BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

This absurdity now in the White House fools no one. It is blatant in its smuggling and perpetuation of religious violence and religion's copulation with the State. As if you had Jefferson, Hamilton and Adams, to comment on this.

The Catholic protection-racket mafia founded the journal, Islamochristiana in 1972, so higher IQs should go back to the Argentine 'Dirty War' when the Madres de Plaza de Mayo were knocking on Catholic church doors looking for answers to 30,000 desaparecidos. Those doors remained locked.
I see Islam as something cobbled together quite intentionally by a warlord in order to invest in himself a sense of divine purpose and this bind his warriors to him.

Judaism and it's offshoot Christianity both arose through a more organic process as an expression of a group of people rather than one individual. Islam is a manifesto for world dominance. The other two aren't.
Seemingly true, but that didn't stop Christian crusaders from seeing the Christian myths as precisely that. They carried the same Bible you or I do. What changed? Not the Bible.

Reformation by superior, secular ideas is what changed.
Gosh . Biden $6billion to Iran .... Iran ... funding terrorist attacks... Either it was deliberate .. or Biden is just the dumb fuck we all knew ..

Geez .. so simple .. who would deny this?
I suppose everyone knew this would be coming at some point. Hamas is little more than ISIS-lite and beheading or other forms of grisly deaths may well happen.

Hamas threatens to begin broadcasting executions of Israeli hostages
I suppose everyone knew this would be coming at some point. Hamas is little more than ISIS-lite and beheading or other forms of grisly deaths may well happen.

Hamas threatens to begin broadcasting executions of Israeli hostages
Because, in addition to being an evil death cult, they are also utter morons.

"Don't bomb us! We are going to kill the hostages anyway, but please don't bomb us!"




These leftists sure are showing how morally superior and compassionate they are, aren’t they?
I don't see much evidence of them speaking out against what Hamas is doing.

But they take their cues from the Biden administration after all.
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I don't much evidence of them speaking out against what Hamas is doing.

But they take their cues from the Biden administration after all.

While US citizens and Israeli men, women and children are held captive, Biden hosts a BBQ.

You would think such an absurdity would be impossible, but, here we are.
While US citizens and Israeli men, women and children are held captive, Biden hosts a BBQ.

You would think such an absurdity would be impossible, but, here we are.
Nine dead Americans and nine hundred dead Israelis so far. About half that many in Gaza. To the left/Democrats/progressives/Biden Administration that's apparently a 'move along folks, nothing to see here. . .'

After Omar Ilhan condemned the attack on Israel she joined with the other Squad members that Israel should not retaliate.

Nine dead Americans and nine hundred dead Israelis so far. About half that many in Gaza. To the left/Democrats/progressives/Biden Administration that's apparently a 'move along folks, nothing to see here. . .'

What would you have them do? You forgot to say.

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