BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Believe me if the countries who hate Israel and want to take them out think Hamas can do that, Hamas will get a whole lot more of what it needs.

How you say?

This article pretty well describes how Hamas is being supplied:
That's an excellent read and I was just wondering where they got drones and explosives.

Now I know.
They're using drones. Where would they get stuff like that?

You a little late to the party maybe ? Technology has advanced in a tragic reckless way in the world, because profits and revenues to arms dealerships are more important than lives. The fact that Iran has proven itself to be an advanced arms dealer, and an advanced weapons maker now shouldn't surprise anyone. The Israeli's all have a common enemy, and that is anyone in the middle east that hates them. Iran is probably at the top of the list of haters.
LOL. Of course not. Those cucks will issue an apology to Hamas.
Some sources I've read say that as much Hamas support comes from Germany as comes from Iran. Hopefully this fiasco we're witnessing will wake up some Germans who are usually more astute than that.
To some extent. Israel is such a tiny country, about the size of New Jersey which is our 4th smallest state, and is limited in population, fewer than 10 million people--slightly larger than New York City--so it has to maximize its resources any way it can. What it does manufacture in the way of tanks and aircraft is very impressive, but it is not totally self sustaining and does require imports of materials, parts, components.
The problem being shown in Ukraine, is that many platforms are being quickly rendered outdated, and they have since become sitting ducks against the new drone, missile , and the modern day technology threat overall.
Good night, all. I'll be praying for a cease fire and an end to the killing of civilians.
I'm sorry to hear Biden gave away all that money to enemies who would start leveling Jewish buildings in Israel.
Chip Roy, a U.S. representative for Texas' 21st congressional district is on the news is calling the money to Iran is a direct funding of this attack. I'm very sorry this was done from the Executive Branch. It's not clear to me if they went through the Congress for funding.
Seems they targeted a lot of females for abduction…

Their pagan god from their pedophile prophet commands them to rape women.

That's probably exactly what they will do to those poor women. 🤬

That should accelerate the operation to occupy the Gaza strip, and enact a super strict Marshall law with a strict curfew on the residents there. They want to act like rabid animals, then they should be treated like rabid animals when they violate the laws born of the occupation.

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