Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

First it was "Incidental" surveillance that resulted in the recording of private citizen Flynn. Now it turns out that SEVERAL Trump people were under this "incidental" surveillance between Election Day and the inauguration. Obviously, this was all being directed by Obama people.

There is a big storm brewing. Before it is all said and done many Democrat pols are going to prison.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

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Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.
Duh. You don't think a criminal investigation should include investigating the criminal? Ridiculous.
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.

Nunes is pissed. It is illegal to unmask any American. Oh and the information that was spread around and leaked had nothing to do with Russia for the most part.

"Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Nunes said that the intelligence has nothing to do with Russia and that the collection occurred after the presidential election."
Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul RyanRepublican flips to yes on healthcare bill GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Maybe Trump didn't lie about the wiretapping after all. Be interesting to see where this goes.
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.

Nunes is pissed. It is illegal to unmask any American. Oh and the information that was spread around and leaked had nothing to do with Russia for the most part.

"Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Nunes said that the intelligence has nothing to do with Russia and that the collection occurred after the presidential election."
Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul RyanRepublican flips to yes on healthcare bill GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Nunes? I don't care what a partisan hack running cover for Trump has to say. I want this investigation to be thorough and for Russia's pro-Trump intervention into our free elections to be explained, along with why multiple members of the Trump team were in direct contact with Russia during the campaign and transition period.
Trump Tax Returns Released: FELONY
Flynn Transcripts Released: FELONY
Trump Call with Mexico Gov Transcript Released: FELONY
Trump Call with Australia Gov Transcript Released: FELONY
Trump Call with Thailand Gov Transcript Released: FELONY

Now if you want to argue over the actual surveillance being felonies, then you have 9 Felonies being committed, not by President Trump, as they haven't found a phucking thing after 8 months of surveillance and investigation by The Obama Administration, but by The Obama Administration Itself and The Intelligence Community.

Add in The Hack of Trump Tower Server and Russian Bank Server to plant a Beacon Ping to try to draw attention to Intelligence to go digging in The Trump Server and again found nothing....well friends, that is 2 more Felonies.

And lets not forget The Clinton\Obama mole who leaked classified information about our Surveillance Methods as well.

You get me?

12 Felonies

Muhammad on a cracker with Goat Cheese. Those are just The Felonies we Know OF!

Someone please explain why the most Powerful Intelligence and Surveillance Apparatus the world has known, cannot find one shred of evidence The Trump Team did anything illicit with Russia and at the same time, cannot find The Leakers committing these Felonies in their own ranks.

Anyone care to explain this MIND BOGGLING MYSTERY?
I don't understand what the big deal is

The big deal is they broke the law by unmasking individuals. And this. How it was spread around when the information had nothing to do with any foreign intelligence value.

That's a freaking biggie.

The U.S. intelligence community incidentally collected information on members of President Trump's transition team and the information was "widely disseminated" in intelligence reports, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Wednesday.
"I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition," Nunes told reporters.
"Details about U.S. persons involved in the incoming administration with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports."

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.

Nunes is pissed. It is illegal to unmask any American. Oh and the information that was spread around and leaked had nothing to do with Russia for the most part.

"Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Nunes said that the intelligence has nothing to do with Russia and that the collection occurred after the presidential election."
Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul RyanRepublican flips to yes on healthcare bill GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Nunes? I don't care what a partisan hack running cover for Trump has to say. I want this investigation to be thorough and for Russia's pro-Trump intervention into our free elections to be explained, along with why multiple members of the Trump team were in direct contact with Russia during the campaign and transition period.

You want the witch hunt to be thorough and Stalinesque because the leftist scum have convinced you that Trump is bad and that he did bad things, you rube.

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Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.

Nunes is pissed. It is illegal to unmask any American. Oh and the information that was spread around and leaked had nothing to do with Russia for the most part.

"Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Nunes said that the intelligence has nothing to do with Russia and that the collection occurred after the presidential election."
Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul RyanRepublican flips to yes on healthcare bill GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Nunes? I don't care what a partisan hack running cover for Trump has to say. I want this investigation to be thorough and for Russia's pro-Trump intervention into our free elections to be explained, along with why multiple members of the Trump team were in direct contact with Russia during the campaign and transition period.

I'm fucking with you all the way. Investigate the shit out of Tony Podesta working for the Kremlin bank.

Investigate that slime ball John Podesta for sitting on a board of a company started by Putin.\

Let's go for it. Lets investigate the DNC operative who helped the Ukrainian government set up Paul Manafort and lie that he was under investigation by the Uk government for corruption.

I want to see all the names of the liars associated with that fairy tale dossier.

And best of all I want that old mother fucker McCain on the hotseat to find out how he came into possession of the dossier.

I want all the names of the people who paid for it.

Yeah old school lets investigate to the max.

And last but not least the names of the leakers and throw them in jail.

AND make the FBI examine the DNC servers.

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