Breaking: Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified...So she LIED

Hot diggity dog! That's quite the bombshell there.

"(C) Purpose of Call: to offer condolences on the passing of President Mukharika and congratulate President Banda on her recent swearing in."

That condolence call information at 10:37 PM on Easter Sunday evening with a (C)
A C! (see?) is sure to do her in. Bank on it connies.

Let's see now...where did it originate? Oh, Dept. of State - her aide deemed it confidential - likely because of personal information or things like phone numbers, in that it say's Secretary's Call Sheet.

There's a pretty good clue there.

Because it originated at State, SOS had the power to declassify it.

There's also the fact that her aide could have just have easily sent that information to her, marked as confidential as regular snail mail.

Yep (something I learned a few weeks ago to my surprise) just regular First Class Mail. Mighty secure, eh?

But you go get em, tigers. Crack your new whip. It's sure to be a slayer.

This time.

This time.

For sure.

Are you always so motivated or do just like me a real lot?
You're fucked in the the head.
Of course she lied. She must have a lot of dirt on Obama not to be indicted by now.

h1 copy.jpg
Hot diggity dog! That's quite the bombshell there.

"(C) Purpose of Call: to offer condolences on the passing of President Mukharika and congratulate President Banda on her recent swearing in."

That condolence call information at 10:37 PM on Easter Sunday evening with a (C)
A C! (see?) is sure to do her in. Bank on it connies.

Let's see now...where did it originate? Oh, Dept. of State - her aide deemed it confidential - likely because of personal information or things like phone numbers, in that it say's Secretary's Call Sheet.

There's a pretty good clue there.

Because it originated at State, SOS had the power to declassify it.

There's also the fact that her aide could have just have easily sent that information to her, marked as confidential as regular snail mail.

Yep (something I learned a few weeks ago to my surprise) just regular First Class Mail. Mighty secure, eh?

But you go get em, tigers. Crack your new whip. It's sure to be a slayer.

This time.

This time.

For sure.

Are you always so motivated or do just like me a real lot?
You're fucked in the the head.

Did Hillary teach you that language?
Perhaps, if any news source other than Fox decides to cover it. If only the right it screaming about it, then it will be written off as a right wing witch hunt. We've seen it happen before. Why else would this hag be the democratic canidate with all the other crap she has in her closet?
I think this guy just implied Fox News is right wing. No, no it isn't. They pretend to be right wing so people can't claim that all the news shows are Liberal. They're only VERY slightly less left than the other. Not even sure of that much.
Breaking: Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified

Once again Hillary’s been caught lying about her criminal mishandling of classified national security information. Recall that Ms. Clinton swears none of the emails which passed through her off-the-record email server system was ever marked classified.

Uh oh. Au contraire, madam, once again you are exposed as a liar.

Fox News gets the credit. In an exclusive report published June 11, Fox News revealed that one of Ms. Clinton’s emails had a “portion marking” that identified the specific information contained in the “portion” as being classified. That means the information was sensitive and was legally protected.

The information had the lowest level of classification, Confidential. It discussed a phone call with the president of Malawi, Joyce Banda. Fox News included an information-rich screen shot of the email.

If you want to see the CLASSIFIED STAMP just click the link, and say your goodbyes

None of this will matter if the FBI doesn't recommend an indictment, and I bet that CNN and especially MSN doesn't pick up the story.

My fear is that the fix is already in. BO and his justice department have likely told the powers at the FBI to do the investigation and then hand it over to the JD where it will be moth balled. I suspect that BO can't allow an indictment because he will be caught up in the wash, So even if they do recommend it, it won't happen. I hope I am wrong, nothing would please me more than to see the pantsuit bull dyke doing the perp walk.

It will be enough if they recommend an indictment. If the Obama justice department doesn't act on it, the stink will rise to heaven.

Yes, I agree. If they recommend....
Breaking: Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified

Once again Hillary’s been caught lying about her criminal mishandling of classified national security information. Recall that Ms. Clinton swears none of the emails which passed through her off-the-record email server system was ever marked classified.

Uh oh. Au contraire, madam, once again you are exposed as a liar.

Fox News gets the credit. In an exclusive report published June 11, Fox News revealed that one of Ms. Clinton’s emails had a “portion marking” that identified the specific information contained in the “portion” as being classified. That means the information was sensitive and was legally protected.

The information had the lowest level of classification, Confidential. It discussed a phone call with the president of Malawi, Joyce Banda. Fox News included an information-rich screen shot of the email.

If you want to see the CLASSIFIED STAMP just click the link, and say your goodbyes

None of this will matter if the FBI doesn't recommend an indictment, and I bet that CNN and especially MSN doesn't pick up the story.

My fear is that the fix is already in. BO and his justice department have likely told the powers at the FBI to do the investigation and then hand it over to the JD where it will be moth balled. I suspect that BO can't allow an indictment because he will be caught up in the wash, So even if they do recommend it, it won't happen. I hope I am wrong, nothing would please me more than to see the pantsuit bull dyke doing the perp walk.

They have already refused to allow video of the testimony of her staffers be released to the press.......

Comey will not push an is a pipe dream.......he would be the only man in Washington to do so....and the cost would be the end of his law enforcement career.....not going to happen.

I fear you are correct.
Hot diggity dog! That's quite the bombshell there.

"(C) Purpose of Call: to offer condolences on the passing of President Mukharika and congratulate President Banda on her recent swearing in."

That condolence call information at 10:37 PM on Easter Sunday evening with a (C)
A C! (see?) is sure to do her in. Bank on it connies.

Let's see now...where did it originate? Oh, Dept. of State - her aide deemed it confidential - likely because of personal information or things like phone numbers, in that it say's Secretary's Call Sheet.

There's a pretty good clue there.

Because it originated at State, SOS had the power to declassify it.

There's also the fact that her aide could have just have easily been sent that information to her, marked as confidential as regular snail mail.

Yep (something I learned a few weeks ago to my surprise) just regular First Class Mail. Classified information marked "'confidential" via a First class stamp in a No. 10 envelope. Mighty secure, eh?

But you go get em, tigers. Crack your new whip. It's sure to be a slayer.

This time.

This time.

For sure.
That is not the E-mail that will sink her lard ass. It only shows that she lied. The other highly classified E-mails that even people with Top Secret clearances can't read are the nails in the coffin. Say buh bye Hilly.:banana::badgrin:
Breaking: Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified

Once again Hillary’s been caught lying about her criminal mishandling of classified national security information. Recall that Ms. Clinton swears none of the emails which passed through her off-the-record email server system was ever marked classified.

Uh oh. Au contraire, madam, once again you are exposed as a liar.

Fox News gets the credit. In an exclusive report published June 11, Fox News revealed that one of Ms. Clinton’s emails had a “portion marking” that identified the specific information contained in the “portion” as being classified. That means the information was sensitive and was legally protected.

The information had the lowest level of classification, Confidential. It discussed a phone call with the president of Malawi, Joyce Banda. Fox News included an information-rich screen shot of the email.

If you want to see the CLASSIFIED STAMP just click the link, and say your goodbyes

None of this will matter if the FBI doesn't recommend an indictment, and I bet that CNN and especially MSN doesn't pick up the story.

My fear is that the fix is already in. BO and his justice department have likely told the powers at the FBI to do the investigation and then hand it over to the JD where it will be moth balled. I suspect that BO can't allow an indictment because he will be caught up in the wash, So even if they do recommend it, it won't happen. I hope I am wrong, nothing would please me more than to see the pantsuit bull dyke doing the perp walk.

They have already refused to allow video of the testimony of her staffers be released to the press.......

Comey will not push an is a pipe dream.......he would be the only man in Washington to do so....and the cost would be the end of his law enforcement career.....not going to happen.

I fear you are correct.

Well we do not know all of the information, but if just 10 percent is true, they have to indict. Shit Hillary has now been caught selling seats on a nuclear board to a nerd that is not qualified. This endangers national security question about it.
Breaking: Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified

Once again Hillary’s been caught lying about her criminal mishandling of classified national security information. Recall that Ms. Clinton swears none of the emails which passed through her off-the-record email server system was ever marked classified.

Uh oh. Au contraire, madam, once again you are exposed as a liar.

Fox News gets the credit. In an exclusive report published June 11, Fox News revealed that one of Ms. Clinton’s emails had a “portion marking” that identified the specific information contained in the “portion” as being classified. That means the information was sensitive and was legally protected.

The information had the lowest level of classification, Confidential. It discussed a phone call with the president of Malawi, Joyce Banda. Fox News included an information-rich screen shot of the email.

If you want to see the CLASSIFIED STAMP just click the link, and say your goodbyes

None of this will matter if the FBI doesn't recommend an indictment, and I bet that CNN and especially MSN doesn't pick up the story.

My fear is that the fix is already in. BO and his justice department have likely told the powers at the FBI to do the investigation and then hand it over to the JD where it will be moth balled. I suspect that BO can't allow an indictment because he will be caught up in the wash, So even if they do recommend it, it won't happen. I hope I am wrong, nothing would please me more than to see the pantsuit bull dyke doing the perp walk.

They have already refused to allow video of the testimony of her staffers be released to the press.......

Comey will not push an is a pipe dream.......he would be the only man in Washington to do so....and the cost would be the end of his law enforcement career.....not going to happen.

I fear you are correct.
Thousands of Conservatives protesting at the White House if she skates.Won't be pretty.
Breaking: Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified

Once again Hillary’s been caught lying about her criminal mishandling of classified national security information. Recall that Ms. Clinton swears none of the emails which passed through her off-the-record email server system was ever marked classified.

Uh oh. Au contraire, madam, once again you are exposed as a liar.

Fox News gets the credit. In an exclusive report published June 11, Fox News revealed that one of Ms. Clinton’s emails had a “portion marking” that identified the specific information contained in the “portion” as being classified. That means the information was sensitive and was legally protected.

The information had the lowest level of classification, Confidential. It discussed a phone call with the president of Malawi, Joyce Banda. Fox News included an information-rich screen shot of the email.

If you want to see the CLASSIFIED STAMP just click the link, and say your goodbyes

None of this will matter if the FBI doesn't recommend an indictment, and I bet that CNN and especially MSN doesn't pick up the story.

My fear is that the fix is already in. BO and his justice department have likely told the powers at the FBI to do the investigation and then hand it over to the JD where it will be moth balled. I suspect that BO can't allow an indictment because he will be caught up in the wash, So even if they do recommend it, it won't happen. I hope I am wrong, nothing would please me more than to see the pantsuit bull dyke doing the perp walk.

Of course the Fix is in.. Several emails sent to Helly's so called private server came from Obongo himself showing he knew all along what was going on.

June 11, 2016
Obama an unindicted co-conspirator in Clinton email felonies?
By Daniel John Sobieski
Blog: Obama an unindicted co-conspirator in Clinton email felonies?

Wholly corrupt Government syndicate and their shills in the State sponsored Media all too eager to cover it up.
BTW: The originating email was sent late Easter Sunday night, nearing :10:30 PM.

Yep....Bells and whistles should have gone off -- that her aide sent a (C)! confidential.mark - and by golly we're *sure* she saw it (don't we all examine every sliver of emails we get?)

and most certainly she should have remembered that red-flag-all-over-it gripping sensitive email about giving a condolence/congrat call three years later.

Gotta give it to you guys. You really nailed her with this one.
Of course she lied. She must have a lot of dirt on Obama not to be indicted by now.

View attachment 77811
What's the date in that bit you circled?
The date of the email is clearly listed as Monday April 09, 2012 06:43 AM
You didn't answer the question.
04-07-2027 is the date in the circled portion, this was the anticipated date of general declassification, before the sender was implicated in the largest espionage case in U.S. history.................
NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
Why do you continually repost the same spittle in different threads? Having a difficult time with original thought? Perhaps a tutor, "Sentence structure for Dummies," will suffice?
Of course she lied. She must have a lot of dirt on Obama not to be indicted by now.

View attachment 77811
What's the date in that bit you circled?
The date of the email is clearly listed as Monday April 09, 2012 06:43 AM
You didn't answer the question.
04-07-2027 is the date in the circled portion, this was the anticipated date of general declassification, before the sender was implicated in the largest espionage case in U.S. history.................
You failed.

Again. What was the original classification date, as the email was FOIA'ed?

Side note repeat: Her aid could have actually sent that "confidential" email via USPS with a No. 10 envelope and a First Class stamp. Per regulations. That's how sensitive it was. USPS. lol
Of course she lied. She must have a lot of dirt on Obama not to be indicted by now.

View attachment 77811
What's the date in that bit you circled?
The date of the email is clearly listed as Monday April 09, 2012 06:43 AM
You didn't answer the question.
04-07-2027 is the date in the circled portion, this was the anticipated date of general declassification, before the sender was implicated in the largest espionage case in U.S. history.................
You failed.

Again. What was the original classification date, as the email was FOIA'ed?

Side note repeat: Her aid could have actually sent that "confidential" email via USPS with a No. 10 envelope and a First Class stamp. Per regulations. That's how sensitive it was. USPS. lol
You learned all of this working at Burger King?


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