BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

More news for those here.... who have posted that Egypt is allowing them in....they are wrong.

Pressure on Gaza border alarms Egypt as strikes close crossing​

Egypt would not allow any mass exodus of Palestinians into Sinai, and saw any move to push Palestinians to migrate south as a serious threat to its security.​

No doubt the Islamic terrorists want to play the victim card. They will run to the UN at the death of their first human shield and the UN will draft a resolution condemning Israel.

What a sad joke that the UN will be a mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism.

Hamas Issues Statement to Gaza Residents following Warning of Impending Israeli Invasion: Do Not Evacuate from Areas About to be Targeted by Airstrikes

I can still remember the first time I saw some "Zionism is racism" graffiti back in the seventies.

the U.N. hasn't changed any since.
Interesting fhat CGTN, Chinas state news, refers to Hamas as Palestinian Resistance Fighters. The Chinese are always so different.
Hamas has killed American citizens...for every American they killed we should wipe out 10,000 Hamas scumbags. Soon there would be no more Hamas murderers.
We allow people to come and work in the U.S. at certain times for a few months. Build the wall Biden!
I suppose you were in NYC with the fascist Palestinians chanting burn the Jews. Were you there? Do you approve of this? Show your true colors coward.
Why would I approve of Satanic Islamists? LOL. They should be all deported.

More news for those here.... who have posted that Egypt is allowing them in....they are wrong.

Pressure on Gaza border alarms Egypt as strikes close crossing​

Egypt would not allow any mass exodus of Palestinians into Sinai, and saw any move to push Palestinians to migrate south as a serious threat to its security.​

Funny how no Muslim nation will take that rabble in. Yet most of them “support” them with arms and the wish they can destroy Israel.
This isn't about occupation... this attack has nothing to do with occupation... It has zero to do with the mistreatment of Palestinians or a land dispute...
Its not about a land dispute at all... its about the eradication of Jews everywhere by animals who refuse to share a planet with people of a different faith...
I don't think so. I think they both hope that the more Muslims who die, the better. I think anything that furthers that goal and incites jihad has weight, to them. Israel nuked Gaza? Excellent! They would have their women and plebes feign sorrow in the streets, while they danced for joy in private. You are using reason that relies on valuing human life. They are not.
Hmm, can't really argue with that.
lt is truly amazing, Israel has State Sponsered Abortions and those so-called "Right To Life" assholes who hate abortion are supporting Israel.

Lets hear for their hypocrisy.
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Egypt Intelligence Official Says Israel Ignored Warnings of "Something Big".

Mounting questions over Israel’s massive intelligence failure to anticipate and prepare for a surprise Hamas assault were compounded Monday when an Egyptian intelligence official said that Jerusalem had ignored repeated warnings that the Gaza-based terror group was planning “something big” — which included an apparent direct notice from Cairo’s intelligence minister to the prime minister.

The Egyptian official said Egypt, which often serves as a mediator between Israel and Hamas, had spoken repeatedly with the Israelis about “something big,” without elaborating.

He said Israeli officials were focused on the West Bank and played down the threat from Gaza. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is made up of supporters of West Bank settlers who have demanded a security crackdown there in the face of a rising tide of violence over the last 18 months.

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