BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

My views :
Lol. Do you know why Trump is likely to lose again in 2024? 2 reasons...

1) The Blue has been controlling the mass media in America. And it has got allies all around the world.
2) The Deep State is against Trump. They prefer the Blue.

You can see what they said about the Gateway Pundit on the Internet down below. ( Just 2 websites here )

I'm not surprised if Trump becomes a loser again. lol. :)

Wikipedia :
The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

The Gateway Pundit is a right-wing website that repeatedly falls for hoaxes, pushes conspiracy theories and smears of Democratic officials, and is an ardent defender of President Donald Trump.

1) The Gateway Pundit - Wikipedia – The Gateway Pundit - Wikipedia
2) The Gateway Pundit | Media Matters for America – The Gateway Pundit
How about reading a single newspaper?

Like this one.

Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally - Reuters

May 12, 2021 · President Donald Trump wanted National Guard troops in Washington to protect his supporters at a Jan. 6 rally
Reuters. That's funny.
How about reading a single newspaper?

Like this one.

Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally - Reuters

May 12, 2021 · President Donald Trump wanted National Guard troops in Washington to protect his supporters at a Jan. 6 rally

Ok so your proof is the testimony of one person. NO actual proof. Got it. Meanwhile we have written proof that Trumps offer of troops was denied by the sgt at arms of the senate and house, and the mayor, and you still deny it saying it didn't happen.

Well, without real written proof, Trumps troops were not to protect his protesters either.

Thanks for playing.
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You be funny.

One dude said that, and you take it as fucking gospel. NOBODY ELSE claims this.

One dude said that Joe Biden was "the big guy" and you deny Joes 10%. So which is it?
Dude, the goalposts are that Reuters is an actual news source. You failed at deflecting from that.

Your sycophancy is again noted.

Also, what in the hell does Hunter Biden have to do with the policy and actions of our President Biden? Who is doing the work of the people of our country.

Your obsession seems to be manic.
Dude, the goalposts are that Reuters is an actual news source. You failed at deflecting from that.

Your sycophancy is again noted.

Also, what in the hell does Hunter Biden have to do with the policy and actions of our President Biden? Who is doing the work of the people of our country.

Your obsession seems to be manic.

Before you just "google" shit, you really need to examine your sources.

Chris Miller, your SINGLE source of this information, contradicted his own sworn testimony. He had already sworn, under oath, that Trump had 10000 troops on stand by ready to roll with orders to protect the capitol. Then he contradicted himself.

So he says he knew nothing about this. That's your source. I hope you realize this.

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Before you just "google" shit, you really need to examine your sources.

Chris Miller, your SINGLE source of this information, contradicted his own sworn testimony.

So he says he knew nothing about this. That's your source. I hope you realize this.
Sycophant you just sourced fox britian for a what?
Sycophant you just sourced fox britian for a what?

To show your source sucked and contradicted himself.

Embarrassing, isn't it? Sometimes google ISN'T your friend when you blindly believe the first link that says what you want it to. :abgg2q.jpg:
To show your source sucked and contradicted himself.

Embarrassing, isn't it? Sometimes google ISN'T your friend when you blindly believe the first link that says what you want it to. :abgg2q.jpg:
Fox britian what asshat.

Your post doesn't prove shit.

Now about Reuters being an actual news source.
No fuckface. By YOUR sides definition it was a peaceful protest. A slew of you retards claimed it to distract from your love of the orange ape & the crimes he committed leading up to Jan. 6 & on that day.

Facts don't lie, halftard.
Poor little baby. It was your side burning buildings, killing cops, and looting businesses and calling them peaceful protests. Now fuck off and seek help for your GED test asshole.
Reuters. That's funny.


Reuters - Least Biased - Not Left - Not Right - Credible
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  • Overall, we rate Reuters Least Biased based on objective reporting and Very High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information with minimal bias and a clean fact check record.

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