BREAKING: Hillary’s Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter
It's time for those physicals to shut you guys up or prove you right.

Right, lets see an unbiased medical opinion of her mental condition. If you have it, lets see it.

We've seen more of her medical reports than any from Trump What about that? where are his records?

He has never smoked, does not drink and is in excellent health. I am quite sure he would be happy to release his medical reports.

Now, can we see Hillary's? You claim she has released them, so post them for us.

I already did earlier in this thread and Trump is not in good health. He is overweight has high cholesterol, takes statins and has high blood pressure.
Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter
It's time for those physicals to shut you guys up or prove you right.

Right, lets see an unbiased medical opinion of her mental condition. If you have it, lets see it.

We've seen more of her medical reports than any from Trump What about that? where are his records?

He has never smoked, does not drink and is in excellent health. I am quite sure he would be happy to release his medical reports.

Now, can we see Hillary's? You claim she has released them, so post them for us.

I already did earlier in this thread and Trump is not in good health. He is overweight has high cholesterol, takes statins and has high blood pressure.

Oh, you're a doctor too!!!!
It's time for those physicals to shut you guys up or prove you right.

Right, lets see an unbiased medical opinion of her mental condition. If you have it, lets see it.

We've seen more of her medical reports than any from Trump What about that? where are his records?

He has never smoked, does not drink and is in excellent health. I am quite sure he would be happy to release his medical reports.

Now, can we see Hillary's? You claim she has released them, so post them for us.

I already did earlier in this thread and Trump is not in good health. He is overweight has high cholesterol, takes statins and has high blood pressure.

Oh, you're a doctor too!!!!
No, just any idiot knows that combination is heart attack city.
Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter
It's time for those physicals to shut you guys up or prove you right.

Right, lets see an unbiased medical opinion of her mental condition. If you have it, lets see it.

We've seen more of her medical reports than any from Trump What about that? where are his records?

He has never smoked, does not drink and is in excellent health. I am quite sure he would be happy to release his medical reports.

Now, can we see Hillary's? You claim she has released them, so post them for us.

I already did earlier in this thread and Trump is not in good health. He is overweight has high cholesterol, takes statins and has high blood pressure.

so do 90% of men his age. None of those things are serious and are easily controlled
It's time for those physicals to shut you guys up or prove you right.

Right, lets see an unbiased medical opinion of her mental condition. If you have it, lets see it.

We've seen more of her medical reports than any from Trump What about that? where are his records?

He has never smoked, does not drink and is in excellent health. I am quite sure he would be happy to release his medical reports.

Now, can we see Hillary's? You claim she has released them, so post them for us.

I already did earlier in this thread and Trump is not in good health. He is overweight has high cholesterol, takes statins and has high blood pressure.

so do 90% of men his age. None of those things are serious and are easily controlled
That's why we need a fucking doctor's report not a statement from you clearing him.
Right, lets see an unbiased medical opinion of her mental condition. If you have it, lets see it.

We've seen more of her medical reports than any from Trump What about that? where are his records?

He has never smoked, does not drink and is in excellent health. I am quite sure he would be happy to release his medical reports.

Now, can we see Hillary's? You claim she has released them, so post them for us.

I already did earlier in this thread and Trump is not in good health. He is overweight has high cholesterol, takes statins and has high blood pressure.

so do 90% of men his age. None of those things are serious and are easily controlled
That's why we need a fucking doctor's report not a statement from you clearing him.

great, I'm sure he will provide one if asked. Still waiting for you to post the one you claim Hillary released. or is it in the same place that her wall street speech transcripts are?
Right, lets see an unbiased medical opinion of her mental condition. If you have it, lets see it.

We've seen more of her medical reports than any from Trump What about that? where are his records?

He has never smoked, does not drink and is in excellent health. I am quite sure he would be happy to release his medical reports.

Now, can we see Hillary's? You claim she has released them, so post them for us.

I already did earlier in this thread and Trump is not in good health. He is overweight has high cholesterol, takes statins and has high blood pressure.

so do 90% of men his age. None of those things are serious and are easily controlled
That's why we need a fucking doctor's report not a statement from you clearing him.

Do you want one on Clinton as well?
The Ralph Retort? Another one of Vagisil's credible resources! :laugh: And the same suspects eat it up.
If I start using Marvel Comics as the base of a debate, will you folks bite on it?
Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter

Diazepam is Valium, a Benzodiazepine used to treat a wide range of issues, including seizures, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, restless legs syndrome, general muscle spasms, but most commonly prescribed as an anti-anxiety drug.

So for all we know, Hillary could be on Diazepam for anxiety issues that she's having.

If she needs so much of it that she can't walk straight, how is she going to make decisions regarding national security? Without those men she wouldn't have made it up six steps. Time to help her into a rest home with no steps to conquer. Being President of the USA is one the highest stress positions you can imagine. It turns your hair white.
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. And especially don't apply for the job of chef.
I'm just wondering if the black guy with the anti-seizure pen is gonna be standing at the podium when she debates Trump, in case the Donald gets too rough and she freezes up.
They'll just go to commercials.

The public will be kept in the dark.
But some enterprising young person will find a way to get it out there.
You are correct, it was Republican policies and the Bush administration that brought this country down to its worst financial crash since 1929. I agree.

are you totally fricken crazy? there was no recession in 08. We had a market correction and some bad mortgage loans. Not even close to 1929. Damn, you libs just keep making yourselves look more stupid with each new post. And what happened in 08 was caused by the greed and liberal stupidity of BOTH parties.
700,000 jobs a month $12.8 trillion lost was a market correction? You really are stupid

the 700K jobs lost is a lie. and yes, the market lost 12 T, it has now made it all back and more, it was a correction, I bought when it was down, made some very good profits. So did most intelligent investors.
Poor rightard, what numbers do you see at the end of Bush's term and the beginning of Obama's...?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

full time jobs became part time jobs. There was no recession. If there was, lets do it again because I made a lot of money during that time.

Sure, uh-huh. There is no Earth either. This is all part of your ongoing hallucination.
We've seen more of her medical reports than any from Trump What about that? where are his records?

He has never smoked, does not drink and is in excellent health. I am quite sure he would be happy to release his medical reports.

Now, can we see Hillary's? You claim she has released them, so post them for us.

I already did earlier in this thread and Trump is not in good health. He is overweight has high cholesterol, takes statins and has high blood pressure.

so do 90% of men his age. None of those things are serious and are easily controlled
That's why we need a fucking doctor's report not a statement from you clearing him.

great, I'm sure he will provide one if asked. Still waiting for you to post the one you claim Hillary released. or is it in the same place that her wall street speech transcripts are?
It's in these threads just look.
You are correct, it was Republican policies and the Bush administration that brought this country down to its worst financial crash since 1929. I agree.

are you totally fricken crazy? there was no recession in 08. We had a market correction and some bad mortgage loans. Not even close to 1929. Damn, you libs just keep making yourselves look more stupid with each new post. And what happened in 08 was caused by the greed and liberal stupidity of BOTH parties.
700,000 jobs a month $12.8 trillion lost was a market correction? You really are stupid

the 700K jobs lost is a lie. and yes, the market lost 12 T, it has now made it all back and more, it was a correction, I bought when it was down, made some very good profits. So did most intelligent investors.
You moron... a correction is a 10% drop. What do you suppose a 50% drop is?

By the way, that's a rhetorical question. You're clearly not mentally qualified to answer lucidly.

the market did not drop 50%, what planet do you live on?
You're fucking deranged. You know that, right?

The Dow went from about 13.6K to about 6.6K

NASDAQ went from about 2.6K to 1.3K

S&P500 went from about 1.5K to 0.7K%

My Liberal math informs me that is a 50% drop or more, depending on the index.

To what figures does conservative fuzzy math arrive?
Last edited:
Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter
It's time for those physicals to shut you guys up or prove you right.

Right, lets see an unbiased medical opinion of her mental condition. If you have it, lets see it.

We've seen more of her medical reports than any from Trump What about that? where are his records?

He has never smoked, does not drink and is in excellent health. I am quite sure he would be happy to release his medical reports.

Now, can we see Hillary's? You claim she has released them, so post them for us.
Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter

This recent rash of sensational stories are generated by websites funded by either the RNC or Mr. Trump himself. Why?
Why didn't these stories come out before? Because Mr. Trump wasn't losing.
Notice that these inflammatory and disparaging articles are only surfacing now because Mr. Trump has fallen 10+/- points behind Mrs. Clinton in the polls.
^^^ cheerleading for the decline of the middle class ^^^

Your comment is complete nonsense, Mr. Yousaid. If you are so naive to think that Mr. Trump and the GOP hasn't launched a smear campaign against Mrs. Clinton, then you don't know jack, or Karl Rove.
Maam. I beg to differ. My comment is accurate.

Naive you imply? Amusing.

You think I am a Republican? I've been a Democrat my entire life. Well. Until July 25th. Now an independent.

Elizabeth Warren? A progressive Marxists you are. And again, cheering for the decline of the middle class and this nation.

Jim Webb is better suited for the Presidency. A Democrat, yes. Just not your progressive cup of tea. You prefer a lying hypocrite.

I cannot support Your progressive Marxist agenda of power before the people of this nation. The list is long. Very long.

Both parties are responsible as well as YOU. These elitists I work among care nothing for you, me, the poor, the middle class or for this country.

You think I support Trump. Or Carl Rove for that matter? Yes. Maam. You are naive.

I have been on this messageboard for 7 months, and have found that I can no longer support the Democrat agenda. Thank yourselves. I thank you.

No. I will not support the Republicans. I have an aversion to both parties and those who have been in office since I have been born and have done nothing to enhance the lives of the citizens that I have sworn an oath to protect.

I also have an aversion to you sycophants who demand we March in lockstep towards this decline.

Yes. Naive. Yes. You are.

Save your lecture for your contingent.
Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter
It's time for those physicals to shut you guys up or prove you right.

Right, lets see an unbiased medical opinion of her mental condition. If you have it, lets see it.

We've seen more of her medical reports than any from Trump What about that? where are his records?

He has never smoked, does not drink and is in excellent health. I am quite sure he would be happy to release his medical reports.

Now, can we see Hillary's? You claim she has released them, so post them for us.

Its a year old. Alzheimers onset is gradual. The brain damage could just now be fully manifesting itself. The barking, seizures, weird head movements, rolling the eyes, gaping the mouth open, responding to a question with something completely unrelated to the question--------------sorry, dude but it looks like your candidate has some real medical issues.

Do you really want her facing down with Putin and ISIS?
another question for Hillary supporters: do you want a president who has to rely on drugs to carry on a normal life? who is dependent on prescription drugs ?
It's time for those physicals to shut you guys up or prove you right.

Right, lets see an unbiased medical opinion of her mental condition. If you have it, lets see it.

We've seen more of her medical reports than any from Trump What about that? where are his records?

He has never smoked, does not drink and is in excellent health. I am quite sure he would be happy to release his medical reports.

Now, can we see Hillary's? You claim she has released them, so post them for us.

Its a year old. Alzheimers onset is gradual. The brain damage could just now be fully manifesting itself. The barking, seizures, weird head movements, rolling the eyes, gaping the mouth open, responding to a question with something completely unrelated to the question--------------sorry, dude but it looks like your candidate has some real medical issues.

Do you really want her facing down with Putin and ISIS?
She has no health issues you can prove and she's got a clean bill of health.
Alzheimers onset is gradual. The brain damage could just now be fully manifesting itself.

Do you really want her facing down with Putin and ISIS?
Are you fucking kidding?
Trump is 2 years older than Hillary, so if you're talking dementia, Trump is the more likely "candidate".
Just look at his forgetfulness; did he meet Putin or not? LOL.

I would much rather have a rational, experienced diplomatic person dealing with Putin & ISIS than a hyper-explosive retard.
Alzheimers onset is gradual. The brain damage could just now be fully manifesting itself.

Do you really want her facing down with Putin and ISIS?
Are you fucking kidding?
Trump is 2 years older than Hillary, so if you're talking dementia, Trump is the more likely "candidate".
Just look at his forgetfulness; did he meet Putin or not? LOL.

I would much rather have a rational, experienced diplomatic person dealing with Putin & ISIS than a hyper-explosive retard.
"In sharp contrast to Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump has no experience on national security. Even more important, the character traits he has exhibited during the primary season suggest he would be a poor, even dangerous, commander in chief.

These traits include his obvious need for self-aggrandizement, his overreaction to perceived slights, his tendency to make decisions based on intuition, his refusal to change his views based on new information, his routine carelessness with the facts, his unwillingness to listen to others and his lack of respect for the rule of law. "

- Michael J. Morell was the acting director and deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 2010 to 2013.

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