Breaking: Hillary Clinton May Cancel Debate On Monday

another completely fabricated GOP talking point spreads like wild fire. :eusa_liar:
Rush is now reporting it to. We shall see!


Conservative Rumblings=> Hillary Clinton May Cancel Debate on Monday
If your MessiahRushie says it, you know it is a LIE!

Photo is obviously photoshopped.
Hard to tell on the 'lazy eye' but in the picture posted above in the op that you made comment on, she could have been in mid blink.
You remember the ole Swartzenager movie that took place on Mars, the part where he was dressed / hidden as a woman, and suddenly the device causing him to look like a woman went on the fritz? 1st the eye twitches, facial tics, then a full blown melt down revealing him to be a man?! Watching Hillary when her eyes went 'wonky' I was reminded of that and half way expected her to turn into 'Ahnold' at that moment. :p
All this rumor means is Trump is getting ready to cancel....

He has a habit of blaming others for his own dirty deeds...

the clinton foundation he claims is corrupt, while the trump foundation IS a slush fund and corrupt.

he blames hillary for his own actions in the birther movement

he calls hillary corrupt and crooked while he IS the one crooked and corrupt in one manner or another, in every single thing that he does and has done....

on and on and on....

so, I betcha, he's the one that is planning a 'no show'!

it's just the same old dumbo blowhards dreaming up faux scenarios and peddling lies as truth.
I wasn't paying real close attention but I think Rush simply mentioned others are speculating whether Hillary might drop out. He didn't 'report' it's a done deal.
The pathological liar never does. He always leaves himself an out when the GOSSIP he parrots doesn't happen.
On the other hand, Trump could just be promoting the event, by innuendos and and controversy....he's an expert at this.... and I bet ya ten to one even MORE viewers will be watching this debate, sitting on edge of wondering who or who will not show up....

This is donald, at his marketing...through controversy of some get the crowds worked up and the media coverage.
What if they use Hillary's body double instead?

Would the democrats even notice?

All this rumor means is Trump is getting ready to cancel....

He has a habit of blaming others for his own dirty deeds...

the clinton foundation he claims is corrupt, while the trump foundation IS a slush fund and corrupt.

he blames hillary for his own actions in the birther movement

he calls hillary corrupt and crooked while he IS the one crooked and corrupt in one manner or another, in every single thing that he does and has done....

on and on and on....

so, I betcha, he's the one that is planning a 'no show'!
GOD your breath must stink!
If Trump doesn't show I leave this forum forever.
If Hillary doesn't show will you do the same?
Thought not asshole!
All this rumor means is Trump is getting ready to cancel....

He has a habit of blaming others for his own dirty deeds...

the clinton foundation he claims is corrupt, while the trump foundation IS a slush fund and corrupt.

he blames hillary for his own actions in the birther movement

he calls hillary corrupt and crooked while he IS the one crooked and corrupt in one manner or another, in every single thing that he does and has done....

on and on and on....

so, I betcha, he's the one that is planning a 'no show'!
ahhh, that's the ploy!
Zoom, look again, it seems to be photo shopped... especially in the neck area that is purple-ish and around a mole added above the lip on the left side...

not that her eyes were not closing, but that could have been a blink, caught in action.
It is photoshopped. They deliberately oversharpen it to make her wrinkles stand out more. You can tell it was oversharpened by looking at the lettering to her right. The letters should be solid white,but you can see the pixilation in the white from the sharpening.
The bombing must have happened right after Hillary took her Oxycodone. It looks like they woke her up and said "Sorry, but you have to make a statement, try to keep your eyes open so you don't look like a drug addict".
If by chance this happens to be true then she's toast. Unfortunately I don't believe it to be true.
But I've have noticed that she seems to have puppy upper days/appearance and doggie downer days/appearance. Yeah, campaigning and all ... but Trump always looks the same. Kinda orange and curmudgeony. She varies a lot in her looks and energy. Just an observation.

There may be some truth to what you say. Since appearance has always been more important than substance for Trump, It makes sense that his hair and makeup has always been the highest priority in all he does. In contrast, Hillary's long history of dealing with critical world changing events, haven't always allowed the time required to make sure her hair and makeup were perfect. Primping with hair and makeup like a teen aged girl preparing for the prom is just not as important to her goals as it is to Trumps.
On the other hand, Trump could just be promoting the event, by innuendos and and controversy....he's an expert at this.... and I bet ya ten to one even MORE viewers will be watching this debate, sitting on edge of wondering who or who will not show up....

This is donald, at his marketing...through controversy of some get the crowds worked up and the media coverage.

this is their source:

"A conservative leader wrote The Gateway Pundit Wednesday morning to share this news:

Hearing smart guys say that Hillary may cancel the debate on Monday … Hillary may be trying to run out the clock because she thinks she is ahead."

Conservative Rumblings=> Hillary Clinton May Cancel Debate on Monday

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