BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

The difference between them is that Islam actually contains language that targets Jews.
One difference, true.

The Bible contains its fair share of text condemning infidels, though. But Christianity underwent a reformation that missed Islam. And that was brought about by superior, secular ideas.
False. We were founded as a secular nation. And this is for another thread.
The entire premise for the founding of our nation is that we are endowed with unalienable rights from our Creator, and to assume the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle us.

Those words are in our Declaration of Independence. A ”secular” nation would not reference God in its own declaration for independence and statehood.

So that would end your thread, full stop.
One difference, true.

The Bible contains its fair share of text condemning infidels, though. But Christianity underwent a reformation that missed Islam. And that was brought about by superior, secular ideas.
Christianity did not “miss Islam”. Mohammed is condemned to hell as are all of his followers, per the Bible. Christianity condemns evil-doers, especially those that reject Jesus.
The entire premise for the founding of our nation is that we are endowed with unalienable rights from our Creator,
Which was their way of putting all of religion aside on the same shelf and appeasing religious nutters. The result is the same without the fake creator idea wedged in there.

We were founded on secular government and classical liberalism, which states the same as the above without any need to invoke magical sky daddies.

Last one, see you in another thread.
Puppwet biden smuggles religious weapons across borders (genuflector-immigrants) while Hamas smuggles its religious violence that the puppwet gifted them. Shocking.
Puppwet biden smuggles religious weapons across borders (genuflector-immigrants) while Hamas smuggles its religious violence that the puppwet gifted them. Shocking.
Even the nutballs that really want to agree with you are having a hard time making heads or tails of that gibberish.
Puppwet biden smuggles religious weapons across borders (genuflector-immigrants) while Hamas smuggles its religious violence that the puppwet gifted them. Shocking.

Here in the United States, I have less patience than usual (which is often none) for inane right-wing rhetoric about the attacks. No, there were no humanitarian funds released to Iran that might have put money in the mullahs’ pockets to be spent on Hamas. No, the Biden administration did not invite any of this. Republicans used to denounce the urge to “blame America first” for monstrous evil perpetrated by others. No more.
Hamas paraded around a naked German tourist they raped and murdered that was attending a music festival.

If you support HAMAS, you support this.

Fuck Hamas and fuck anyone who supports terrorism and rape and murder of innocents.

You people are fucked in the head.
If you are all wet and hard that Hamas raped, tortured and murdered innocents in Israel, you should consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

It is an act of cowardice, not valor. Hamas are a bunch of little boy fucking cowards.

Even the nutballs that really want to agree with you are having a hard time making heads or tails of that gibberish.
I tend to agree with you to a greater extent, as I am not a fundamentalist Christian.

When comparing the religion of Christianity to the ideology of Islam, I compare apples to apples. All a person needs to do is read the red letters in a red letter edition of the bible and those of the Warlord as expressed in the Q'ran and especially the Hadiths.

The two messages are entirely different.
I tend to agree with you to a greater extent, as I am not a fundamentalist Christian.

When comparing the religion of Christianity to the ideology of Islam, I compare apples to apples. All a person needs to do is read the red letters in a red letter edition of the bible and those of the Warlord as expressed in the Q'ran and especially the Hadiths.

The two messages are entirely different.
Clearly the Christian message is superior, in that it has a message of redemption included.

You don't have to pursue jihad or let a pile of myths control every aspect of your life, to get the carrot hanging on the stick.

However, Judaism never saw its messiah, like Islam. Yet where is the Jewish death cult?
HAMAS hides in and fires from hospitals, they intentionally kill children. They Rape and murder innocent tourists visiting a music festival. They kidnap and murder people right from their homes.

Parading the dead around and screaming and barking like mad dogs while screaming ALLAHU AKBAR is not a good look!

”GOD IS GREAT” because you raped and tortured and murdered an unarmed innocent teenage girl?

Clearly the Christian message is superior, in that it has a message of redemption included.

You don't have to pursue jihad or let a pile of myths control every aspect of your life, to get the carrot hanging on the stick.

However, Judaism never saw its messiah, like Islam. Yet where is the Jewish death cult?
I see Islam as something cobbled together quite intentionally by a warlord in order to invest in himself a sense of divine purpose and thus bind his warriors to him.

Judaism and it's offshoot Christianity both arose through a more organic process as an expression of a group of people rather than one individual. Islam is a manifesto for world dominance. The other two aren't.
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Israel has blocked the Gaza Strip. Violence begets violence, this is the only way to characterize the situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip now. Israel is shelling residential areas in the Gaza Strip, Hamas is shelling residential areas in Israel. It is worth noting that Israeli strikes are more targeted, since they have modern weapons, but civilians in the Gaza Strip still suffer. Hamas uses homemade weapons, their accuracy is extremely low. Previously, Israel notified residents of the Gaza Strip about attacks on specific buildings, using the “Knock on the Roof” protocol to reduce the number of casualties, first launching a rocket at a target without a warhead, or notifying local residents with leaflets or SMS. This protocol has now been cancelled. The number of victims at the music festival became known, 260 people were killed, among them many citizens of other countries; why Hamas did this is not clear. Many people ask whether there will be sanctions against Israel, no, there will not be, since such actions of Hamas are condemned by the international community. Now regarding the situation, the Gaza Strip is blocked by the Israeli army, there is no electricity and no water supply. According to estimates from the ground, the Israeli army is displacing Hamas forces from the occupied territories, but in street battles, the Israeli army has significant losses. Hamas began to use MANPADS and homemade air defense systems, which made it difficult for Israeli aviation. Now people are trying to leave Israel; at Ben Gurion International Airport, which came under Hamas fire, chaos can be said to be happening. If you look at things realistically, Hamas will not be able to win this war, but the Gaza Strip will most likely now leave many residents and it will cease to be Palestinian territory. The Israeli leadership announced that there would be no negotiations with Hamas and that it would be destroyed.


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