BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Hey, if you believe in the values of properly acquiring your food during a hunt, then the first thing you do is to learn how to kill that deer in the most sacred and decent way possible. You never want the animals to suffer, so training how to hunt in it's full capacity includes the respect and most high values upon whether or not the animal suffers or not when it is killed. If we don't want animal's to suffer, then we should apply that ideology across the board. Now if killing a rabid animal, then all bets are off.
Did I misconstrue words of someone whose opinions I respect as much as I do you? I'm speechless, because I didn't mean to challenge a word you said. Me slip something by you? I'm not a sneaky person, dear man. And about God, I can only observe so much, and I do not know what he is going to do in the future. In the last few weeks, I've had a lot of physical problems and spent time in the ER at the local hospital at the behest of my physician. The inhumanities of the Hamas groups killing the Israelis brings back thoughts of 9/11, which was also heart-breaking to me. I'm sorry if something I said offended you. I have too many burnt beans on my plate right now, but I have nothing but high regard for your posts, and wasn't in any way trying to steal your thunder. I think I should stay away from posting right now, because my illness and disappointment in how the Israelis are being treated has not helped any of my health issues. I hope you will forgive whatever you think I meant because I've always liked your posts. I have one more pill to take from my time in the hospital. See you around when I feel better. And keep up your good work, beagle9.
Thanks so much for the clarification my good friend, and I'm so sorry you are going through some hard times with your health. That saddens me, because I also love to read your post, and I also agree with 99.9% of your writings. Will be praying that you are to get well, and that you will continue to bless us with your presence here. Hugs in Christ from your friend beagle9.
A warning to Israel - Be careful of your ammunition stock piles or rather get your production levels at a rate that will suffice for the campaign. Don't over extend yourself, and don't allow anyone to attempt to give classified information about any of your operational status or plans. Iran or it's proxies need to keep guessing on everything. Beware of the same cut throat reporters that tried everything they could to undermine Trump or this country in the past right here in America. Don't think for a second that they are your friend's or allies when the first thing they do is try to report on news they think is juicy or entertaining, yet all the while ignoring the ramifications of the news they haphazardly report.
Will Israel tear down its wall and embrace diversity? Or will it continue to be a fascist state based on racial purity?
More dumb comments from the fascist dunce. Israel has Hamas on their legislature. They allow for all people and even allow Palestinians to work inside Israel. What are you talking about? All you are doing is showing everyone you are a bigot and anti-Semetic. And you talk about diversity? Hypocrite as well.
More dumb comments from the fascist dunce. Israel has Hamas on their legislature. They allow for all people and even allow Palestinians to work inside Israel. What are you talking about? All you are doing is showing everyone you are a bigot and anti-Semetic. And you talk about diversity? Hypocrite as well.

Oh, so they don’t need a wall then, since they allow some in to work.

Nice mental gymnastics. Gold medal.

We are supposed to be sympathetic to Hamas WHY?

It's all been a tragic episode in world history, and it goes along with the same type of episodes that are running across America now. Sympathy for the devil's has come back to haunt the world in a profound way.

What's funny is that the proof has been played out over and over and over again, but the apologists somehow end up winning the propaganda war's everytime.

Time to see things for what they truly are. Evil is evil and not instead good. This has absolutely got to sink back into people's brains.
And still, tbe pretend president refuses to freeze the Iranian fun money.

Biden might not only just be impeached, but he might actually face a trial for treason if he's not careful.
Oh, so they don’t need a wall then, since they allow some in to work.

Nice mental gymnastics. Gold medal.
We allow people to come and work in the U.S. at certain times for a few months. Build the wall Biden!
I suppose you were in NYC with the fascist Palestinians chanting burn the Jews. Were you there? Do you approve of this? Show your true colors coward.
No doubt the Islamic terrorists want to play the victim card. They will run to the UN at the death of their first human shield and the UN will draft a resolution condemning Israel.

What a sad joke that the UN will be a mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism.

Hamas Issues Statement to Gaza Residents following Warning of Impending Israeli Invasion: Do Not Evacuate from Areas About to be Targeted by Airstrikes

We allow people to come and work in the U.S. at certain times for a few months. Build the wall Biden!
I suppose you were in NYC with the fascist Palestinians chanting burn the Jews. Were you there? Do you approve of this? Show your true colors coward.
🤔 What makes you think Hawk supports the terrorist Hamas ? Was he being facetious when he talked about walls and such ? Hope that everyone isn't getting confused, but if he's like that, I'd sure want to know. Hamas and anyone involved with them either in support of or maybe in membership of, uhhhhh has innocent blood on their hands big time.
🤔 What makes you think Hawk supports the terrorist Hamas ? Was he being facetious when he talked about walls and such ? Hope that everyone isn't getting confused, but if he's like that, I'd sure want to know. Hamas and anyone involved with them either in support of or maybe in membership of, uhhhhh has innocent blood on their hands big time.
His words are clear. He blames Israel for just being there. He should be clearly stating that he does not support Hamas or Hezbollah or Iran. But he doesn’t do that.

Egypt doesn't want them.​

Gaza Crisis Escalates: Israel Cuts Off Essentials, Egypt Closes Exit, and 2 Million People Trapped​

The location of the Rafah Crossing

Egypt doesn't want them.​

Gaza Crisis Escalates: Israel Cuts Off Essentials, Egypt Closes Exit, and 2 Million People Trapped​

Nobody wants them. But Egypt is as sure as anything getting them, barring sudden advances in teleportation.

We are hearing different news then....

This is what I understand:

Egypt ‘indefinitely’ shuts down Rafah border crossing with Gaza after Israeli attacks

More dumb comments from the fascist dunce. Israel has Hamas on their legislature. They allow for all people and even allow Palestinians to work inside Israel. What are you talking about? All you are doing is showing everyone you are a bigot and anti-Semetic. And you talk about diversity? Hypocrite as well.

Not true, but the Knesset has Arab members. Not Hamas.
Hamas and Hezbollah fail to grasp the gravitas of their actions.
I don't think so. I think they both hope that the more Muslims who die, the better. I think anything that furthers that goal and incites jihad has weight, to them. Israel nuked Gaza? Excellent! They would have their women and plebes feign sorrow in the streets, while they danced for joy in private. You are using reason that relies on valuing human life. They are not.

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