Breaking: Hillary Clinton May Cancel Debate On Monday

Particularly at the 32-34 second mark, her left eye lags behind in tracking.

It seems like a bit of a lazy eye, which isn't anything.

Yet another Limbaugh LIE mindlessly parroted by morons.

I have no idea what the man you constantly quotes says. Her left eye occasionally tracks slower than the right eye. I've noticed that for years. It's likely nothing more than a bit of a lazy eye. E.D.
But I've have noticed that she seems to have puppy upper days/appearance and doggie downer days/appearance. Yeah, campaigning and all ... but Trump always looks the same. Kinda orange and curmudgeony. She varies a lot in her looks and energy. Just an observation.

There may be some truth to what you say. Since appearance has always been more important than substance for Trump, It makes sense that his hair and makeup has always been the highest priority in all he does. In contrast, Hillary's long history of dealing with critical world changing events, haven't always allowed the time required to make sure her hair and makeup were perfect. Primping with hair and makeup like a teen aged girl preparing for the prom is just not as important to her goals as it is to Trumps.

I'm talking about just during the campaign. Her energy goes from up high to very low. Trump doesn't do that, he's consistent. Primping with hair and makeup? She's running for potus and has appeared like she just rolled out of bed, her hair wasn't even clean. Overall appearance matters for both of them, since they're so old.
On the other hand, Trump could just be promoting the event, by innuendos and and controversy....he's an expert at this.... and I bet ya ten to one even MORE viewers will be watching this debate, sitting on edge of wondering who or who will not show up....

This is donald, at his marketing...through controversy of some get the crowds worked up and the media coverage.
it's called GENIUS
Zoom, look again, it seems to be photo shopped... especially in the neck area that is purple-ish and around a mole added above the lip on the left side...

not that her eyes were not closing, but that could have been a blink, caught in action.
She looked sick and sounded sick on Saturday night, when this was taken. Maybe it's been doctored, but she looked bad enough without it. Pneumonia takes a while to shake. She's resting today, which is a good thing.
I KNOW, I've had pneumonia! The fever dies with the antibiotics but getting completely rid of it, it took a month or so!
did you ever face plant in a vehicle from the curb from pneumonia? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Zoom, look again, it seems to be photo shopped... especially in the neck area that is purple-ish and around a mole added above the lip on the left side...

not that her eyes were not closing, but that could have been a blink, caught in action.
It is photoshopped. They deliberately oversharpen it to make her wrinkles stand out more. You can tell it was oversharpened by looking at the lettering to her right. The letters should be solid white,but you can see the pixilation in the white from the sharpening.
The whole pic looks like that..
That's right, the whole picture was photoshopped. DUH! That is why the photo is so grainy.

Funny....this ones clear enough.

I'd say it's grainy because they pulled the pic from a video.
Given that Trump's afflictions have caused him to cancel 5 fundraisers, I'd say it's more likely that he'll not be at the debate.
I get pictures all the time for customers and that is a normal occurrence. Usually, when people transfer files from one format to that next, that is a result. That's why people always ask for the original..
Hogwash. I have worked with photoshop since the early 1990s when photoshop was making the transition from V2.0 to V2.5 and I know oversharpening when I see it.
Lol, ok. You are entitled to your opinion.
I literally go through it every day. Therefore, i must disagree.
Im not saying this pic isn't photoshopped. Im just saying what you are describing as "oversharpening" happens with pictures every day because of format changes.
No it doesn't. Going from a jpeg to a tiff will not make a photo pixilated primarily near the edges, like I pointed out in the white lettering, only oversharpening can do that. The only other things that will cause pixilation are an extreme enlargement of of the photo or too much compression, but both will pixilate the ENTIRE photo, not just the edges like oversharpening does.
I get pictures all the time for customers and that is a normal occurrence. Usually, when people transfer files from one format to that next, that is a result. That's why people always ask for the original..
Hogwash. I have worked with photoshop since the early 1990s when photoshop was making the transition from V2.0 to V2.5 and I know oversharpening when I see it.
Lol, ok. You are entitled to your opinion.
I literally go through it every day. Therefore, i must disagree.
Im not saying this pic isn't photoshopped. Im just saying what you are describing as "oversharpening" happens with pictures every day because of format changes.
No it doesn't. Going from a jpeg to a tiff will not make a photo pixilated primarily near the edges, like I pointed out in the white lettering, only oversharpening can do that. The only other things that will cause pixilation are an extreme enlargement of of the photo or too much compression, but both will pixilate the ENTIRE photo, not just the edges like oversharpening does.
OK, like I said I do it every day. Im done arguing about personal experience.
Good day
Zoom, look again, it seems to be photo shopped... especially in the neck area that is purple-ish and around a mole added above the lip on the left side...

not that her eyes were not closing, but that could have been a blink, caught in action.
It is photoshopped. They deliberately oversharpen it to make her wrinkles stand out more. You can tell it was oversharpened by looking at the lettering to her right. The letters should be solid white,but you can see the pixilation in the white from the sharpening.
The whole pic looks like that..
That's right, the whole picture was photoshopped. DUH! That is why the photo is so grainy.

Funny....this ones clear enough.
View attachment 90542
I'd say it's grainy because they pulled the pic from a video.
It is nowhere near as grainy as the Clinton photo in the Op. And here is the same photo oversharpened in the same file format. Notice the added graininess in the fingers and sky.

upload_2016-9-21 oversharpened.png
I wasn't paying real close attention but I think Rush simply mentioned others are speculating whether Hillary might drop out. He didn't 'report' it's a done deal.
Doesn't matter, they'll run with it anyway.
Conservatards are so, so terrified of this debate. Love it!!!

Is that so?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Look at you guys, making up fake stories that she "may cancel the debate," I can literally hear you guys shaking over the computer. What's a matter 'tards? Afraid she's going to mop the floor with the Orange Clowns orange ass on Monday? Trying to save face already?

Conservatards are so, so terrified of this debate. Love it!!!

Is that so?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Look at you guys, making up fake stories that she "may cancel the debate," I can literally hear you guys shaking over the computer. What's a matter 'tards? Afraid she's going to mop the floor with the Orange Clowns orange ass on Monday? Trying to save face already?


Jim Hoft on Steve Malzberg Show: Hillary Is in Free Fall - Rumors She's Going to Cancel Debate on Monday (VIDEO)

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