BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

Meh.....didn't write the article.....not really an issue anyway. The real question should be why did Deputy Chief Sean P. Gallagher, Protective Services Bureau Commander ,United States Capitol Police forward that information to Schumer's aide?
You know, the unsworn Senate Majority leader?

Just following your lead.

Doesn't matter if you wrote the article or not -- YOU posted he was the Senate Majority Leader. Yeah, you really are that dumb. You should just accept that.

Where's your proof Kelly Fado was Schumer's aide that day...?
Doesn't matter if you wrote the article or not -- YOU posted he was the Senate Majority Leader. Yeah, you really are that dumb. You should just accept that.

Where's your proof Kelly Fado was Schumer's aide that day...?
You can dice it up any way you want to but it's a chickenshit point, your specialty.

From: Gallagher, Sean P. <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 9:40 PM
To: Fado, Kelly (SAA) <[email protected]>
Cc: Schneider, Kimberly A. <[email protected]>
Subject: Interest in Tunnels Leading to the US Capitol

Kelly Fado has spent over 25 years in the Senate, working on Senate Committees and as the Director of Operations for former Democratic Leader Tom Daschle. Hired by Senator Schumer in 2011 as the Director of Oversight for the Senate Rules Committee, she also planned and organized the 2013 Inauguration, became the Rules Committee Staff Director in 2014, and was appointed Democratic Liaison to the SAA when Senator Schumer became Democratic Leader.

Majority Leader Schumer Announces New Senate Sergeant At Arms Leadership Team With Karen Gibson As SAA, Kelly Fado As Deputy SAA And Jennifer Hemingway As Chief Of Staff | Senate Democratic Leadership
Cheney may be unemployed soon but she made a believer out of Trump, assclown. Rattled his cage but good.

Oh btw. Guess who else is unemployed & has been for two years thanks to sane people? Your ass buddy Trump, halfwit.
More obsession with Trump’s ass. More whining. More lying.
He's not POTUS anymore, fool. Though you may think he is.

He's far from unemployed. He went back to his business that he did before becoming President. Still making business deals, still flying around on his own jetliner, still making money.
Bullshit--first of all..armed don't have to mean gun..any weapon fits the bill..bats, sticks, fire extinguishers, flagpoles.
However there were several people arrested for having guns of their persons or stashed nearby

And trump did not care if they were armed. They were not there to hurt he said.
Bullshit--first of all..armed don't have to mean gun..any weapon fits the bill..bats, sticks, fire extinguishers, flagpoles.
However there were several people arrested for having guns of their persons or stashed nearby
You and your cronies on the left are reaching with that BS.
If these people were intent on taking over the US Gov't that day, anyone with half a brain would soon realize what you just posted is a crock.

'We held the Capitol with brooms, sticks and stones'

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