Breaking: Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified...So she LIED

As a side note, because the Bush-era failed, sad-sack former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has been in the news recently, it recalled how he too mishandled Top Secret classified information.

To wit:

"While serving as attorney general, Alberto Gonzales mishandled top secret documents, risking the release of classified information about two of the Bush administration's most sensitive counterterrorism efforts - a surveillance program and detainee interrogations.

Mishandling classified materials violates Justice Department regulations and removing them from special secure facilities without proper authorization is a crime. But a report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department's inspector general says the agency decided not to press charges against Gonzales, who resigned under fire last year.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.
At issue is how, and where, Gonzales stored the documents, which are classified as sensitive compartmentalized information, or SCI.

SCI materials are among the highest and most sensitive levels of classified top secret documents and usually relate to national security cases."

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs
September 2, 2008, 4:12 AM

The damning OIG report is here:
Report - Office of the Inspector General - US Department of Justice

Give it a lil looksee. If you're pressed for time, do a Ctrl^F for TS/SCI markings.

Have fun!

"A small snip: "Gonzales told the OIG that he knew it was “very, very limited access.” However, he stated he could not say whether the program was TS or TS/SCI, although he said he knew it was of the highest level of secrecy.
Gonzales said he “assumed” documents related to the
program bore classification markings that would have indicated the precise
classification of the program, but that he did not create such documents, so he
could not be certain...."
As a side note, because the Bush-era failed, sad-sack former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has been in the news recently, it recalled how he too mishandled Top Secret classified information.

To wit:

"While serving as attorney general, Alberto Gonzales mishandled top secret documents, risking the release of classified information about two of the Bush administration's most sensitive counterterrorism efforts - a surveillance program and detainee interrogations.

Mishandling classified materials violates Justice Department regulations and removing them from special secure facilities without proper authorization is a crime. But a report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department's inspector general says the agency decided not to press charges against Gonzales, who resigned under fire last year.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.
At issue is how, and where, Gonzales stored the documents, which are classified as sensitive compartmentalized information, or SCI.

SCI materials are among the highest and most sensitive levels of classified top secret documents and usually relate to national security cases."

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs
September 2, 2008, 4:12 AM

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs

The damning OIG report is here:
Report - Office of the Inspector General - US Department of Justice

Give it a lil looksee. If you're pressed for time, do a Ctrl^F for TS/SCI markings.

Have fun!

"A small snip: "Gonzales told the OIG that he knew it was “very, very limited access.” However, he stated he could not say whether the program was TS or TS/SCI, although he said he knew it was of the highest level of secrecy.
Gonzales said he “assumed” documents related to the
program bore classification markings that would have indicated the precise
classification of the program, but that he did not create such documents, so he
could not be certain...."
The inspector general ruled that Hillary did not receive permission for her server, nor did she ever ask, thus the IG concluded that hilly broke the rules......................
What's the date in that bit you circled?
The date of the email is clearly listed as Monday April 09, 2012 06:43 AM
You didn't answer the question.
04-07-2027 is the date in the circled portion, this was the anticipated date of general declassification, before the sender was implicated in the largest espionage case in U.S. history.................
You failed.

Again. What was the original classification date, as the email was FOIA'ed?

Side note repeat: Her aid could have actually sent that "confidential" email via USPS with a No. 10 envelope and a First Class stamp. Per regulations. That's how sensitive it was. USPS. lol
You learned all of this working at Burger King?

What are you, 10 Years old?
Answer the question>. What was the classification date in that circle , as the email was FOIA'ed?
As a side note, because the Bush-era failed, sad-sack former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has been in the news recently, it recalled how he too mishandled Top Secret classified information.

To wit:

"While serving as attorney general, Alberto Gonzales mishandled top secret documents, risking the release of classified information about two of the Bush administration's most sensitive counterterrorism efforts - a surveillance program and detainee interrogations.

Mishandling classified materials violates Justice Department regulations and removing them from special secure facilities without proper authorization is a crime. But a report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department's inspector general says the agency decided not to press charges against Gonzales, who resigned under fire last year.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.
At issue is how, and where, Gonzales stored the documents, which are classified as sensitive compartmentalized information, or SCI.

SCI materials are among the highest and most sensitive levels of classified top secret documents and usually relate to national security cases."

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs
September 2, 2008, 4:12 AM

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs

The damning OIG report is here:
Report - Office of the Inspector General - US Department of Justice

Give it a lil looksee. If you're pressed for time, do a Ctrl^F for TS/SCI markings.

Have fun!

"A small snip: "Gonzales told the OIG that he knew it was “very, very limited access.” However, he stated he could not say whether the program was TS or TS/SCI, although he said he knew it was of the highest level of secrecy.
Gonzales said he “assumed” documents related to the
program bore classification markings that would have indicated the precise
classification of the program, but that he did not create such documents, so he
could not be certain...."
The inspector general ruled that Hillary did not receive permission for her server, nor did she ever ask, thus the IG concluded that hilly broke the rules......................
Yup. She violated policy.

Didn't break law.

Notice how Gonzales did the same thing and skated?
The date of the email is clearly listed as Monday April 09, 2012 06:43 AM
You didn't answer the question.
04-07-2027 is the date in the circled portion, this was the anticipated date of general declassification, before the sender was implicated in the largest espionage case in U.S. history.................
You failed.

Again. What was the original classification date, as the email was FOIA'ed?

Side note repeat: Her aid could have actually sent that "confidential" email via USPS with a No. 10 envelope and a First Class stamp. Per regulations. That's how sensitive it was. USPS. lol
You learned all of this working at Burger King?

What are you, 10 Years old?
Answer the question>. What was the classification date in that circle , as the email was FOIA'ed?
Here we have a clear and present delusional clown, that believes that they can issue orders that have to be followed.

No one here has to obey you, but the date in the circle is not a classification date, it's a declassification date of the year 2027.............

Just to show how confused you are.

You didn't answer the question.
04-07-2027 is the date in the circled portion, this was the anticipated date of general declassification, before the sender was implicated in the largest espionage case in U.S. history.................
You failed.

Again. What was the original classification date, as the email was FOIA'ed?

Side note repeat: Her aid could have actually sent that "confidential" email via USPS with a No. 10 envelope and a First Class stamp. Per regulations. That's how sensitive it was. USPS. lol
You learned all of this working at Burger King?

What are you, 10 Years old?
Answer the question>. What was the classification date in that circle , as the email was FOIA'ed?
Here we have a clear and present delusional clown, that believes that they can issue orders that have to be followed.

No one here has to obey you, but the date in the circle is not a classification date, it's a declassification date of the year 2027.............

Just to show how confused you are.

Hey, fucknut - the date of classification in that circle actually says : Classified by DAS, A/GIS, DoS on 01/29/2016 — Class: CONFIDENTIAL — Reason: 1.4(D) —

Now get an adult to sit you down and explain it to you
04-07-2027 is the date in the circled portion, this was the anticipated date of general declassification, before the sender was implicated in the largest espionage case in U.S. history.................
You failed.

Again. What was the original classification date, as the email was FOIA'ed?

Side note repeat: Her aid could have actually sent that "confidential" email via USPS with a No. 10 envelope and a First Class stamp. Per regulations. That's how sensitive it was. USPS. lol
You learned all of this working at Burger King?

What are you, 10 Years old?
Answer the question>. What was the classification date in that circle , as the email was FOIA'ed?
Here we have a clear and present delusional clown, that believes that they can issue orders that have to be followed.

No one here has to obey you, but the date in the circle is not a classification date, it's a declassification date of the year 2027.............

Just to show how confused you are.

Hey, fucknut - the date of classification in that circle actually says : Classified by DAS, A/GIS, DoS on 01/29/2016 — Class: CONFIDENTIAL — Reason: 1.4(D) —

Now get an adult to sit you down and explain it to you

Actually the only date in the circle is 04-07-2027, which again is the anticipated declassification date, that would have been used except for crooked hillbert If you see a different date in the circle, please see an eye doctor.
She'll likely explain it as just another attack on women by Trump......

You failed.

Again. What was the original classification date, as the email was FOIA'ed?

Side note repeat: Her aid could have actually sent that "confidential" email via USPS with a No. 10 envelope and a First Class stamp. Per regulations. That's how sensitive it was. USPS. lol
You learned all of this working at Burger King?

What are you, 10 Years old?
Answer the question>. What was the classification date in that circle , as the email was FOIA'ed?
Here we have a clear and present delusional clown, that believes that they can issue orders that have to be followed.

No one here has to obey you, but the date in the circle is not a classification date, it's a declassification date of the year 2027.............

Just to show how confused you are.

Hey, fucknut - the date of classification in that circle actually says : Classified by DAS, A/GIS, DoS on 01/29/2016 — Class: CONFIDENTIAL — Reason: 1.4(D) —

Now get an adult to sit you down and explain it to you

Actually the only date in the circle is 04-07-2027, which again is the anticipated declassification date, that would have been used except for crooked hillbert If you see a different date in the circle, please see an eye doctor.

You're fucking nutz.

Classified by DAS, A/GIS, DoS on 01/29/2016 — Class: CONFIDENTIAL — Reason: 1.4(D) —
Breaking: Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified

Once again Hillary’s been caught lying about her criminal mishandling of classified national security information. Recall that Ms. Clinton swears none of the emails which passed through her off-the-record email server system was ever marked classified.

Uh oh. Au contraire, madam, once again you are exposed as a liar.

Fox News gets the credit. In an exclusive report published June 11, Fox News revealed that one of Ms. Clinton’s emails had a “portion marking” that identified the specific information contained in the “portion” as being classified. That means the information was sensitive and was legally protected.

The information had the lowest level of classification, Confidential. It discussed a phone call with the president of Malawi, Joyce Banda. Fox News included an information-rich screen shot of the email.

If you want to see the CLASSIFIED STAMP just click the link, and say your goodbyes

None of this will matter if the FBI doesn't recommend an indictment, and I bet that CNN and especially MSN doesn't pick up the story.

My fear is that the fix is already in. BO and his justice department have likely told the powers at the FBI to do the investigation and then hand it over to the JD where it will be moth balled. I suspect that BO can't allow an indictment because he will be caught up in the wash, So even if they do recommend it, it won't happen. I hope I am wrong, nothing would please me more than to see the pantsuit bull dyke doing the perp walk.

It will matter, because if there is evidence that crimes were committed a reason for no indictment must be given. For example if you rob a bank and they catch you and have tape of you robbing the bank, and no one prosecutes, this is now a public matter as the public is in grave danger because a known criminal is free. This matters, trust me

Well said, but does it matter to 51% of the people?

The Democratic Party believes that it has bought 51% of the people...most Blacks, most Hispanics, almost all Homosexuals, all Public Employee Unions and their employess, all Muslims, all Loons/Pinheads, the damn fool Socialists...and the otherwise Mentally Ill.

If that doesn't make up a majority in this declining debtor country, I am misreading the News.

If they have managed to buy 51%, it will be in large part because the Republican controlled House of Representatives let the Socialist pimp in the White House borrow 10 trillion dollars against the Public Credit.

The battle looks lost to me...and I don't blame it on Don Trump even though his acute case of Arrested Development is not helping...I blame the Pussy Republicans, led by two time loser Mitt Romney. Fuck him.

They...the "Establishment Republicans"...are simply cowards...they are sniveling Pussys who are driven to excessive Fear by the eloquent but incompetent Asshole in the White House and his sycophant Media.

The Republicans are going to take a terrible beating in the election this fall...will probably lose the Senate...but I submit they lost it before Trump even became the nominee, because they have been exposed for the Pussys that they are..
Pussys looking out for their own ass...Fuck the Citizens.

Trump may not win, but there are people who will be voting for Trump, and then writing in "No More Pussys" in the Senate races.
Last edited:
You learned all of this working at Burger King?

What are you, 10 Years old?
Answer the question>. What was the classification date in that circle , as the email was FOIA'ed?
Here we have a clear and present delusional clown, that believes that they can issue orders that have to be followed.

No one here has to obey you, but the date in the circle is not a classification date, it's a declassification date of the year 2027.............

Just to show how confused you are.

Hey, fucknut - the date of classification in that circle actually says : Classified by DAS, A/GIS, DoS on 01/29/2016 — Class: CONFIDENTIAL — Reason: 1.4(D) —

Now get an adult to sit you down and explain it to you

Actually the only date in the circle is 04-07-2027, which again is the anticipated declassification date, that would have been used except for crooked hillbert If you see a different date in the circle, please see an eye doctor.

You're fucking nutz.

Classified by DAS, A/GIS, DoS on 01/29/2016 — Class: CONFIDENTIAL — Reason: 1.4(D) —

You ask what the date was in the circle, it is clearly 04-07-2027. Again, If you can't see this, you need an eye doctor.
You didn't answer the question.
04-07-2027 is the date in the circled portion, this was the anticipated date of general declassification, before the sender was implicated in the largest espionage case in U.S. history.................
You failed.

Again. What was the original classification date, as the email was FOIA'ed?

Side note repeat: Her aid could have actually sent that "confidential" email via USPS with a No. 10 envelope and a First Class stamp. Per regulations. That's how sensitive it was. USPS. lol
You learned all of this working at Burger King?

What are you, 10 Years old?
Answer the question>. What was the classification date in that circle , as the email was FOIA'ed?
Here we have a clear and present delusional clown, that believes that they can issue orders that have to be followed.

No one here has to obey you, but the date in the circle is not a classification date, it's a declassification date of the year 2027.............

Just to show how confused you are.

Dishonest dope at that.
Thread fail big-time.
04-07-2027 is the date in the circled portion, this was the anticipated date of general declassification, before the sender was implicated in the largest espionage case in U.S. history.................
You failed.

Again. What was the original classification date, as the email was FOIA'ed?

Side note repeat: Her aid could have actually sent that "confidential" email via USPS with a No. 10 envelope and a First Class stamp. Per regulations. That's how sensitive it was. USPS. lol
You learned all of this working at Burger King?

What are you, 10 Years old?
Answer the question>. What was the classification date in that circle , as the email was FOIA'ed?
Here we have a clear and present delusional clown, that believes that they can issue orders that have to be followed.

No one here has to obey you, but the date in the circle is not a classification date, it's a declassification date of the year 2027.............

Just to show how confused you are.

Dishonest dope at that.
Thread fail big-time.

Suckered you in didn't it?
You failed.

Again. What was the original classification date, as the email was FOIA'ed?

Side note repeat: Her aid could have actually sent that "confidential" email via USPS with a No. 10 envelope and a First Class stamp. Per regulations. That's how sensitive it was. USPS. lol
You learned all of this working at Burger King?

What are you, 10 Years old?
Answer the question>. What was the classification date in that circle , as the email was FOIA'ed?
Here we have a clear and present delusional clown, that believes that they can issue orders that have to be followed.

No one here has to obey you, but the date in the circle is not a classification date, it's a declassification date of the year 2027.............

Just to show how confused you are.

Dishonest dope at that.
Thread fail big-time.

Suckered you in didn't it?

Suckered you into starting a thread that made you look dopey.
You learned all of this working at Burger King?

What are you, 10 Years old?
Answer the question>. What was the classification date in that circle , as the email was FOIA'ed?
Here we have a clear and present delusional clown, that believes that they can issue orders that have to be followed.

No one here has to obey you, but the date in the circle is not a classification date, it's a declassification date of the year 2027.............

Just to show how confused you are.

Dishonest dope at that.
Thread fail big-time.

Suckered you in didn't it?

Suckered you into starting a thread that made you look dopey.

Dude you were sleeping when I started this thread.

Next addict
Breaking: Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified

Once again Hillary’s been caught lying about her criminal mishandling of classified national security information. Recall that Ms. Clinton swears none of the emails which passed through her off-the-record email server system was ever marked classified.

Uh oh. Au contraire, madam, once again you are exposed as a liar.

Fox News gets the credit. In an exclusive report published June 11, Fox News revealed that one of Ms. Clinton’s emails had a “portion marking” that identified the specific information contained in the “portion” as being classified. That means the information was sensitive and was legally protected.

The information had the lowest level of classification, Confidential. It discussed a phone call with the president of Malawi, Joyce Banda. Fox News included an information-rich screen shot of the email.

If you want to see the CLASSIFIED STAMP just click the link, and say your goodbyes

Who cares about your stupid link making light of Hillary's crimes.

The WH itself stated Clinton's server was found to contain information so classified it could not be released in any form because it could cause grave danger to our national security. That's not a joke. She violated the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - ie SHE BROKE THE LAW.

And both the DNC and Obama just set US records for endorsing a candidate under investigation by the FBI...for crimes under the Espionage Act, no less. What a proud moment in the history of the Democratic Party....
Breaking: Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified

Once again Hillary’s been caught lying about her criminal mishandling of classified national security information. Recall that Ms. Clinton swears none of the emails which passed through her off-the-record email server system was ever marked classified.

Uh oh. Au contraire, madam, once again you are exposed as a liar.

Fox News gets the credit. In an exclusive report published June 11, Fox News revealed that one of Ms. Clinton’s emails had a “portion marking” that identified the specific information contained in the “portion” as being classified. That means the information was sensitive and was legally protected.

The information had the lowest level of classification, Confidential. It discussed a phone call with the president of Malawi, Joyce Banda. Fox News included an information-rich screen shot of the email.

If you want to see the CLASSIFIED STAMP just click the link, and say your goodbyes

Who cares about your stupid link making light of Hillary's crimes.

The WH itself stated Clinton's server was found to contain information so classified it could not be released in any form because it could cause grave danger to our national security. That's not a joke. She violated the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - ie SHE BROKE THE LAW.

And both the DNC and Obama just set US records for endorsing a candidate under investigation by the FBI...for crimes under the Espionage Act, no less. What a proud moment in the history of the Democratic Party....

What are you trying to say

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