BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

Anything with the words "Breaking News" is fake news. Pelosi is not in charge of security for the capitol. How long did it take for them to make up these fake messages?
You can bet money that anything coming out of Hannity's yap or one of his guests is horseshit.

Hannity admitted in a sworn deposition that he didn't believe that there was fraud in the election. Did he tell his viewers that? Nope. Why? Because he knows he can manipulate his viewers to protect Trump & the mob that he's a part of. Hopefully, Dominion will even the score with that crowd. The same crowd who rants about "God and Country" as they lie thru their teeth.

Fact check: Nancy Pelosi wasn't ‘in charge’ of Capitol Police on Jan. 6​

"The Speaker Nancy Pelosi is responsible for the police officers on Capitol Hill!!" Carr said in an email. "On January 6th they was understaffed due to her lack of over site (sic). With the lack of personnel, the United States capitol was breached which should have never happened. Now she is in charge of the investigation of what happened on January 6th."

But that's wrong. The Capitol Police are overseen by a number of entities and individuals, none of whom are Pelosi.
July 27, 2021...... :auiqs.jpg:

Published December 22, 2022 8:11am EST

The GOP report blames "leadership and law enforcement failures" for making the Capitol vulnerable. It said changes to USCP intelligence protocols in the lead-up to Jan. 6 "caused confusion and rendered a key USCP component ineffective" during the mob violence.

Republicans accused former House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving of being "compromised by politics," coordinating closely with Pelosi and her staff but leaving GOP lawmakers out of discussions about security. The report said Democratic leaders were concerned over the "optics" of deploying the National Guard in response to the riot, given the Black Lives Matter riots that took place in the summer of 2020. The GOP lawmakers alleged these concerns prevented early deployment of the National Guard.

But the report aims to push back on Pelosi, saying that “documents provided by the House Sergeant at Arms show how then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving carried out his duties in clear deference to the Speaker, her staff, and other Democratic staff,” and noting House rules that dictate that the House Sergeant at Arms is supposed to “maintain order under the direction of the Speaker” when the House is in session. The report goes on to describe correspondence between Pelosi’s staff and the House Sergeant at Arms leading up to Jan. 6 about security advisories.

Now we know why Pelosi's phone and email records were never included in the 'investigation'.
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Still harping on Ray Epps?

The riot occurred because of Trump. There is no doubt. The mob stormed the Capitol for Trump. They did not storm the Capitol for Epps.

It’s just a fact.
Only one of the two incited people to storm the Capitol, Simp.

And it wasn't Trump.
Nothing flew over my head. You just have a very poor understanding of the legal issues. You didn’t make a point, you asked a question which demonstrates your lack of insight.

I can answer your question, but you probably aren’t going to listen. Your right wing programming is not easily reversed.

Ray Epps couldn’t be charged with instigating for a variety of reasons. Incitement is a very hard thing to prosecute because the courts have taken a pretty liberal stance on what constitutes free speech.

It’s an indisputable fact that the Capitol riot had FAR more to do with Trump than Ray Epps.

Oh, so now free speech is a factor, huh? Hmmm, I seem to have heard that before from somebody :eusa_shhh: Oh, that's right, it was me!

Yes, and come to think of it, free speech is a constitutional protection as is the right to assemble. So now, the question is, who does this right to speech and assembly protect? That's right, ALL AMERICANS! Is Donald Trump an American? Let me look.......... oh yes, it's right here in his bio. Donald Trump is an American citizen.

It's pretty tough to make the case that Epps is protected by the Constitution even though he spoke words that directly suggested that people riot, but not Trump who said we are going to march patriotically and PEACEFULLY to the Capitol. And no, don't give me this leftist argument that Trump said "fight like hell" when the term does not directly imply physical attacks or breaking the law.

Then next question is, would the DOJ try to level charges against Donald Trump for exercising his constitutional rights?
Oh, so now free speech is a factor, huh? Hmmm, I seem to have heard that before from somebody :eusa_shhh: Oh, that's right, it was me!

Yes, and come to think of it, free speech is a constitutional protection as is the right to assemble. So now, the question is, who does this right to speech and assembly protect? That's right, ALL AMERICANS! Is Donald Trump an American? Let me look.......... oh yes, it's right here in his bio. Donald Trump is an American citizen.

It's pretty tough to make the case that Epps is protected by the Constitution even though he spoke words that directly suggested that people riot, but not Trump who said we are going to march patriotically and PEACEFULLY to the Capitol. And no, don't give me this leftist argument that Trump said "fight like hell" when the term does not directly imply physical attacks or breaking the law.

Then next question is, would the DOJ try to level charges against Donald Trump for exercising his constitutional rights?
Your question is bullshit because the DoJ hasn’t tried to level any charges about inciting a riot.

Did you not know that?
All of them.
Somewhere around 500 rioters have been convicted… thousands others also entered the Capitol.

You claim Epps made contact with and influenced each and every one ?

Christ what an idiot
She's cold busted. None of what happened on January 6 was Trump's fault.


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