BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

But, but I thought you Trump asseaters said it was just tourists walking around? No violence, nobody hurt.

Want it both ways, orange asslicker?
More ass obsession from a retarded preschooler. By your side’s definition, it was a peaceful protest. Go eat your daily bag of Dem dicks asshole. Pelosi just got busted. Period.
More ass obsession from a retarded preschooler. By your side’s definition, it was a peaceful protest. Go eat your daily bag of Dem dicks asshole. Pelosi just got busted. Period.
No fuckface. By YOUR sides definition it was a peaceful protest. A slew of you retards claimed it to distract from your love of the orange ape & the crimes he committed leading up to Jan. 6 & on that day.

Facts don't lie, halftard.
More ass obsession from a retarded preschooler. By your side’s definition, it was a peaceful protest. Go eat your daily bag of Dem dicks asshole. Pelosi just got busted. Period.
Nobody cares..I thought we agreed on that, right? Pelosi this and Pelosi that--Hillery this and Hillery that..Obama this and Obama that.
You fools do love your lil demons.
Still..nobody cares~
She's cold busted. None of what happened on January 6 was Trump's fault.

Lol, sure they did. Hilarious
She's cold busted. None of what happened on January 6 was Trump's fault.

Thank you, Russian bot
In these communications, in the Democcats' and those involved's own words, it has been exposed:

Despite all claims that Speaker Nancy Pelosi gas / had no responsibility, power, authority over security issues regarding the House and Senate AND that she had no role in the security decisions for J6, this was proven to be a complete and utter LIE.

- SPEAKER PELOSI was responsible for metal detectors being placed in the House and personally threatened members with fines for bringing weapons into the Chambers.

- Pelosi imposrd mask rules on members for security / safety reasons.


Their own internal communications proved the Sergeants-at-Arms of the Houseand Senate were responsible for the security of the House and Senate but repeported to and worked under Speaker Pelosi.
** Schumer and J6 Committee member D-Raskins were / are the ranking members of he Congressional Administrative Committee, which has oversight of the Capitol Police.

Internal Communications show / prove the Sgts-at-Arms met with Democrats as early as mid-December regarding very specific intel on the violent protests on J6. Republicans were not allowed to attend the vast majority of these meetings. The communications not only showed Pelosi / her staff attended these meetings but that Pelosi's Chief of staff and staff made changes to the Security Plan for J6.

Comnunicatiobs from and about Capitol Police whistleblowers confirm the Trump administration offeted to authorize National Guard troops to be in place before J6 for J6 security but this was rejected by Pelosi and Democrat leadership.
- One of the former Shts-at-Arms who was fired complained about being made a 'fall guy' and how they and Capitol Police were denied sufficient respources to provide adequate Capitol Security on J6.
--- Ex. Despite knowing about the threat in-mid-December, the use of National Guard was rejected, yse of fencing used previously to block access to federal grounds and buildings was not authorized, and tbe Capitol Police were severely undermanned.

Exposed internal communications pointed out there were no Capitol Pomice supervisors / leaders on-had at the Capitol to give direction on what to do as the situation began to break down.

Poor planning, failed leadership, horrible choices, failure to use resources ... almost all falling at the feet of Democrats, especiallly Speaker Pelosi, her Chief of Staff, and staff who hadvdirect roles in the planning of and changing the security plans of J6.


The J6 Committe has been oroven to have had its predetermined concllusion from the start - 'Get Trump', and their plan included hiding Democrats - Pelosi's, Dchumer's. Raskni's - role in the failure to protect the Capitol.

As I have said from the start, the former National Guard General declared, 'Had the National Guard been in place on J6 there would have been no J6!'

We now know, IN THERE OWN WORDS, the reason the National Guard was not in place, why fences were not used, is because of Pelosi and Democrats.

We now know why Pelosi was never going to be called to / was never going to testify before the Committee.

And, if course, the Committee failed to mention any of this in their bigus 'criminal referal' against Trump to the DOJ!

The GOP should hold a J6 hearing when they take over and FORCE via subpoena and threat of punishment Pelosi and her Chief of Staff to testify on their proven roles in the failed security planning and execution before and on J6!

But, but I thought you Trump asseaters said it was just tourists walking around? No violence, nobody hurt.

Want it both ways, orange asslicker?
Still can’t manage a single post without whining like a little bitch about Trump, and obsessing over his ass.

Seek help soon.:itsok:
How would the country be better off? Be specific.

Snowflake hurt feelz dont count.
We would have one less thing to argue about.

Delusional right wingers still think Jan 6th was instigated by anti-fa and the FBI.
We would have one less thing to argue about.

Delusional right wingers still think Jan 6th was instigated by anti-fa and the FBI.

Well let's see here. They're trying to blame Trump for instigating the riot even though he did no such thing, but the suspected FBI partner Ray Epps who is on video urging people to break into the Capitol on several occasions, once with a megaphone, was never even considered for charges. He never had to appear in front of Congress or court for actually doing what they claim Trump did. Why do you suppose that is? :eusa_shhh:
Well let's see here. They're trying to blame Trump for instigating the riot even though he did no such thing, but the suspected FBI partner Ray Epps who is on video urging people to break into the Capitol on several occasions, once with a megaphone, was never even considered for charges. He never had to appear in front of Congress or court for actually doing what they claim Trump did. Why do you suppose that is? :eusa_shhh:
Still harping on Ray Epps?

The riot occurred because of Trump. There is no doubt. The mob stormed the Capitol for Trump. They did not storm the Capitol for Epps.

It’s just a fact.
Still harping on Ray Epps?

The riot occurred because of Trump. There is no doubt. The mob stormed the Capitol for Trump. They did not storm the Capitol for Epps.

It’s just a fact.

I see that point flew over your head, so allow me to simplify for you: if instigating a riot is some sort of crime, why is Epps sitting at home watching the 1/6 clown show and Trump being castigated for it?
I see that point flew over your head, so allow me to simplify for you: if instigating a riot is some sort of crime, why is Epps sitting at home watching the 1/6 clown show and Trump being castigated for it?
Nothing flew over my head. You just have a very poor understanding of the legal issues. You didn’t make a point, you asked a question which demonstrates your lack of insight.

I can answer your question, but you probably aren’t going to listen. Your right wing programming is not easily reversed.

Ray Epps couldn’t be charged with instigating for a variety of reasons. Incitement is a very hard thing to prosecute because the courts have taken a pretty liberal stance on what constitutes free speech.

It’s an indisputable fact that the Capitol riot had FAR more to do with Trump than Ray Epps.
She's cold busted. None of what happened on January 6 was Trump's fault.

Anything with the words "Breaking News" is fake news. Pelosi is not in charge of security for the capitol. How long did it take for them to make up these fake messages?

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