BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Tell me all about those Hamas fighter jets, bombers, and tanks.
He's talking about if somehow it turns out to become a coordinated attack using Iran as their main command center and allie. Like I said, the teaching of a smaller nation to fend off a huge nation by giving it weapons, technology, Intel, and other study materials, has since become a huge eye opener for places like Iran that has been involved with Russia in the conflict in Ukraine.

Otherwise the genie is out of the bottle now. Thanks Biden supporters... NOT !!!
To add more to the fire, Iran will have a nuke in a couple of weeks, so another Obama-Biden disaster will get a lot worse, and there is also the Israeli deal with Germany, no doubt making Russia a player in promoting attacks on Israel with its ally Iran. Those of you with memories instead of Party instructions will note Kerry's deals that handed over advanced missile technology to the Iranians along with cash, making sure they toss their nukes a lot further.
I am female---I have hormonally mediated INSTINCTS and am a registered
democrat. I did not vote for Kerry or his doppelganger hellcat. The hormones
Yeah that was a bizarre reaction. You'd think he'd just enjoy his "victory." Some people just can't be happy

But as I posted, it looks like Israel dabbled in manufacturing but gave it up in favor of buying from the USA (under political pressure)
To some extent. Israel is such a tiny country, about the size of New Jersey which is our 4th smallest state, and is limited in population, fewer than 10 million people--slightly larger than New York City--so it has to maximize its resources any way it can. What it does manufacture in the way of tanks and aircraft is very impressive, but it is not totally self sustaining and does require imports of materials, parts, components.
To some extent. Israel is such a tiny country, about the size of New Jersey which is our 4th smallest state, and is limited in population, fewer than 10 million people--slightly larger than New York City--so it has to maximize its resources any way it can. What it does manufacture in the way of tanks and aircraft is very impressive, but it is not totally self sustaining and does require imports of materials, parts, components.
It's amazing what Israel is capable of with a population of, I think, about 9 million (only 7 million Jews). God is with them
It's what happens when you keep people in a state of desperation indefinitely.

Your fault, their fault, nobody's fault. This is the consequences. And the irony is, the over emotional women posing as men commenting on this board right now. Sound just like the Palestinians they are berating.

I can't tell the difference anymore.
They sound like the leftists that need to find some way to disqualify Trump from running.

Twisting any law in the book, and making mountains out of mole hills.

Now they are coming right out, saying anyone that believes TRUMP, or MAGA, needs to be put on a terrorist watch list, or needs deprogramming. :rolleyes:

That? Is the EXACT same thinking, as the belief that every Palestinian in Israel needs to be killed because they might be HAMAS.


It is emotionally driven thinking and it is, quite frankly, Disgusting.
To some extent. Israel is such a tiny country, about the size of New Jersey which is our 4th smallest state, and is limited in population, fewer than 10 million people--slightly larger than New York City--so it has to maximize its resources any way it can. What it does manufacture in the way of tanks and aircraft is very impressive, but it is not totally self sustaining and does require imports of materials, parts, components.
An anecdote----long ago I attended the deathbed of an elderly Armenian
woman----she had lived a life tormented by the memories of the ~~ 1915
AMENEAN GENOCIDE----it was---to get down to basics----an islamic attack
on christians. -----approx. 1.5 million Armenians were slaughtered----by
fairly simple measures---DOOR TO DOOR---with the weapons being clubs
and knives. Reports coming out of the Southern most parts of Israel----DOOR
TO DOOR. It's chilling
An anecdote----long ago I attended the deathbed of an elderly Armenian
woman----she had lived a life tormented by the memories of the ~~ 1915
AMENEAN GENOCIDE----it was---to get down to basics----an islamic attack
on christians. -----approx. 1.5 million Armenians were slaughtered----by
fairly simple measures---DOOR TO DOOR---with the weapons being clubs
and knives. Reports coming out of the Southern most parts of Israel----DOOR
TO DOOR. It's chilling
A terrible story and yes, the stories coming out of Israel and the scenes were are seeing in Gaza are horrifying. Anybody who thinks Israel is not justified in using its full military capability to stop and punish Hamas is simply not credible.
A terrible story and yes, the stories coming out of Israel and the scenes were are seeing in Gaza are horrifying. Anybody who thinks Israel is not justified in using its full military capability to stop and punish Hamas is simply not credible.
And Israel is fighting an enemy that does not value human life. Hamas will use Gazan hostages as human shields, too.

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