BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

I don't wanna hear no cryin' 'bout some "Oh! Inhumane to the Palestinians!" after this shit.

Fuck off with that. I hope Israel wipes 90% of them out. White phosphorous them all.

Muslim shitlord animals. You know, I've had some friends that were Muslim.

That's a dicey game there. My friends, I really liked them, idk how far you can trust them though.

Actually I think I coulda trusted my boys. But damn, this here is all fucked up.

Fox news interviewed someone with the IDF. He said we normally are known as the most moral fighting force. We call ahead to let the enemy know we will blow up a building so they can get everyone out, we don't hit hospitals, etc. He said the gloves are off, now. EVERYTHING is fair game.
:safetocomeoutff:and they call it the 'holy land'.....~S~
None of us want that though. But Israel can defeat Hamas, even with the massive support Hamas gets from other countries, with just some tactical weaponry support from the West. I hope and pray they get it.
They can wipe Hamas out completely if they want to.
I just watched half a dozen huge Israeli buildings turned into powder. :(
Sure they weren't in Gaza?
I just watched half a dozen huge Israeli buildings turned into powder. :(
This graphic report from the New York Post includes their disclaimer that they have not yet been able to verify all of it, but are posting it has illustration of what is going on. They indicate those photos etc. they haven't yet verified:

Yep. They just don't have the manufacturing capacity to make all the parts and components they need or to produce as many as they will need fast.

We sell them equipment they then turn around and modify for their own needs, for the most part. Even the F-35's they get are then modified by themselves; we leave empty spaces and customize certain parts on the plane for them to add their own components, and we also train many of their pilots and crews.
No you thanked the Guy who said Israel did not make Tanks or Fighter Jets , that was dumb to say the least
The right response is to show me where I'm wrong like Foxfyre did instead of behaving like a petty little man. I'm not above admitting the few times I'm wrong, but you want to be petty
We sell them equipment they then turn around and modify for their own needs, for the most part. Even the F-35's they get are then modified by themselves; we leave empty spaces and customize certain parts on the plane for them to add their own components, and we also train many of their pilots and crews.
And have helped them build Top Tier Tanks for 25 years
The right response is to show me where I'm wrong like Foxfyre did instead of behaving like a petty little man. I'm not above admitting the few times I'm wrong, but you want to be petty
you knee jerk thanked a guy deriding Israel , ( Thus emboldening their shit here )
Because they're way too busy spying on Americans and Democrat political opponents to be. :D

In 2001, the FBI was more worried about Napster copyright violations and people sharing music

than Islamic terrorist chatter swelling on the internet.

I can tell you right how they organized that thing, too, and The FBI never monitored them or did a damn thing.
Man, you just cannot resist proving your naivete! You think this war originated in 2001? You think the entire FBI was working on Napster copyright violations?

Why do you post shit that makes you appear like a complete idiot?
This graphic report from the New York Post includes their disclaimer that they have not yet been able to verify all of it, but are posting it has illustration of what is going on. They indicate those photos etc. they haven't yet verified:

The woman you see restrained in the SUV is the body in the back of the truck. She was an IDF soldier.

edit: Turns out the body was a festival goer. What a waste of a life. :(
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