BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

The entire premise for the founding of our nation is that we are endowed with unalienable rights from our Creator, and to assume the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle us.

Those words are in our Declaration of Independence. A ”secular” nation would not reference God in its own declaration for independence and statehood.

So that would end your thread, full stop.
'Christian nationalists often argue that the Declaration of Independence embodies Judeo-Christian principles. And, as it is one of our founding documents, they claim our nation is Judeo-Christian because of the Declaration's religious language - specifically the four references that many read as invoking a supernatural power" "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God," "endowed by their Creator," "Supreme Judge of the World," and "divine Providence." The truth is both subtler and more exciting.
The Declaration of Independence gave voice to the most important shift in political thought in history, but it did not establish a new nation, a government, or a legal system. The Declaration "dissolve[d] the political bands" that connected the colonies to Great Britain. It did not create; itsevered. which is far simpler than nation-building. "It is much easier to pull down a Government, in such a Conunturs of affairs as We have seen, than to build up," remarked John Adams. The Constitution, not the Declaration, created our government and laws.

In fact, the Declaration cannot even properly be said to have severed the connection with Great Britain. It simply (announced [italics]) the separation....Nearly fifty years after he drafted it, Jefferson wrote about "the object of the Declaration of Independence." It was "[n]ot to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of" or "to say things which had never been said before." It was meant "to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent."

Carl Becker: "the primary purpose of the Declaration was not to declare independence, but to proclaim to the world the reasons for declaring independence. It was intended to formally justify an act already accomplished."
(Seidel, The Founding Myth)
The new Israeli tank Merkava Mk4 Barak entered service with the troops. The Israeli Ministry of Defense has officially announced the entry into service of a new modification of the Merkava Mk 4 Barak tank. The first tanks were received by the 52nd tank battalion of the 401st armored brigade of the Israeli army. The tank was announced before the situation in Israel worsened. The development of the tank began in 2015, the main innovations affected electronics. In the Merkava Barak tank, a new fire control system was introduced with the Makhshev Mesima task computer, which uses elements of “artificial intelligence”. The computer automatically identifies targets and distributes priority for their destruction, displaying an enlarged image of the target on the commander’s display. At the same time, “Makhshev Mesima” independently determines the type of projectile suitable for hitting the enemy, measures the range to the target, makes corrections for firing and aims the gun. The tank was also connected to the TORCH-X automated combat unit control system as part of the concept of network-centric warfare. The tank now has an Iron Vision system, which allows the crew to see everything that is happening around the tank at 360 degrees, day, night, in rain and fog. 46 computers and dozens of cameras record movement, identify dangers and transmit data. The information enters an electronics unit mounted on the commander’s helmet, and after processing in the form of a projected image, it is displayed on a small screen in front of the tankman’s eyes, as if wearing augmented reality glasses.

Evacuation of the crew of a damaged Israeli Namer armored personnel carrier. The Israel Defense Forces has published footage of the rescue of the crew of the damaged Israeli armored personnel carrier Namer. The video was filmed in the area of Kibbutz Nirim, the operation is carried out by one of the Israeli special forces. During the evacuation, Israeli troops engage in battle with Hamas units. The Namer armored personnel carrier was created on the basis of the Merkava Mk1 tank in 2008, later the Merkava Mk4 tank was used. The armored personnel carrier is designed to carry 9 people and since 2016 has been equipped with the Israeli-made Trophy active protection system.

Shouldn't the Pope be addressing his speech to the perpetrators of genocidal antisemitism instead of it's targets?
It's funny how before Israel was attacked, and yet they were being harassed and trashed by all these anti-Semitic groups, all you heard from these so called peacemaker's was CRICKETS..

Now that ISRAEL has had enough, it is that we see all of these knuckleheads come out of the woodwork like cockroaches, and acting all concerned about the situation.

No one should be fooled by any of the bull crap. NO ONE....
It's funny how before Israel was attacked, and yet they were being harassed and trashed by all these anti-Semitic groups, all you heard from these so called peacemaker's was CRICKETS..

Now that ISRAEL has had enough, it is that we see all of these knuckleheads come out of the woodwork like cockroaches, and acting all concerned about the situation.

No one should be fooled by any of the bull crap. NO ONE....
Pope Pious the Twelfth is referred to as Hitler's Pope.

Hamas is a direct descendent of the Nazi ideology as passed down through the Mufti of Jerusalem during the same period.

Some things never change.
It's funny how before Israel was attacked, and yet they were being harassed and trashed by all these anti-Semitic groups, all you heard from these so called peacemaker's was CRICKETS..

Now that ISRAEL has had enough, it is that we see all of these knuckleheads come out of the woodwork like cockroaches, and acting all concerned about the situation.

No one should be fooled by any of the bull crap. NO ONE....
The fact that the Biden Administration refuses to freeze the $6 billion to the Iranian terrorists because…..well, let’s not offend Terrorist Iran!….speaks volumes.
What possible other side of the story could there be to arriving at a peaceful music festival to murder 260 innocent young people? Or killing a young woman, stripping her battered body naked, and then parading it around?
People love to lay blame where blame isn't warranted or even if they are (brainwashed), to think somehow that it is warranted, then they would rather wallow in it to the point of becoming themselves that which they hate (i.e making themselves hypocrites even if what they say has any truth to it).

They love to always ignore their own bull shite, and then try and cover it up by blaming other's for their own bull shite for which they know is theirs and nobody else's....

The left has become experts at it, and they have worked and worked and worked tirelessly to perfect the practice. Worse than that, they actually got a government that empowers their bull shite even moreso than they could have ever accomplished on their own.

The same applies in the middle east when it comes to the long struggle between Israel and it's enemies, and so this is where I will say this - If a people are Godly in their ways, and they are righteous and moral as best as they can be in their lives, then they can achieve any height they want to achieve, either as a group or as an individual.

The fact that we see these groups in 2023, and the fact that they are still primitive and uncivilized in their ways, tells me that they are doing nothing to change their ways, and that they are not seekers of the true God Almighty, but rather they are just a loathsome bunch that wants to blame other's for their struggles in this world forever and ever.

Things like this aren't just common to the Middle East, but sadly they exist right here in America, and all around this world today.

Time for accountability, and after that a uniting of the people through Christ Jesus (The Lion of Judah), who is our Lord and Savior.
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I cannot envision Israelis being as brutal as Hamas' rape and murder show.
And the Book of Deuteronomy has a little message for Godly folk, Chapter 32, v. 35 says: "35To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste."

I have a hunch Iran is going to receive a huge kick in the poserior for funding Hamas/Isis. Biden's response today was to shut down before lunch and not to be seen nor heard. It's his choice.

I'm very unhappy about the Muslims going after people they have hated on for 5,000 years.

Time for vespers. Good evening, all. I'm praying that God will intervene in the behalf of the people who wee brutalized, raped, murdered, and had their eyes see such horrific things being done to their loved ones. :icon_cry: I'm praying for justice to the bereaved, and for the world to work toward peace on earth, not vulgar torture, injury, and deceit. Good night.
Listen, don't misconstrue my words to ever suggest that Israel should ever become brutal in the form of the terrorist in which they deservingly seek justice against....You of all people should know that what I meant when I said "brutal" was mainly in the retaliatory phases and initial stages, but to do so in a very strategic and precise measured manor that represents a just cause to do so in such a measured and very affective way.....

Thought you'd slip that one by me eh ? 🤔

How do you know God isn't intervening already or as we speak(?), otherwise you know not what God's plan is, and who might he use in the conducting of his plan for the situation.
Don't put words or ideas into my head or mouth. Red herrings and straw-men disgust me. I see a lot of that type of war propaganda right now, TBH.

I agreed with everything you just wrote.. . . (Well, unless by, 'payback, you meant, you are going to rape their daughter? Thought you were better than that.)

What I don't believe you would do, is go off and kill women and children that had nothing to do with the situation you just described. Just because the terrorists engage in that type of activity, does not mean, we in the west sink to that level.

I see a lot of folks writing garbage like that. "They set the rules of engagement, so it's O.K. to do genocide bullshit."

Israel is not to kill women and children, and so it is doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing, and that is to attack all military target's and fighters in the areas from which they were attacked from..... They are to continue until the place is completely rid of the evil religious cult that has held it's own people in captivity through brainwashing and manipulation. Israeli's are a people who have been humbled yet hardened throughout time by tragic events happening to them. They will do the right thing.
Listen, don't misconstrue my words to ever suggest that Israel should ever become brutal in the form of the terrorist in which they deservingly seek justice against....You of all people should know that what I meant when I said "brutal" was mainly in the retaliatory phases and initial stages, but to do so in a very strategic and precise measured manor that represents a just cause to do so in such a measured and very affective way.....

Thought you'd slip that one by me eh ? 🤔

How do you know God isn't intervening already or as we speak(?), otherwise you know not what God's plan is, and who might he use in the conducting of his plan for the situation.
Did I misconstrue words of someone whose opinions I respect as much as I do you? I'm speechless, because I didn't mean to challenge a word you said. Me slip something by you? I'm not a sneaky person, dear man. And about God, I can only observe so much, and I do not know what he is going to do in the future. In the last few weeks, I've had a lot of physical problems and spent time in the ER at the local hospital at the behest of my physician. The inhumanities of the Hamas groups killing the Israelis brings back thoughts of 9/11, which was also heart-breaking to me. I'm sorry if something I said offended you. I have too many burnt beans on my plate right now, but I have nothing but high regard for your posts, and wasn't in any way trying to steal your thunder. I think I should stay away from posting right now, because my illness and disappointment in how the Israelis are being treated has not helped any of my health issues. I hope you will forgive whatever you think I meant because I've always liked your posts. I have one more pill to take from my time in the hospital. See you around when I feel better. And keep up your good work, beagle9.

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