BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

For whatever reason, when the enemies armies have devolved to abducting the most vulnerable, you deflect to "yeah well they torture men too".

That's your instinct. That's on you.
Maybe because you’ve bizarrely went out of your way to explicitly exclude men as victims in every single post here.

That’s weird, and you’ve been called out in it.

Women being tortured and killed is a tragedy. Men being tortured and killed is a

None this has anything to do with chivalry. People are being dragged from their homes and killed and you keep repeating over and
over that it’s “worse” when its women.

That’s fucking weird
Maybe because you’ve bizarrely went out of your way to explicitly exclude men as victims in every single post here.

That’s weird, and you’ve been called out in it.

Women being tortured and killed is a tragedy. Men being tortured and killed is a

None this has anything to do with chivalry. People are being dragged from their homes and killed and you keep repeating over and
over that it’s “worse” when its women.

That’s fucking weird
Okay, now Sue.
Oh, we know. You already said it. Something like "save yourself, princess". The sneaky mindset of the guy pumping hand sanitizer in the hallway during Uvalde. Make no mistake about that.
I’d die for any member of my family or friends.

And probably for a stranger who was being raped or tortured or killed

I’d hope you would too

But you really think me being a man obligates me to die for you anymore than the other way around?

I’d hope you’d fight to protect others too, and not just play the “I’m just a woman” card
I'd rather just be killed than raped and killed or raped and live, really. I have seen the way it breaks people.
I'll choose to live. Until the moment comes that a thing is worth dying for. A person who considers me disposable, isn't one of those things...
I’d die for any member of my family or friends.

And probably for a stranger who was being raped or tortured or killed

I’d hope you would too

But you really think me being a man obligates me to die for you anymore than the other way around?

I’d hope you’d fight to protect others too, and not just play the “I’m just a woman” card

Yes, I would. And yes, I would fight. But I am biologically a LOT more vulnerable, and children...I can't even go there. It's not about who is more worthy. It's about who is more vulnerable. It's about enemy armies taking, on purpose, the most vulnerable and violating THEM, on purpose. Not whose life has more value.
I'll choose to live. Until the moment comes that a thing is worth dying for. A person who considers me disposable, isn't one of those things...
I can understand that perspective.

To me, not having to live with being raped, is worth dying for.

I have stopped 2 rapes before. One I made sure the girl got the hell out of there, and the other I used diplomacy.

If it came down to it, I think I'd rather die than watch a girl get raped without trying to stop it.

Have to give it a shot at least, ya never know, you might just win..would not want to live with myself without doing all I

could to stop it.

Them muslim shitlords sure are rapey.
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I'll choose to live. Until the moment comes that a thing is worth dying for. A person who considers me disposable, isn't one of those things...

For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. --Philippians 3:18-19

Preserving your life to lose it anyway.

You cannot see the difference between a 200 lb man, his 120 lb wife, and his 50 lb daughter being abducted?

No? Yes?

We have lost our ever-loving minds. Lost them.
I never said one word about children. That was you. Obviously, children are, and need to be, protected by adults.

By lumping women with children, you’re infantilizing your own sex.

You are not a child. You are a grown woman.

Women are police officers. Women are soldiers. Women are adults.
I never said one word about children. That was you. Obviously, children are, and need to be, protected by adults.

By lumping women with children, you’re infantilizing your own sex.

You are not a child. You are a grown woman.

Yeah? With the same biological capacity to protect myself against grown men?
Yeah? With the same biological capacity to protect myself against grown men?
By that logic, the murder of a skinny man is a greater tragedy than the murder of a muscular man.

An adult is an adult.

Again, I’m sure many of the Israeli men taken hostage DID die trying to protect their family. So did many women, for that matter.

But this acting like one is more of a victim than the other is just weird.

Should the news do separate tallies of men vs women casualties so we know “how bad” this tragedy is?
By that logic, the murder of a skinny man is a greater tragedy than the murder of a muscular man.

An adult is an adult.

Again, I’m sure many of the Israeli men taken hostage DID die trying to protect their family. So did many women, I’m sure.

But this acting like one is more of a victim than the other is just weird.

Should the news do separate tallies of men vs women casualties so we know “how bad” this tragedy is?

It's not about whose life is more valuable. It's about enemy armies, on purpose, and consistently, going after the most vulnerable.

You don't get that. And you can't see that not getting that is any problem whatsoever.

As I said, there's no arguing with this. It's a fundamental failing of society.
Yeah? With the same biological capacity to protect myself against grown men?
No, but lemme tell ya, one time my 1st ex got on this girl in a bar, and it took 3 big dudes to pull her off.

She was like a Tazmanian Devil raining blows. I couldn't get to her for the crowd.

It wasn't like those vids with blacks pounding on people, oh no.

Goin "ba-domp ba-domp", naw, It was a whirlwind of punching and kicking. A literal storm unleashed.

She was all of about 5'2" and 130 lbs. Same thing with a miniature lab my aunt had.

This guy walked by with a couple chows, that dog was only 40 lbs and he damn near killed 'em both.

It all comes down to sometimes it isn't the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of fight in the dog.
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