Breaking: FOX News Hires Olbermann


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, January 22, 2011, 10:21 PM

Clean up on aisle 15.

from with comments.
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Made a Comeback
"Whoever didn't flush the third stall in the 4th floor men's room is the WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!"
In this photo shop you can still see the real guys badge.

I hope that is not going to cause this guy any problems
In this photo shop you can still see the real guys badge. I hope that is not going to cause this guy any problems
Still butthurt cause Keef lost his job eh? :lol: No need to feel sorry for him, he has plenty of money. And a big sports memorabilia collection I hear.
I didnt even say anthing about Keith.

Whoever did this may just have caused this poor guy some real trouble.

He had his picture taken and now his badge is all over the internets.

Does he matter as a person to you?
Yeah right belittle the little people. Lets hear you whine about a dirty bathroom if they were not around.

Ya' got me, Stephanie.

I was all ready to give kudos to FOX for finally trying to balance out their programming with another POV, too.
I haven't watched much of Hannity since Colmes left. Hannity and Olbermann would be a hoot together, plus they could toss that football back and forth.:lol:

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