BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

That makes no sense.

If you have someone you think is trying to make a coup, and this person recommends certain troops be sent to the CENTER OF POWER, you'd turn it down for the simple reason that you don't want that person to have 10,000 troops to take over the government.
But did He order these troops?
Documentation via US Gov't says no.
Of course, the evil Nancy was involved, why else did she hire her daughter to film a documentary? And hey that documentary can be used as evidence against her in the House investigation coming in 2023.

Subpoena Pelosi!
If Trump thought the national guard would be necessary to defend violence from his mob, why did he go through with the event?

That means Trump was well aware before time that his supporters would riot, but chose to have the rally anyway.

You fucking leftard morons really take the cake.

You funded nationwide racial riots, asshole.
Enjoy that shit sandwich asswipe now that Trump & his crew have had their asses nailed in the plot to overthrow the election, retard.

You still have time to plant your face in Trump's ass again but you better get moving.
More whining about Trump and you wanting his ass. Hey asswipe, those “referrals “ aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. And it’s Pelosi who’s been exposed here retard. You still have time to plan the your face in Liz Cheney’s loser ass, but you better hurry. She’s unemployed in a couple of weeks.
Of course, the evil Nancy was involved, why else did she hire her daughter to film a documentary? And hey that documentary can be used as evidence against her in the House investigation coming in 2023.

Subpoena Pelosi!

Why do you think she didn't allow Republicans to choose their representatives in this case? They would have made her take an oath and answer their questions to Congress and we would have found out about all this months and months ago. Next year, she'll have no choice even if she decides to retire.
More whining about Trump and you wanting his ass. Hey asswipe, those “referrals “ aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. And it’s Pelosi who’s been exposed here retard. You still have time to plan the your face in Liz Cheney’s loser ass, but you better hurry. She’s unemployed in a couple of weeks.
Cheney may be unemployed soon but she made a believer out of Trump, assclown. Rattled his cage but good.

Oh btw. Guess who else is unemployed & has been for two years thanks to sane people? Your ass buddy Trump, halfwit.
Lots of patriots going to the wall for a shit stain like trump. A few good men killed and over a hundred injured so trump could be president again even though those at the ballot box said no. The scum bag wouldn't even allow Joe Biden his transition period like every other president has allowed the out going president has done, republican or democrat.
Lots of patriots going to the wall for a shit stain like trump. A few good men killed and over a hundred injured so trump could be president again even though those at the ballot box said no. The scum bag wouldn't even allow Joe Biden his transition period like every other president has allowed the out going president has done, republican or democrat.

Only one person was killed as a result of the raid and that was a five foot nothing unarmed female vet. The others died from matters not related to the raid after they were away from it.
Retard, You posted "Senate Majority Leader," not Senate Majority Leader elect.

Meh.....didn't write the article.....not really an issue anyway. The real question should be why did Deputy Chief Sean P. Gallagher, Protective Services Bureau Commander ,United States Capitol Police forward that information to Schumer's aide?
You know, the unsworn Senate Majority leader?

Why are you on this forum when you know nothing?
Just following your lead.
Only one person was killed as a result of the raid and that was a five foot nothing unarmed female vet. The others died from matters not related to the raid after they were away from it.
It wasn't a raid. It was an attempted coup. Surely you must have seen the chaos and destruction? How can you stick up for this trump monster and still remain a patriotic American? Can't have both.
It wasn't a raid. It was an attempted coup. Surely you must have seen the chaos and destruction? How can you stick up for this trump monster and still remain a patriotic American? Can't have both.
If it was a coup, where the hell was all the unlimited supplies of ordnance to hold the US Capitol against police and eventually the National Guard?
Is that why Trump wanted his armed mob to be allowed to enter the area around the Capital building?

Jordan is a pile of shit who will do anything to distract from Trump's culpability on what happened on Jan.6. Without Trump, no one would give a shit if Jordan even had a pulse. Without Trump, Jordan is a non person, a fucking nobody. A waste of skin who has accomplished not a fucking thing in the HOR except run his big mouth.
The above post is the textbook definition of TRIGGERED
It wasn't a raid. It was an attempted coup. Surely you must have seen the chaos and destruction? How can you stick up for this trump monster and still remain a patriotic American? Can't have both.

Well it's a little thing called facts. Trump didn't organize any riot. Trump merely had a rally. He's not responsible for the actions of others. There was no coup. Trump held the rally to try and urge Republican lawmakers to object to the certification of Biden. It was his only goal.

So now let's talk about patriotism: We have guy in the White House selling out his country for the political power of his party. Since they became the anti-white party their goal is to make us a minority in our very own country for the first time in history. Their ultimate goal is to turn the United States into a single-party country forever wiping out democracy and our Republic in general. Yes, it's going to be the end of the great experiment, but that doesn't matter anymore than the 107,000 dead Americans from fentanyl OD's somewhat due to those open borders. It's all about power.

So now you tell me. Am I a less patriotic American for supporting Trump, or are you less of a patriotic American for supporting Biden?

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