Breaking for GOP VOTERS- The bottom fifth pays 16 per cent in ALL taxes and fees, the

You almost gotta laugh. The best they can come up with is not taxes but freaking fees. We know that the "bottom 5th" doesn't pay any income tax and food stamps are exempt from taxes so what are the mysterious "fees" that they are forced to pay? Maybe state and local government can do something about the "fees' we all have to pay.

The bottom fifth pays much higher percentages of their income in sales taxes, payroll taxes, and property taxes. Yes, poor people pay property taxes, so long as they are paying rent. They may not make the tax payment themselves, but it is included as part of their rent. Their landlord does not pay the property taxes out of the goodness of his heart and not charge the tenant for those taxes. Just with those three taxes, the lower fifth of income earners pay close to 20% of their income in taxes.
Yet it is liberal lawmakers who keep jacking up those taxes.

So much for the narrative that they give a crap about the poor.

I can only laugh when people get a feeling of superiority by trashing poor people for being poor. Those damn poor people. All they do is steal from the rich. Unbelievable.
And the Weakest Straw Man Argument of the Month Award goes to......
Masters in History, fluent in 3 languages, 145 IQ, 1440 sats, hater dupe. What about your party's ridiculous know, the POINT...

How about you use all the uppity crap and quote the portion of your link that supports your claim.
You almost gotta laugh. The best they can come up with is not taxes but freaking fees. We know that the "bottom 5th" doesn't pay any income tax and food stamps are exempt from taxes so what are the mysterious "fees" that they are forced to pay? Maybe state and local government can do something about the "fees' we all have to pay.

The bottom fifth pays much higher percentages of their income in sales taxes, payroll taxes, and property taxes. Yes, poor people pay property taxes, so long as they are paying rent. They may not make the tax payment themselves, but it is included as part of their rent. Their landlord does not pay the property taxes out of the goodness of his heart and not charge the tenant for those taxes. Just with those three taxes, the lower fifth of income earners pay close to 20% of their income in taxes.

I can only laugh when people get a feeling of superiority by trashing poor people for being poor. Those damn poor people. All they do is steal from the rich. Unbelievable.

The landlord gets the property tax write off though no matter how many rentals he owns. Another way some people become wealthier while the poor get poorer.

I don't have a problem with that. Owning rental property is a business that comes with some risk.
Here is a highly radical idea for the government stop spending more than you bring in you know if you did that along with close the tax loopholes everyone claims they want to close it would probably ease that tax burden on the poor and middle class everyone claims to care about.
You almost gotta laugh. The best they can come up with is not taxes but freaking fees. We know that the "bottom 5th" doesn't pay any income tax and food stamps are exempt from taxes so what are the mysterious "fees" that they are forced to pay? Maybe state and local government can do something about the "fees' we all have to pay.

The bottom fifth pays much higher percentages of their income in sales taxes, payroll taxes, and property taxes. Yes, poor people pay property taxes, so long as they are paying rent. They may not make the tax payment themselves, but it is included as part of their rent. Their landlord does not pay the property taxes out of the goodness of his heart and not charge the tenant for those taxes. Just with those three taxes, the lower fifth of income earners pay close to 20% of their income in taxes.
Yet it is liberal lawmakers who keep jacking up those taxes.

So much for the narrative that they give a crap about the poor.

I can only laugh when people get a feeling of superiority by trashing poor people for being poor. Those damn poor people. All they do is steal from the rich. Unbelievable.
And the Weakest Straw Man Argument of the Month Award goes to......

I live in a state that is run by Republicans, for the most part, and my local community is very conservative. Despite being quite conservative, only one school levy has failed here, and it only lost by a very small margin as voters didn't turn out in big numbers. When they put it on the ballot again come the following election, it passed easily. So in this case it's Republicans and Conservatives raising taxes. Reminds me a of Reagan.
The bottom fifth pays much higher percentages of their income in sales taxes, payroll taxes, and property taxes. Yes, poor people pay property taxes, so long as they are paying rent. They may not make the tax payment themselves, but it is included as part of their rent. Their landlord does not pay the property taxes out of the goodness of his heart and not charge the tenant for those taxes. Just with those three taxes, the lower fifth of income earners pay close to 20% of their income in taxes.
Yet it is liberal lawmakers who keep jacking up those taxes.

So much for the narrative that they give a crap about the poor.

I can only laugh when people get a feeling of superiority by trashing poor people for being poor. Those damn poor people. All they do is steal from the rich. Unbelievable.
And the Weakest Straw Man Argument of the Month Award goes to......

I live in a state that is run by Republicans, for the most part, and my local community is very conservative. Despite being quite conservative, only one school levy has failed here, and it only lost by a very small margin as voters didn't turn out in big numbers. When they put it on the ballot again come the following election, it passed easily. So in this case it's Republicans and Conservatives raising taxes. Reminds me a of Reagan.
It is very often that the educrats turn out in greatly higher numbers in those local off-year elections.

It's now to the point that they are trying to give themselves paid days off from teaching class on voting days.

But you already knew that, didn't you?
The cost of energy is the sole indicator of low income and middle income expense. What does the Hussein administration intend to do about the cost of propane tanks and heating fuel that bankrupts independent middle class Americans and small businesses in the increasingly colder winters? It's all about global warming?

Cancel all contracts with energy producers, nationalize the industry and hire the highly paid executives and engineers at greatly reduced salaries to run the business. Oh, and those who own stock in energy producing businesses will be required to pay the tax on the value of the stock owned the day prior to nationalization.
Uncle Josef, is that you?

No, not me; I posted what the troll wanted to hear.
It's because poor people spend more of their income on beer, cigarettes, and lottery tickets than middle class people.
The idea is absurd. The most under-taxed segment of society is the bottom 40%. Those people get a free ride because there are more of them and they vote.

That is just shit you made up out of thin air.

Prove it, Bozo.

The burden of proof is on the person who makes the original claim, but any Bozo can see that the 40% is not "more" than the 60%!!!!!

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Yet it is liberal lawmakers who keep jacking up those taxes.

So much for the narrative that they give a crap about the poor.

And the Weakest Straw Man Argument of the Month Award goes to......

I live in a state that is run by Republicans, for the most part, and my local community is very conservative. Despite being quite conservative, only one school levy has failed here, and it only lost by a very small margin as voters didn't turn out in big numbers. When they put it on the ballot again come the following election, it passed easily. So in this case it's Republicans and Conservatives raising taxes. Reminds me a of Reagan.
It is very often that the educrats turn out in greatly higher numbers in those local off-year elections.

It's now to the point that they are trying to give themselves paid days off from teaching class on voting days.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

Not here. Sorry, you lose again.
You almost gotta laugh. The best they can come up with is not taxes but freaking fees. We know that the "bottom 5th" doesn't pay any income tax and food stamps are exempt from taxes so what are the mysterious "fees" that they are forced to pay? Maybe state and local government can do something about the "fees' we all have to pay.

The bottom fifth pays much higher percentages of their income in sales taxes, payroll taxes, and property taxes. Yes, poor people pay property taxes, so long as they are paying rent. They may not make the tax payment themselves, but it is included as part of their rent. Their landlord does not pay the property taxes out of the goodness of his heart and not charge the tenant for those taxes. Just with those three taxes, the lower fifth of income earners pay close to 20% of their income in taxes.

I can only laugh when people get a feeling of superiority by trashing poor people for being poor. Those damn poor people. All they do is steal from the rich. Unbelievable.

It kinda depends on where they get their income in the first place doesn't it? Whether they actually earned it or not.

There are hard working and prideful poor people that fully earn and deserve respect...In reality, they deserve more respect than most people.
You almost gotta laugh. The best they can come up with is not taxes but freaking fees. We know that the "bottom 5th" doesn't pay any income tax and food stamps are exempt from taxes so what are the mysterious "fees" that they are forced to pay? Maybe state and local government can do something about the "fees' we all have to pay.

The bottom fifth pays much higher percentages of their income in sales taxes, payroll taxes, and property taxes. Yes, poor people pay property taxes, so long as they are paying rent. They may not make the tax payment themselves, but it is included as part of their rent. Their landlord does not pay the property taxes out of the goodness of his heart and not charge the tenant for those taxes. Just with those three taxes, the lower fifth of income earners pay close to 20% of their income in taxes.

I can only laugh when people get a feeling of superiority by trashing poor people for being poor. Those damn poor people. All they do is steal from the rich. Unbelievable.

I dont care about a proportion of their income. The poor spend a bigger proportion of their income on beer and cigarettes and lottery tickets. I dont think that needs to be subsidized.
We are talking about a percentage of money paid period. And the high income earners are shouldering a very disproportionate share.
What taxes do really poor people pay? Sales tax on food? Nope, food stamps are non taxable. Rent? Nope, they get Section 8 vouchers. Cell phones? Nope, free Obamaphones. Prescription drugs? Nope, Medicare pays for that.
So the only taxable consumables are McDonald's, cigs, and alcohol.
So a couple who make 20k per year pay $3200 in whom????

No one. Once their deductions kick in they pay almost nothing. The ACA fines take care of the rest.

Pay nothing? No, they get money back from tax credits. Lower income earners get back more in income tax refunds than they pay in.

Wait just a fucking minute rabbit. I thought you all claimed that poor people paid no taxes.
WTF are you saying now? That they do pay income taxes? Well duh stupid rabbit.

Then I like the part about the EIC. Who gave the poor that write off? Was it the "poor person" lobbyist?

Or did the Dems extract it (the EIC) as a payback for the Rethugs giving more tax breaks to the ultra wealthy?

Go ahead rabbit, give it your best deflection. Or non sense bull shit. Which ever comes first to your pea brain.

rabbit, what is "stump broke?"
No one. Once their deductions kick in they pay almost nothing. The ACA fines take care of the rest.

Pay nothing? No, they get money back from tax credits. Lower income earners get back more in income tax refunds than they pay in.

Wait just a fucking minute rabbit. I thought you all claimed that poor people paid no taxes.
WTF are you saying now? That they do pay income taxes? Well duh stupid rabbit.

Then I like the part about the EIC. Who gave the poor that write off? Was it the "poor person" lobbyist?

Or did the Dems extract it (the EIC) as a payback for the Rethugs giving more tax breaks to the ultra wealthy?

Go ahead rabbit, give it your best deflection. Or non sense bull shit. Which ever comes first to your pea brain.

rabbit, what is "stump broke?"

Oh look, it's Zeke, toothless stumpbroke of USMB demonstrating his reading skills again.
Hey, Zeke, when you pay money in and get more back than you paid you really haven't paid taxes, have you? Of course since you've never filed a 1040 in your life you wouldn't know about it.
Pay nothing? No, they get money back from tax credits. Lower income earners get back more in income tax refunds than they pay in.

Wait just a fucking minute rabbit. I thought you all claimed that poor people paid no taxes.
WTF are you saying now? That they do pay income taxes? Well duh stupid rabbit.

Then I like the part about the EIC. Who gave the poor that write off? Was it the "poor person" lobbyist?

Or did the Dems extract it (the EIC) as a payback for the Rethugs giving more tax breaks to the ultra wealthy?

Go ahead rabbit, give it your best deflection. Or non sense bull shit. Which ever comes first to your pea brain.

rabbit, what is "stump broke?"

Oh look, it's Zeke, toothless stumpbroke of USMB demonstrating his reading skills again.
Hey, Zeke, when you pay money in and get more back than you paid you really haven't paid taxes, have you? Of course since you've never filed a 1040 in your life you wouldn't know about it.

Silly fucking rabbit. If a low wage earner has Federal Income taxes with held from their paycheck, they are paying taxes. Each and every pay period.

If at the time they are required to file their income tax form and they get a refund, they still paid taxes, they just got them back at tax filing time.

Don't you ever file a tax return? Are you so fucking stupid that IF you file a return, that you don't take advantage of the write offs and deductions?

No rabbit, I got a feeling that your income is so little that you take the standard deduction and hope for a refund. You might even qualify for the EIC.

That about sum it up rabbit?

What is stump broke? You keep saying it but don't seem able to define what it is.
Typical of a rabbit.
dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

I read the article and if I were grading a High School Freshman on it, I would give him a D-

What a load of shit the whole thing is.

Moreover, low-income households as a group do, in fact, pay federal taxes. Congressional Budget Office data show that the poorest fifth of households paid an average of 4.0 percent (Edge: :eek::eek: !!!!) of their incomes in federal taxes

The author, and the idiot who cited it, don't even know what a 'quintile' is. Or if he does, knows his readership is too stupid to understand it.

Lunacy written for the benefit of lunatics... And idiots. IOW, dimocraps.....

With 145 IQ's :lmao:

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