Breaking: Fox News Bows To Trump; Roger Ailes Just Called Him To Assure He Will Be Treated Fair

"Roger Ailes Just Called Him To Assure He Will Be Treated Fair"
Stockholm Syndrome.
Trump is in an ideal position to be a spoiler for HRC.

I don't like it one bit. It's plain to see our ship of State is careening directly toward the HRC ice berg, and NO BODY seems to care enough to steer around it !!
LOL! They have kissed and made up, how touching.

I love how Trump refers to himself in the third person.
Well, well well! How about that! The emails and tweets have them worried. Their golden egg is now king. He's going to be treated fairly and will be on the Fox & Friends show Tuesday. What an about face, Ailes!

Trump, the great dealer should have said he wanted an apology. And Trump is being a nice guy about it. So be it. There had to be more than that to the conversation.

So, have the party bosses spoken about including him in the next Fox debate?

I really think Trump should have told Ailes to go to hell. Get you numbers without me.
Trump demanded the moderator must wear these

Not unless she wipes the Murdoch jizz off of her face first.

No, I think he just wanted them to wear this:

I think the station has to apologize to the viewers for manipulating the debate so badly.

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