BREAKING: Georgia State Lawmaker Moves to Impeach DA Fani Willis for Political Bias in Indictments Against President Trump

Great move by Senator Colton Moore. Fani Willis, the daughter of a Black Panther, has been completely unethical from the beginning going after Trump. She even campaigned on having Trump arrested. She has/is abusing her office politically. It's time to put a stop to her bias once and for all.

It probably won't go anywhere, but all indications she has abused her power in office and from all appearances is part of a larger coordinated effort to destroy Trump. As nearly as I can tell she is one of the George Soros backed D.A.s.

Her blatant partisanship is pretty well summed up in the judge's admonishment to her last year for holding a fund raiser for a Democrat Georgia Senate candidate. (Also that she wants to start the trial the Monday before Super Tuesday.)
Actually it isnt.

Trump is welcome to try to convince the Judge these are ginned up felonies
Doubt if he will get very far

How far did he get with the irrefutable evidence of innocence he was going to release on Monday?
They arrested him for paying an invoice seven years ago to his attorney for negotiating an NDA
Donald Trump……My Felonies are getting in the way of my campaign.

You will have to adjust to my schedule
Trump is welcome to try to convince the Judge these are ginned up felonies
Doubt if he will get very far

How far did he get with the irrefutable evidence of innocence he was going to release on Monday?
Yup, that hasn't went well. Probably as well as his call to the former president of Mexico asking for money to build his wall.
Great move by Senator Colton Moore. Fani Willis, the daughter of a Black Panther, has been completely unethical from the beginning going after Trump. She even campaigned on having Trump arrested. She has/is abusing her office politically. It's time to put a stop to her bias once and for all.

This is not about trump being innocent, this is about trying to obstruct justice...

The case looks very strong and GOP is about letting rich influential men avoid being accountable for their crimes..

Well, if we look to the Cyber Ninjas that good poster BackAgain cheerled for in the Arizona brouhaha, (along with colleagues Lenny Partiv and EMH.....which some wag termed them Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod)......well, the Cyber Ninja-thingy in Arizona wrung out MORE votes for Biden than originally counted. Meaning he increased his lead over Don Trump.
So, with Cyber Ninjas as our sherpa here (and remember their CEO, Doug Logan, was active in the Coffee County GA breach that Willis's office investigated and laid out indictments for).....well, with Cyber Ninjas, it is reasonable to expect that of all those ballots that poster Back Again frets over, well, a whole big bunch of those invalid/illegal/improper ballots......would have been FOR Don Trump. And maybe some of 'em for Joe Biden. ????
Seems reasonable that there is a good chance that if BackAgain got his CyberNinjas to audit those ballots......Biden would again increase his lead. In Georgia.

Verbose but mostly incomprehensible gibberish from Chilliconfuzed. Not exactly a surprise.
Lol I love how we are supposed to be surprised you think an exception should be made for Willis on this. Gee how convenient
I said generally, you sub cretin. Obviously, when a persecutor goes political, rather than adhering to the actual law, he or she does need to get reined in. Your lack of any hint of onbjectivity prevents you from admitting that. :itsok:
I said generally, you sub cretin. Obviously, when a persecutor goes political, rather than adhering to the actual law, he or she does need to get reined in. Your lack of any hint of onbjectivity prevents you from admitting that. :itsok:
How exactly does a prosecutor argue a case in a court of law, before judge and jury without adhering to the law?

Wtf are you talking about?
Bullshit, if she is so biased then surely her case will be a loser and she could be fired once thats clear.

But no, it is imperative for Republicans to remove her now, after indictment and you are going to tell me that it's not a politicaly motivated move? Give me a break.

You always seem to find special pleading excuses to dump your principles for Dear Leader.
Prosecutors don’t get fired, you retard.

It would indeed be much healthier for our system of scumbag persecutors got removed from office any time they pull this kind of shit.

You’d admit that of the show was on the other foot. But you’re a devoted dishonest scumbag Uber partisan hack. So, you won’t.
All indictments are alleged

Has no bearing on him being given preferential treatment
He chose to run for elective office while under indictment. Sorry if it interferes with his busy schedule
Imagine if every defendant says to the judge “I’m running for office. I shouldn’t have to juggle that with these pesky charges.”
How exactly does a prosecutor argue a case in a court of law, before judge and jury without adhering to the law?

Wtf are you talking about?
The persecutor drafts the indictment AFTER providing legal instructions to the grand jury as to what constitutes the charges under consideration. If the persecutor says that a square peg legally fits in the round hole, you cannot blame the grand jury for any ensuing indictment.

I’m sorry that you don’t know a fucking thing about how any part of the law works. But when you are as resistant to learning as you always are, it remains your own fault that you’re an ignorant twat.

Put it this way. Smith once had one of his biggest case convictions overturned by a unanimous SCOTUS for exactly that reason. It looks like he’s up to his old tricks.
Let her lose her supposedly bias case in a court of law, show her unprofessionalism, and then go ahead and deservingly fire her.

Thats how proper governing works, instead of political removal of prosecutors who dared to bring a case against Dear Leader.
The absolutely biased case is very likely to go to trial. So fear not, you utterly biased hack. The purpose and objective of these prosecutorial exercises is to prevent Trump from running or campaigning.

Therefore, to simply shrug it off now is to guarantee that you and your fellow hacks get what you really want. It’s called election interference.

You could be more transparent, I suppose. But you’d have to be made of glass.

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