BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

It's all they have been known to do for decades, i remember 1982 when Israel invaded Lebanon, they shelled residential areas of West Beirut from land sea and air for three months killing up to 20 thousand people, it was only after the the then Russian Government told the US to stop the slaughter or they would, that is when Hezbollah was established to fight Israeli occupation.
From reports i have seen they were fired on Shebaa farms Golan, that is occupied Lebanon.
Looking for more reports on the incident in Egypt, is still unclear what happened there.
Israel has one of the most sophisticated intelligence networks on earth - as does its biggest ally, the US.
How does this happen?
Israeli armour is mobilizing. Lots of home remodeling to take place in Islamic terrorist'istan.

Israeli armour is mobilizing. Lots of home remodeling to take place in Islamic terrorist'istan.

Yup. The barbarians haven’t seen anything yet.

Interesting how the Squad members are NOW calling for a cease fire. From their end, it gives a go-ahead for the Islamic savages to launch a massive attack, murdering hundreds of Jews, and as Israel mobilizes to respond, the antisemitic Squad members wants them to stop.
Th barbarians are parading the naked, battered bodies of murdered Jewish women through the streets! And these are the monsters the antisemitic, anti-Israel liberals are defending as “poor, oppressed victims.”

Liberals ALWAYS defend the wrong people.

That’s because you’re a conservative who doesn’t go on auto-pilot to defend scumbags and mock successful people, as liberals do.

It's increasingly clear that on the global and personal level, this is a spiritual problem. Frankly, it's demonic not to see the difference between purposely targeting women and children, and warning women and children to flee before the bombing starts.

I repeat: demonic.
It's increasingly clear that on the global and personal level, this is a spiritual problem. Frankly, it's demonic not to see the difference between purposely targeting women and children, and warning women and children to flee before the bombing starts.

I repeat: demonic.
Yes. The whole thing is too horrific for words. It was just reported on the news that police found a 4-year-old and an 8-year-old hiding under a bed, where they had been for hours, with the blood streaming out of their dead parents who lay before them.
Yes. The whole thing is too horrific for words. It was just reported on the news that police found a 4-year-old and an 8-year-old hiding under a bed, where they had been for hours, with the blood streaming out of their dead parents who lay before them.

Beyond words for this horror
Th barbarians are parading the naked, battered bodies of murdered Jewish women through the streets! And these are the monsters the antisemitic, anti-Israel liberals are defending as “poor, oppressed victims.”

Liberals ALWAYS defend the wrong people.

Well we have seen thousands of such videos from Syria, but people like you are quite ok with that, this kind of thing is wrong no matter who does it.
It’s time for Israel to release fully fury against HAMAS, blow them to kingdom come, and then deport all Palestinians who are squatting in the land Israel won when Arabs attacked.
Squatting on land where they have lived for centuries you idiot, it's settlers from London, New York, and other Countries who are squatting, it's been on the news one IDF bastard was killed in the fighting, the SOB was from London.
Biden is plediging support for Israel

I was wondering how long it would take your fake, loser ass to turn this into anti Biden propaganda.

You lose again rightard.
I'm surprised it took this long.

We had a bulb burn out in the hallway a week ago. I think theHawk started a thread blaming Biden for it.

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