Breaking" High School shooting at Wash State High School

You see how instead of DUMPING on the nutjob coward who would shoot up a school it's right back to wanting to TAKE away other people's rights who DID NOTHING

The left/Dems are frikken PREDICTABLE
We don't need to ban guns but there are people that should not have access to guns. Almost every one of the school shootings has been done by a person with serious mental problems.

One of the kids described the incident as follows:
"I was sitting at the table right next to the round table (where the shooter was). I just got done eating my food. He was quiet, everyone was talking. All of sudden he stands up, pulls something out of his pocket. At first I thought it was someone making a really loud noise like a bag, a loud pop. There were four more after that. I saw three kids just fall from the table, like they were falling to the ground dead. I jumped under the table as fast as I could. When it stopped, I got back up and saw he was trying to reload his gun. And when that happened, I just ran in the opposite direction and I was out of there as fast as I could."

The shooter was a 14 year old freshman, a member of the Tulalip tribe, a football player, a deer hunter, and unfortunately a good shot.

Two dead four hurt in shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck HS
There is (or was) a Federal Juvenile Handgun act already forbids a 14 year old from having a handgun except in very specifically defined circumstances.

We need more laws?
"More than 2.1 million illegal firearms sales -- including 1 million attempted purchases by convicted felons -- have been stopped in the 20 years since the enactment of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, according to a new report.
But the
report released Friday by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Handgun Violence also stresses that millions of weapons are still being sold to buyers who are prohibited from owning them. Roughly 40 percent of gun purchases, including guns sold online and at gun shows by unlicensed sellers, are not subject to the background checks."

Washington Post

2.1 million gun sales stopped by background checks in 20 years Brady report finds - The Washington Post
With gun control a hot topic in the upcoming local election, more kids are gun down at school.


Strange how school shooters are feral white kids
Not strange at all. Most black parents simple don't have the money to buy their kids guns and wouldn't buy them if they did.
What an absolutely stupid statement.

A handgun can be bought for less than a pair of Jordans.

WTF do you know about "most black parents"?
"More than 2.1 million illegal firearms sales -- including 1 million attempted purchases by convicted felons -- have been stopped in the 20 years since the enactment of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, according to a new report.
But the
report released Friday by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Handgun Violence also stresses that millions of weapons are still being sold to buyers who are prohibited from owning them. Roughly 40 percent of gun purchases, including guns sold online and at gun shows by unlicensed sellers, are not subject to the background checks."

Washington Post

2.1 million gun sales stopped by background checks in 20 years Brady report finds - The Washington Post
How many went to jail for illegally trying to buy a gun?
A woman's partner/spouse is 38% less likely to shoot a woman to death in a state that has background check laws.

DOJ/FBI Supplementary Homicide report, 2010.

: FBI Supplementary HomIcIDe report anD FlorIDa Department oF law enForcement, 2010. *new york excluDeD Due to Incomplete Data.
nOn-fireArm hOmicide fireArm hOmicide
hOmicides per milliOn femAle residents
In states that require a background check for every handgun sale, 38 percent fewer women are shot to death by intimate partners. In contrast, the number of women killed by intimate partners with other weapons is nearly identical in these groups of states.11
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I'm conjecturing that there was someone else there with a gun, that killed the shooter before he got to others. One target killed, four others wounded....doesn't sound like the fire fight lasted a long time. I wonder it they had an armed teacher on duty or an armed guard. I hope so.

I've wondered if teachers were armed, if they would be the first to be murdered, so the nut-job can go after little kids who are not.
Likely, no one would know who is armed and who is not...just as the intruder in Canada found out when a well dressed man in his 50's pulled out a concealed weapon and sent him on to meet the virgins. Kudos to the carriers!
Why are the highest murder rates in the country in red states, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.

Yeah, I actually looked at this...did you know that many of the major cities in these states are run by democrats and have been run by democrats for decades...for is a red state, but their 6 largest cities are run by democrats...and that is where all the violent crime is...

So instead of gun control...we have to get the people in those cities to stop voting for democrats...
Well that's not going to happen because those cities have large black populations which elect black mayors who're democrats.
So does anyone have any actual information about the Seattle shooter why he did what he did where and how he got the gun he used or is everyone just going straight to their usual right and left talking points?
Time to play the national roulette game.

The game consists of two options on this wheel. The killer is one of the following...

1-Left winger

No need to have other options it will be one of the two.
He was 14 year old American Indian.

Interesting story that just came out about the shooting. There's apparently a real hero in this terrible tragedy. A first year social studies teacher on hearing the shoots and seeing the kids running from the cafeteria raced unarmed into the cafeteria and garbed the gunman's arm preventing other kids from being shot. I'm sure there will be more accurate details forecoming.
Good thing we had a teacher there who took action. Not sure how this effects the wheel.

Left winger or Muslim? He's one of the two.
So does anyone have any actual information about the Seattle shooter why he did what he did where and how he got the gun he used or is everyone just going straight to their usual right and left talking points?
Marysville is not Seattle. Marysville is 35 miles from Seattle. I lived in Seattle for 13 years and never went there. It's a small town 35 miles from Seattle.
So does anyone have any actual information about the Seattle shooter why he did what he did where and how he got the gun he used or is everyone just going straight to their usual right and left talking points?
Marysville is not Seattle. Marysville is 35 miles from Seattle. I lived in Seattle for 13 years and never went there. It's a small town 35 miles from Seattle.
Thanks for the info but it doesn't answer my question.
So does anyone have any actual information about the Seattle shooter why he did what he did where and how he got the gun he used or is everyone just going straight to their usual right and left talking points?
Marysville is not Seattle. Marysville is 35 miles from Seattle. I lived in Seattle for 13 years and never went there. It's a small town 35 miles from Seattle.
Thanks for the info but it doesn't answer my question.

The kid owned several guns. His parents just gave him a hunting rifle. Nobody knows if he owned the one he used at the school. He was depressed because his girl friend broke up with him.
So does anyone have any actual information about the Seattle shooter why he did what he did where and how he got the gun he used or is everyone just going straight to their usual right and left talking points?
Marysville is not Seattle. Marysville is 35 miles from Seattle. I lived in Seattle for 13 years and never went there. It's a small town 35 miles from Seattle.
Thanks for the info but it doesn't answer my question.

The kid owned several guns. His parents just gave him a hunting rifle. Nobody knows if he owned the one he used at the school. He was depressed because his girl friend broke up with him.
I wonder did the kid actually own several guns or did the parents? It seems a bit odd a high school kid owning several guns.

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