BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

Ok so your proof is the testimony of one person. NO actual proof. Got it. Meanwhile we have written proof that Trumps offer of troops was denied by the sgt at arms of the senate and house, and the mayor, and you still deny it saying it didn't happen.

Well, without real written proof, Trumps troops were not to protect his protesters either.

Thanks for playing.

General: Pentagon hesitated on sending Guard to Capitol riot​


WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Department leaders placed unusual restrictions on the National Guard for the day of the Capitol riot and delayed sending help for hours despite an urgent plea from police for reinforcement, according to testimony Wednesday that added to the finger-pointing about the government response.

Maj. Gen. William Walker, commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, told senators that the then-chief of the Capitol Police requested military support in a “voice cracking with emotion” in a 1:49 p.m. call as rioters began pushing toward the Capitol...
General: Pentagon hesitated on sending Guard to Capitol riot

DC Guard chief details Pentagon delays during Jan. 6 riot at Capitol​

Walker calls restrictions on his ability to deploy his force ‘unusual’​

Scores of District of Columbia National Guardsmen loaded on buses at the Washington Armory and were ready to deploy as pro-Trump rioters breached the Capitol on Jan. 6, but minutes turned into hours as they awaited permission from the Pentagon to move out.

Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the commander of the D.C. National Guard, told lawmakers Wednesday that written instructions issued ahead of the insurrection from then-acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller and then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy limited his ability to deploy his troops where, as a commander, he felt they were needed.

On Jan. 6, Walker and top officials from the U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department pleaded for permission to send the National Guard to help secure the Capitol during a phone call around 2:22 p.m. with defense officials. But Walker said he didn’t receive the go-ahead to send his troops to the Capitol until just after 5 p.m.

Because the District of Columbia is not a state and thus does not have a governor, the president is the commander in chief of the D.C. National Guard. The chain of command runs down to the Defense secretary and the Army secretary.

‘Unusual’ restrictions​

McCarthy’s written instructions from Jan. 5 required Walker to seek specific permission to deploy a 40-member quick reaction team. McCarthy also required Walker to send him a “concept of operation” before that team could be used.

“Based on the Defense Department’s public timeline, once requested, it took the National Guard over three hours to arrive at the Capitol. Now remember, we were all watching this on CNN, and Fox and MSNBC, and it’s a riot,” the Ohio Republican said. “We need to know why the Pentagon took so long to deploy the National Guard.”
DC Guard chief details Pentagon delays during Jan. 6 riot at Capitol

why did donny get rid of mark esper & installed an 'acting' secretary of defense, chris miller just a few days after the election when he was going to leave office? why did chris miller put out this memo on january 4th re: the NG?


No, an actual news source that doesn't sycophant to humperism.
Now to embarrass you. Reuters also reported there was NO evidence of ANY insurrection plan found by the FBI. Nor was there ANY connection to Trump. Squirming and deflections in 3, 2....
Now to embarrass you. Reuters also reported there was NO evidence of ANY insurrection plan found by the FBI. Nor was there ANY connection to Trump. Squirming and deflections in 3, 2....

lol ... you are trying to pass off old intel as current? of course you are.

funny how they just successfully tried oathkeepers with charges of insurrection & currently are nailing the proudboys.

lol ... you are trying to pass off old intel as current? of course you are.

funny how they just successfully tried oathkeepers with charges of insurrection & currently are nailing the proudboys.

Hey asshole DEM. You aren’t supposed to be here since Republicans took the House. But you’re a lying welcher like all Dems. See dumbfuck, you claim Reuters is a legitimate source. That means this is true. Period. You lose. Again.

Not just them either...

Now go back under your rock.

Thanks for proving me right when I said you'd post excuses for why you can't quote them.

Next question, what did Schumer have to do with it?
If you ask me what color the sky is I'll say it's blue.

That's utterly predictable.


Reuters - Least Biased - Not Left - Not Right - Credible
Factual Reporting: Very High - Credible - Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biases sources.
  • Overall, we rate Reuters Least Biased based on objective reporting and Very High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information with minimal bias and a clean fact check record.

Detailed Report​

Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH
Country: United Kingdom
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: News Agency
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
So Reuters rated itself. Cool.
Trumps troop offer, must have sounded like he was sending reinforcements for the insurrectionists.

The Sec of Defense instructions for the national guard, effectively disarmed them, prevented them from having riot gear, and prevented them from acting upon crimes committed by the January 6th protesters.
Not true.
SECDEF offered ROE's , per the houses (Pelosi's ) approval.
Poor little baby. It was your side burning buildings, killing cops, and looting businesses and calling them peaceful protests. Now fuck off and seek help for your GED test asshole.
Enjoy that shit sandwich asswipe now that Trump & his crew have had their asses nailed in the plot to overthrow the election, retard.

You still have time to plant your face in Trump's ass again but you better get moving.
Ok so your proof is the testimony of one person. NO actual proof. Got it. Meanwhile we have written proof that Trumps offer of troops was denied by the sgt at arms of the senate and house, and the mayor, and you still deny it saying it didn't happen.

Well, without real written proof, Trumps troops were not to protect his protesters either.

Thanks for playing.

These whakos don't understand that Trump can't send troops out to protect groups of people that he would select. The Guard goes out to protect US interests and keep peace. That's it. Such an utter ridiculous claim. Trump wanted the NG to protect his people. Protect his people from what? From whom? The Capitol police? Other protesters? What????

Leftists are told what to think, not why they should be thinking it. That's why when you ask them to explain themselves, the usual reaction is :aug08_031:
She's cold busted. None of what happened on January 6 was Trump's fault.

That makes no sense.

If you have someone you think is trying to make a coup, and this person recommends certain troops be sent to the CENTER OF POWER, you'd turn it down for the simple reason that you don't want that person to have 10,000 troops to take over the government.

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