BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

My heart just bleeds that we have no speaker, and can't pass any spending bills that helps Israel.
Funny, weren‘t all of you gloating and celebrating that McCarthy was removed earlier this week?

Now you’re sad. LOL. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
My heart just bleeds that we have no speaker, and can't pass any spending bills that helps Israel.
LOL, this you?

Wonder if this is true…

Now why does my mind start going back to Obama being pro-Muslim because of his father, and then Biden being a descendant of Obama, and then the Democrat's having this obsession with Ukraine in which is making me wonder about the bigger picture in it all ???? Can the dots be connected one wonders ??

Hamas Invades Israel in a Surprise Attack, Netanyahu Vows Revenge | Vantage with Palki Sharma​

I keep hearing about the "failure of Israeli intelligence".

Okay, I get the pide factor, as far as Isarelis are concerned.

But, everyone else? How should the Mossad have succeeded? Door to door in Gaza? More intrusion into Gaza and the West Bank? These sneaky characters have one strategic mission along the way, and it is to elude Israeli intelligence. If the Mossad and IDF, were to know all at all times, it would require much more than a blockade.

The solution for this alleged failure will be for Israel to tighten the vice. Again.
In a land divided, the two stand,
An eternal enmity, like shifting sand.
Palestinians and Jews, a feud of old,
A tale of hatred, never to be told.

Through generations, the grudge remains,
Fueling the fire, each heart in chains.
Their blood runs deep, with bitter disdain,
An eternal enmity, forever in their veins.

From dawn to dusk, the battles persist,
A clash of wills, clenched fists and clenched fists.
No peace in sight, no truce to be found,
An eternal enmity, forever bound.

But let us ponder, in this timeless strife,
What purpose lies in this endless life?
For in the end, when all is said and done,
Will the two have truly won?

Perhaps it's time to break the chains,
To find forgiveness, release the pains.
For in unity, lies the path to heal,
To end the eternal enmity, and truly feel.

So let us hope, that one fateful day,
The two will find a way.
To bridge the gap, to mend the divide,
And cast aside the enmity, side by side...
You’ve lost your own thread.

This must be pretty embarrassing for you.

But you’re a registered conservative, so you must be used to it by now.
So I “lose” when I point out you admitted Gaetz would need Dems to oust the Speaker when you claimed it was all just him.


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