch of law enforcement. Drug cartels are the law.

Moron...Britain has strong gun control laws and actual law enforcement and it is a freaking island...and their gun crime rate is going up, not down, you moron. Are you really this stupid, or do you just enjoy pretending to be this stupid when you post?
And their homicide rate is like 1/4 of ours and less than 10 law enforcement are shot and killed each year.
Dang One NRA Approved Gun Nutter holds off 5 cops shooting. I'm sure a semi-auto somethang was involved.
You ASSume a lot nut job.
They told us WHO the suspect is.

"The suspect is a male"

That is all -- except he was gunning for COPS.

Now, 3 guesses WHO targets COPS in this country.

The suspect is a male.

Does I need to spell it out for y'all?
DO TELL....who targets cops in this country. Let us know.
5 Shot before shooter taken into custody, SC cops say. Seems some were still on the job. To do so.

One dead, four other law enforcement officers shot before shooter taken into custody, SC cops say
Five South Carolina law enforcement officers have been shot, one fatally, and a suspect has been taken into custody according to officials.

Just before 5 p.m., Florence County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Chief Glenn Kirby said three sheriff’s deputies and two city of Florence police officers have been shot during an active shooting incident, WXTL reported.

Florence County Coroner Keith von Lutcken reported one of the officers died, according to WBTW, which reported another person other than the law enforcement officers was shot.

Kirby said a 20-year-old male inside the home was shot but is still alive, WBTW reported

One dead, four other law enforcement officers shot before shooter taken into custody, SC cops say

:dunno: Just another good day in America. I wonder if a Chicago police trial pissed off the shooter? Dang One NRA Approved Gun Nutter holds off 5 cops shooting. I'm sure a semi-auto somethang was involved. Now if the dude had say a 6 shot revolver and a single shot rifle, fewer neighbors would be in danger from the shooter shooting.
It seems to be an upper-class area where cops can't afford to live. My money on it a Whitey NRA Gun Nutter gunslinger.
Would you like to bet this man was a member of the NRA? Put your money where your mouth is. If it turns out hes a member of the NRA, ill never post with this account again. If he isnt in the NRA, YOU never post again. Deal?
He be black. 100% certain. When they only give the description they gave, its because they think they need to keep the black image clean.
Is he? Is he black?
But more civilians with guns, more cops getting killed. Since 2000, six U.K. cops have died from gunshots; in the U.S., 788. We have 11 times as many cops, but 130 times as many killed by guns. (The other two leading causes of police deaths are heart attacks and car accidents.)

Cops: Killing and Being Killed
Anyone who cares about law enforcement should want more gun control.
5 Shot before shooter taken into custody, SC cops say. Seems some were still on the job. To do so.

One dead, four other law enforcement officers shot before shooter taken into custody, SC cops say
Five South Carolina law enforcement officers have been shot, one fatally, and a suspect has been taken into custody according to officials.

Just before 5 p.m., Florence County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Chief Glenn Kirby said three sheriff’s deputies and two city of Florence police officers have been shot during an active shooting incident, WXTL reported.

Florence County Coroner Keith von Lutcken reported one of the officers died, according to WBTW, which reported another person other than the law enforcement officers was shot.

Kirby said a 20-year-old male inside the home was shot but is still alive, WBTW reported

One dead, four other law enforcement officers shot before shooter taken into custody, SC cops say

:dunno: Just another good day in America. I wonder if a Chicago police trial pissed off the shooter? Dang One NRA Approved Gun Nutter holds off 5 cops shooting. I'm sure a semi-auto somethang was involved. Now if the dude had say a 6 shot revolver and a single shot rifle, fewer neighbors would be in danger from the shooter shooting.
It seems to be an upper-class area where cops can't afford to live. My money on it a Whitey NRA Gun Nutter gunslinger.

You should wait for the actual story....

And on the other side.....Every year on average Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robbery and murder...that means lives saved....

Considering the last public shooter was a black, female, really are fucking stupid....
I blame George Soros and the jews.
White and black cops would live much longer if they approached white suspects in the same exact manner in which they approach minority suspects....come deep, with guns a blazing, ask questions after the shooting and then deny the facts.....98% of all cops die at the hands of good ol gun toting corn fed white men..and that is just FACT....and sadly most die during DOMESTIC CALLS IN WELL GROOMED WHITE NEIGHBORHOODS!!
5 Shot before shooter taken into custody, SC cops say. Seems some were still on the job. To do so.

One dead, four other law enforcement officers shot before shooter taken into custody, SC cops say
Five South Carolina law enforcement officers have been shot, one fatally, and a suspect has been taken into custody according to officials.

Just before 5 p.m., Florence County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Chief Glenn Kirby said three sheriff’s deputies and two city of Florence police officers have been shot during an active shooting incident, WXTL reported.

Florence County Coroner Keith von Lutcken reported one of the officers died, according to WBTW, which reported another person other than the law enforcement officers was shot.

Kirby said a 20-year-old male inside the home was shot but is still alive, WBTW reported

One dead, four other law enforcement officers shot before shooter taken into custody, SC cops say

:dunno: Just another good day in America. I wonder if a Chicago police trial pissed off the shooter? Dang One NRA Approved Gun Nutter holds off 5 cops shooting. I'm sure a semi-auto somethang was involved. Now if the dude had say a 6 shot revolver and a single shot rifle, fewer neighbors would be in danger from the shooter shooting.
It seems to be an upper-class area where cops can't afford to live. My money on it a Whitey NRA Gun Nutter gunslinger.

You should wait for the actual story....

And on the other side.....Every year on average Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robbery and murder...that means lives saved....

Considering the last public shooter was a black, female, really are fucking stupid....
I blame George Soros and the jews.
But of course you do....this man, like most is a white corn fed gun toting bible loving flag waving good ol boy.....he's not muslim, he's not black or hispanic...lets deflect this shit to politics and the Clintons or better still lets blame Obama and mental health!!

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