BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Any decent people would stand up and give Israel encouragement and whatever resources it needed to defend itself and destroy the enemy that attacked them.
Which is what our government is doing.

So that's your complaint? They should do what they are doing? Doesn't make much sense.
Israeli leaders dropped the ball. No after Bibi insulted and shit on the US, people here think we should step in? What strategic interests lay there? Asking questions does not equate support for HAMAS. But Israel was in bed with them.

Hamas Attack Raises Questions Over an Israeli Intelligence Failure​

American and Israeli officials said none of Israel’s intelligence services had specific warning that Hamas was preparing a sophisticated assault.


We have asswipes in America, playing games with the horrors of war:

Trump’s Claim that U.S. Taxpayer Money Funded Hamas Attacks Is False​

The claim centers on Iranian oil profits released from banks in South Korea.

In fact, the White House National Security Council said the money in question hasn’t been accessed by Iran.

“Not a single cent from these funds has been spent, and when it is spent, it can only be spent on things like food and medicine for the Iranian people,” a spokeswoman for the N.S.C., Adrienne Watson, said in a statement on Saturday. “These funds have absolutely nothing to do with the horrific attacks today and this is not the time to spread disinformation.”

Soon after the Hamas attacks on Israel, former President Donald J. Trump and other Republicans tried to cast blame on President Biden — saying that a recent deal brokered to secure the release of five Americans detained in Iran helped to finance the assault. Iran is a longtime backer of Hamas, a Palestinian militant group that has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States.

As part of the deal in question, the U.S. facilitated the transfer of $6 billion of Iranian profits from oil sales from banks in South Korea to Qatar so that Iran could use it for food and other humanitarian purposes.

But that $6 billion is not U.S. taxpayer money, as Mr. Trump and others, including Vivek Ramaswamy, another of the Republican presidential candidates, falsely stated. Nor is there evidence that the money, which officials have said is subject to Treasury Department oversight, was used to finance the attacks.

And now the chickens are comin' home to roost:

Across the Mideast, a Surge of Support for Palestinians as War Erupts in Gaza​

The escalation laid bare the limitations of diplomatic deals between Israel and Arab governments as long as the underlying conflict continues. “We told you so,” a Saudi scholar said.

Any decent people would stand up and give Israel encouragement and whatever resources it needed to defend itself and destroy the enemy that attacked them.

Why? Many of your people don't want to support our strategic interests in the area of Russia/Ukraine.

Israel is not our problem. And Israel elected a horrible man, Bibi who insults the US and invited in crazed hardliners to run his government.

Across the Mideast, a Surge of Support for Palestinians as War Erupts in Gaza​

The escalation laid bare the limitations of diplomatic deals between Israel and Arab governments as long as the underlying conflict continues. “We told you so,” a Saudi scholar said.

Global condemnation after Israeli riot police attack worshippers at Al-Aqsa mosque​

Global criticism and concern mounted Wednesday after Israeli police attacked Palestinians inside Islam's third-holiest site, sparking a military exchange of rockets and air strikes, with fears of further escalation.


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900 dead as of today. Shot in cars, shot in their homes. Babies, mothers, little kids, elderly. It's good to know where people like you stand. It won't ever be forgotten. The civilians Israel have killed, died because they were used by Hamas, PIJ, Hizballah as shields in their unholy war to genocide Jews. YOU seem to be helping their PR.
Israeli leaders dropped the ball. No after Bibi insulted and shit on the US, people here think we should step in? What strategic interests lay there? Asking questions does not equate support for HAMAS. But Israel was in bed with them.

Hamas Attack Raises Questions Over an Israeli Intelligence Failure​

American and Israeli officials said none of Israel’s intelligence services had specific warning that Hamas was preparing a sophisticated assault.


We have asswipes in America, playing games with the horrors of war:

Trump’s Claim that U.S. Taxpayer Money Funded Hamas Attacks Is False​

The claim centers on Iranian oil profits released from banks in South Korea.

In fact, the White House National Security Council said the money in question hasn’t been accessed by Iran.

“Not a single cent from these funds has been spent, and when it is spent, it can only be spent on things like food and medicine for the Iranian people,” a spokeswoman for the N.S.C., Adrienne Watson, said in a statement on Saturday. “These funds have absolutely nothing to do with the horrific attacks today and this is not the time to spread disinformation.”

And now the chickens are comin' home to roost:

Across the Mideast, a Surge of Support for Palestinians as War Erupts in Gaza​

The escalation laid bare the limitations of diplomatic deals between Israel and Arab governments as long as the underlying conflict continues. “We told you so,” a Saudi scholar said.

I guess the concept of fungible monies never was taught in your school.
The cookout was planned long ago. Life in the US does not stop for more family infighting for peoples of the Levant. President Biden gave his comments when he felt it was appropriate. He doesn't get ruled over by FOX News, the fake news source.
The cookout would have been fine if the President gave any indication he even knows or gives a damn about what is happening in Israel. It doesn't take more than a few minutes out of one's day to update the people on our concern and efforts to help.
I guess the concept of fungible monies never was taught in your school.
That's an idiotic talking point.

The freed up money has to be spent on humanitarian measures.

No, releasing the funds did not suddenly free up six billion dollars that iran was going to spend on humanitarian ventures and can now direct to funding terrorism. Because that humantarian spending wasn't going to happen.

Americans are so goddamn gullible.
The cookout would have been fine if the President gave any indication he even knows or gives a damn about what is happening in Israel. It doesn't take more than a few minutes out of one's day to update the people on our concern and efforts to help.

To suggest President Biden care or give a damn about Israel and her citizens is to live in a make believe world.
To suggest President Biden care or give a damn about Israel and her citizens is to live in a make believe world.
Noted that your comment can easily be interpreted that Biden should approve of all Jews being exterminated and Israel should cease to exist. But our Constitution allows everybody to have an opinion.
Noted that your comment can easily be interpreted that Biden should approve of all Jews being exterminated and Israel should cease to exist. But our Constitution allows everybody to have an opinion.

It can? Maybe from the mentally ill.

Stop attacking our President because Israeli intelligence was shitting the bed. Thank you Bibi. Now Bibi will go out and slaughter innocent civilians.

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