Breaking: House Passes Amendment That Bars Obama From Sharing Secrets With Russia

This is the first time in presidential history this has been done and it needed to be done to Obama. Because of the open-mic fiasco early this year that caught Obama telling Russian President Medvedev he needed more 'space' and after he was elected that he would "have more flexibility" to make a deal. Not taking any chances of having our 'Missile Secrets' given away, the House inserted a Amendment in the Fiscal 2013 Defense Spending Bill which bars Obama from sharing classified missile defense technology with them. It passed yesterday 326 to 90 with bipartisan support.

What does this tell us? It tells us that we have a president that many are realizing that can't be trusted with keeping our national security intact. This is something Sheriff Joe Arpaio stated the 17th when revealing Obama's birth certificate to be a 'definitely fraudulent' at a press conference. He stated it is crucial we know who this president actually is because right now it is a national security issue and that we have a man sitting in the White House born with divided loyalties, something the founders did not want in a future president. This inserted amendment indicates 'no confidence' that our president would protect and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic in the oath he took.

This is Fred Garvin-Male Prostitute reporting.

House bars Obama from sharing secrets with Russia
House bars Obama from sharing secrets with Russia

The Fiscal 2013 Defense spending bill that passed the House 326 to 90 with bipartisan support Thursday evening included an amendment that would prohibit President Barack Obama from making good on a deal with Russia that he appeared to hint at earlier this year.

Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) said the amendment would bring peace of mind for those who were still suspicious about the hot-mic exchange.

“This amendment would say, ‘Mr. President, you won’t tell us what your secret deal is, but that secret deal better not include sharing classified information of the United States with the Russians about our missile defense,’” Turner said.

This is some really hilarious shit. Watch out for the ole boogeyman...
None of the Liberals on this board finds this at least a little disturbing?

I think this is about not only President Obama giving secrets to Russia or any other country but also the leaks to the New York Times. I know the Liberals in this country find this as a non-issue and is nothing more than Republican fear mongering but that's only because they want this country to be like Europe or worse Communist. Liberals in this country haven't a clue as to what that means. They think it will be all sunshine and lollipops, but when it finally happens and the government tells you where to live, who to marry, how many kids you can have, where to work, what you can eat when there's food, they will change their toon.

Hey, but at least everyone is the same right?

Sorry, I went on a rant.
None of the Liberals on this board finds this at least a little disturbing?

I think this is about not only President Obama giving secrets to Russia or any other country but also the leaks to the New York Times. I know the Liberals in this country find this as a non-issue and is nothing more than Republican fear mongering but that's only because they want this country to be like Europe or worse Communist. Liberals in this country haven't a clue as to what that means. They think it will be all sunshine and lollipops, but when it finally happens and the government tells you where to live, who to marry, how many kids you can have, where to work, what you can eat when there's food, they will change their toon.

Hey, but at least everyone is the same right?

Sorry, I went on a rant.
I agree. You know we used to execute people for giving weapons technology to the Russians. The Rosenbergs come to mind for giving away our Atom Bomb secrets to them that started a arms race and turned them into a superpower. Obama needs to realize the ramifications those two Jews did that has had reprocussions to this nation and the world ever since.


Obama needs to watch this on Ethel Rosenberg not dying after given jolts of electricity:
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If Russia and China called in their loans the USA economy is history.

How stupid can republicans get...?
Why is this bill necessary? Because Obama does not have the best interest in his plan. It has been plain for 3 years and it is getting worse. Obama doesn't have a clue as the job the president has and what it entails. It is just a shame that Romeny is the best alternate we can come up with.
Does anyone remember that diplomacy is the exclusive purview of the executive branch? Congress has no power to constrain the president in this area. He also has the power to decide what is classified and what is not, so why this bill? Unconstitutional and useless, typical republican crap.
None of the Liberals on this board finds this at least a little disturbing?

I think this is about not only President Obama giving secrets to Russia or any other country but also the leaks to the New York Times. I know the Liberals in this country find this as a non-issue and is nothing more than Republican fear mongering but that's only because they want this country to be like Europe or worse Communist. Liberals in this country haven't a clue as to what that means. They think it will be all sunshine and lollipops, but when it finally happens and the government tells you where to live, who to marry, how many kids you can have, where to work, what you can eat when there's food, they will change their toon.

Hey, but at least everyone is the same right?

Sorry, I went on a rant.
I agree. You know we used to execute people for giving weapons technology to the Russians. The Rosenbergs come to mind for giving away our Atom Bomb secrets to them that started a arms race and turned them into a superpower. Obama needs to realize the ramifications those two Jews did that has had reprocussions to this nation and the world ever since.


Obama needs to watch this on Ethel Rosenberg not dying after given jolts of electricity:

Like I said. Put up or shut up asshole.

Besides, Obama could just use a proxy and circumvent this bullshit, if he had any intentions, which he obviously does not.
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Does anyone remember that diplomacy is the exclusive purview of the executive branch? Congress has no power to constrain the president in this area. He also has the power to decide what is classified and what is not, so why this bill? Unconstitutional and useless, typical republican crap.

The pentagon decides what is Top Secret.Some things are so Top Secret that the President doesn't know. It is a "Need to Know" Basis.
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This thread is about Congress passing a bill to stop our grand leader from giving our military secrets away to Russia!

That won't stop obama. He'll do it anyway. There is no act of Congress that he won't ignore if he feels like it.

Any presidebt that would leak our national secrets to the media won't hesitate in giving them to Russia or anyone else.
obama already knows a shitload of secrets, when he loses, he'll be burning up the phone lines between here and Moscow blabbing them just to punish us for him losing.
it's amazing how much persistence that the modern day right wingers have. They're fucking crazy as loons...but they are persistent.

I had someone tell me the other day that Obama isn't being treated any worse than any other that person....I believe it was Stephanie....ummmm...fuck you. You assholes have been on a witch hunt since he won the nomination over Hillary.

It's all about politics in an election year...why did some Dems vote for it? can you see the Superpac ads now?......"and (insert name here) voted AGAINST a bill that would prevent a president from giving National secrets to foreign countries"

it was a set up...
This really is a dumbass thread, because Obama can pick up the phone anytime he wishes and call Putin or any other world leader.
...and get put on hold...while Putin laughs his ass off...

Obama has become the laughing stock of world leaders. Like the book says, Obama is an amateur!
it's amazing how much persistence that the modern day right wingers have. They're fucking crazy as loons...but they are persistent.

I had someone tell me the other day that Obama isn't being treated any worse than any other that person....I believe it was Stephanie....ummmm...fuck you. You assholes have been on a witch hunt since he won the nomination over Hillary.

It's all about politics in an election year...why did some Dems vote for it? can you see the Superpac ads now?......"and (insert name here) voted AGAINST a bill that would prevent a president from giving National secrets to foreign countries"

it was a set up...

As I understand, it was an amendment, not a bill. It was attached to a bill that most wanted to pass. It wasn't like they were voting just on the amendment.

Maybe you liberal assholes need to study how our government works.
None of the Liberals on this board finds this at least a little disturbing?

I think this is about not only President Obama giving secrets to Russia or any other country but also the leaks to the New York Times. I know the Liberals in this country find this as a non-issue and is nothing more than Republican fear mongering but that's only because they want this country to be like Europe or worse Communist. Liberals in this country haven't a clue as to what that means. They think it will be all sunshine and lollipops, but when it finally happens and the government tells you where to live, who to marry, how many kids you can have, where to work, what you can eat when there's food, they will change their toon.

Hey, but at least everyone is the same right?

Sorry, I went on a rant.

What's disturbing is how far some in congress will go to embarrass a sitting President despite what repercussions it may have. They did it with Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky scandal..and perhaps thanks to that..we got 9/11.

This is complete bullshit on multiple levels. Not least of all is the separation of power set up by the Constitution.

This is not something that congress can legally do. And even if they could..does one really want to tie the hands of the President when dealing with international treaties?

And if the Republicans were so concerned about this shit..why was nothing done after Iran/Contra?

That was a bonafide crime..and abuse of power.

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