BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

"This is not from the Palestinian invasion of Isreal, this is footage from the video game Arma 3"
Wow, that looked real, but even if not, the technology will soon be in these people's hands if it already isn't.
So you concede that Israel does need that international support? Which was my point in the first place? That neither of us who understand that are being defeatist?
Of course

That really should go without saying
To some extent. Israel is such a tiny country, about the size of New Jersey which is our 4th smallest state, and is limited in population, fewer than 10 million people--slightly larger than New York City--so it has to maximize its resources any way it can. What it does manufacture in the way of tanks and aircraft is very impressive, but it is not totally self sustaining and does require imports of materials, parts, components.

It's amazing what Israel is capable of with a population of, I think, about 9 million (only 7 million Jews). God is with them

It's more amazing at just how incompetent Arabs are; they are essentially still just 7th Century bandit gangs, no matter the technology handed to them by others.
They're shutting off water and electricity to Gaza. Nothing's getting into Gaza or out

No doubt our leftists will decry this nazi like inhumanity

"The first stage is coming to a close at this time with the destruction of the majority of enemy forces that have infiltrated into our territory," he said, adding that "we have started the offensive formation and which will continue without reservation and without respite until the goals are achieved. We will restore security to the citizens of Israel and prevail."

Among the decisions the security cabinet agreed upon were to halt the supply of electricity and fuel to the Gaza Strip, and the transfer of goods.
Every single Dem voted to oust the Speaker, now you are crying we don’t have one?
So its the Dems fault you moved to vacate your own speaker/ LOL. That the story youre sticking with?

You’re the one crying about not having a Speaker to funnel more money to Israel, not me.

Got it. You don't care about Israel. And now your thread has been exposed as the bullshit that it is.

My heart just bleeds that we have no speaker, and can't pass any spending bills that helps Israel.
Got it. You don't care about Israel. And now your thread has been exposed as the bullshit that it is.

My heart just bleeds that we have no speaker, and can't pass any spending bills that helps Israel.

I don’t have anything against Israel. Personally I hope they wipe out the Muslim dogs.

But why would that require our Congress? We’ve already given them tens of billions in aid.
I actually saw one in the videos with his pants dragging off of his ace. Now I wonder where they got that trend from ?

Or vice versa. Jordan's was the only army capable of any semblance of real military discipline in the last couple of wars they took part in that I'm aware of. They are also the only Arab country that could honor its treaty agreements as well, at least so far more or less. Not even sure they are Arab; the King imported a tribe or two from the Caucasus regions to populate the state, iirc, 'Circassians' or something.
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