Breaking: House Passes Amendment That Bars Obama From Sharing Secrets With Russia

None of the Liberals on this board finds this at least a little disturbing?

I think this is about not only President Obama giving secrets to Russia or any other country but also the leaks to the New York Times. I know the Liberals in this country find this as a non-issue and is nothing more than Republican fear mongering but that's only because they want this country to be like Europe or worse Communist. Liberals in this country haven't a clue as to what that means. They think it will be all sunshine and lollipops, but when it finally happens and the government tells you where to live, who to marry, how many kids you can have, where to work, what you can eat when there's food, they will change their toon.

Hey, but at least everyone is the same right?

Sorry, I went on a rant.

What's disturbing is how far some in congress will go to embarrass a sitting President despite what repercussions it may have. They did it with Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky scandal..and perhaps thanks to that..we got 9/11.

This is complete bullshit on multiple levels. Not least of all is the separation of power set up by the Constitution.

This is not something that congress can legally do. And even if they could..does one really want to tie the hands of the President when dealing with international treaties?

And if the Republicans were so concerned about this shit..why was nothing done after Iran/Contra?

That was a bonafide crime..and abuse of power.
What utter bullshit!

You fucking liberals are really desperate, aren't you?
None of the Liberals on this board finds this at least a little disturbing?

I think this is about not only President Obama giving secrets to Russia or any other country but also the leaks to the New York Times. I know the Liberals in this country find this as a non-issue and is nothing more than Republican fear mongering but that's only because they want this country to be like Europe or worse Communist. Liberals in this country haven't a clue as to what that means. They think it will be all sunshine and lollipops, but when it finally happens and the government tells you where to live, who to marry, how many kids you can have, where to work, what you can eat when there's food, they will change their toon.

Hey, but at least everyone is the same right?

Sorry, I went on a rant.

What's disturbing is how far some in congress will go to embarrass a sitting President despite what repercussions it may have. They did it with Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky scandal..and perhaps thanks to that..we got 9/11.

This is complete bullshit on multiple levels. Not least of all is the separation of power set up by the Constitution.

This is not something that congress can legally do. And even if they could..does one really want to tie the hands of the President when dealing with international treaties?

And if the Republicans were so concerned about this shit..why was nothing done after Iran/Contra?

That was a bonafide crime..and abuse of power.
What utter bullshit!

You fucking liberals are really desperate, aren't you?

You fucking assholes funded Bin Laden. And you fucking assholes made sure Clinton couldn't get him.
it's amazing how much persistence that the modern day right wingers have. They're fucking crazy as loons...but they are persistent.

I had someone tell me the other day that Obama isn't being treated any worse than any other that person....I believe it was Stephanie....ummmm...fuck you. You assholes have been on a witch hunt since he won the nomination over Hillary.

It's all about politics in an election year...why did some Dems vote for it? can you see the Superpac ads now?......"and (insert name here) voted AGAINST a bill that would prevent a president from giving National secrets to foreign countries"

it was a set up...

As I understand, it was an amendment, not a bill. It was attached to a bill that most wanted to pass. It wasn't like they were voting just on the amendment.

Maybe you liberal assholes need to study how our government works.

oh...and who added the amendment? and if you're referring to the Superpac and I have seen enough of them to know that they are full of half truths and sometimes out and out lies....The truth is...either side would do maybe you Conservative assholes need to study up on how POLITICS work and stop believing every stupid ass that gets written or said about Democrats.
I would like to see the secrets Obama has passed on. There is none.

Identity of active operatives in Afghanistan
Identiy of active operatives in Pakistan

"In recent weeks, we have become increasingly concerned at the continued leaks regarding sensitive intelligence programs and activities, including specific details of sources and methods," said Chambliss; Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, D-California; Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan; and Ranking Member C.A. "Dutch" Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, in the statement.

"These disclosures have seriously interfered with ongoing intelligence programs and have put at jeopardy our intelligence capability to act in the future. Each disclosure puts American lives at risk, makes it more difficult to recruit assets, strains the trust of our partners and threatens imminent and irreparable damage to our national security in the face of urgent and rapidly adapting threats worldwide."

FBI looks into possible White House leaks -
Amazing that they have to pass an amendment to keep ONE presidents mouth shut.

Not sure how much it's going to do, but if the Syria situation has shown us anything, Russia is every much our enemy still!
I would like to see the secrets Obama has passed on. There is none.

Identity of active operatives in Afghanistan
Identiy of active operatives in Pakistan

"In recent weeks, we have become increasingly concerned at the continued leaks regarding sensitive intelligence programs and activities, including specific details of sources and methods," said Chambliss; Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, D-California; Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan; and Ranking Member C.A. "Dutch" Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, in the statement.

"These disclosures have seriously interfered with ongoing intelligence programs and have put at jeopardy our intelligence capability to act in the future. Each disclosure puts American lives at risk, makes it more difficult to recruit assets, strains the trust of our partners and threatens imminent and irreparable damage to our national security in the face of urgent and rapidly adapting threats worldwide."

FBI looks into possible White House leaks -

great...investigate it. I'm all for it. funny though....since Obama's been in office, the GSA got busted with their grand parties at taxpayer expense...the Secret Service got busted with their "pants down" so to speak....I'm starting to think that shit like this was standard opererating procedure....and the administration is the entity that is doing the cracking down.
Jobs. Hello. Jobs?

Oh let's not ask the House to actually work for their money now.. Why not work on a way to keep psychos from shooting up movie theaters?

Oh yeah, they'd rather focus on Obama.
This would not have been necessary had President Obama not been caught on a hot mic insinuating he would do this very thing.

[ame=]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]
obama is going to sell our state secrets to anyone who will write him a check, if he's not doing so already.
Once someone presents the exact language of the bill that supposedly prevents only the president from doing what is alleged then I will believe it. Until then, I suspect the bill is aimed at all government officials.
This would not have been necessary had President Obama not been caught on a hot mic insinuating he would do this very thing.

Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube

oh..he said if he got re-elected, he'd give national secrets away? channeling Beck again?

Don't think flexibility is a code word?

I suggest an experiment.

You compose an email to your secretary (or female co-worker) that says "I'll have more flexibility after my wife goes to her mothers for the weekend." and leave it open on your desktop for your wife to find...then we'll time how long it takes for you to end up in Divorce Court.
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Fallacy of false analogy.

This would not have been necessary had President Obama not been caught on a hot mic insinuating he would do this very thing.

Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube

oh..he said if he got re-elected, he'd give national secrets away? channeling Beck again?

I suggest an experiment.

You compose an email to you secretary (or female co-worker) that says "I'll have more flexibility after my wife goes to her mothers for the weekend." and leave it open on your desktop...then we'll time how long it take for you to end up in Divorce Court.
This would not have been necessary had President Obama not been caught on a hot mic insinuating he would do this very thing.

Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube

oh..he said if he got re-elected, he'd give national secrets away? channeling Beck again?

Don't think flexibility is a code word?

I suggest an experiment.

You compose an email to you secretary (or female co-worker) that says "I'll have more flexibility after my wife goes to her mothers for the weekend." and leave it open on your desktop for your wife to find...then we'll time how long it take for you to end up in Divorce Court.

gimme a fucking break. the word flexibility could mean a ton of different things...Good God...even a crazy like Olbermann wouldn't have drawn that conclusion with a GOP president.

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