Breaking: Hillary Clinton May Cancel Debate On Monday

But I've have noticed that she seems to have puppy upper days/appearance and doggie downer days/appearance. Yeah, campaigning and all ... but Trump always looks the same. Kinda orange and curmudgeony. She varies a lot in her looks and energy. Just an observation.

There may be some truth to what you say. Since appearance has always been more important than substance for Trump, It makes sense that his hair and makeup has always been the highest priority in all he does. In contrast, Hillary's long history of dealing with critical world changing events, haven't always allowed the time required to make sure her hair and makeup were perfect. Primping with hair and makeup like a teen aged girl preparing for the prom is just not as important to her goals as it is to Trumps.

I'm talking about just during the campaign. Her energy goes from up high to very low. Trump doesn't do that, he's consistent. Primping with hair and makeup? She's running for potus and has appeared like she just rolled out of bed, her hair wasn't even clean. Overall appearance matters for both of them, since they're so old.

Sure. A perfect makeup job is always more important than actual experience or knowledge. At least for an idiot it is.
She probably won't be able to make the debate because she has to work as an extra on The Walking Dead.

But I've have noticed that she seems to have puppy upper days/appearance and doggie downer days/appearance. Yeah, campaigning and all ... but Trump always looks the same. Kinda orange and curmudgeony. She varies a lot in her looks and energy. Just an observation.

There may be some truth to what you say. Since appearance has always been more important than substance for Trump, It makes sense that his hair and makeup has always been the highest priority in all he does. In contrast, Hillary's long history of dealing with critical world changing events, haven't always allowed the time required to make sure her hair and makeup were perfect. Primping with hair and makeup like a teen aged girl preparing for the prom is just not as important to her goals as it is to Trumps.

I'm talking about just during the campaign. Her energy goes from up high to very low. Trump doesn't do that, he's consistent. Primping with hair and makeup? She's running for potus and has appeared like she just rolled out of bed, her hair wasn't even clean. Overall appearance matters for both of them, since they're so old.

Sure. A perfect makeup job is always more important than actual experience or knowledge. At least for an idiot it is.


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