BREAKING: House Republicans to Begin Impeachment Proceedings Against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Over Border Crisis

If they are pending a hearing then they are not illegal.

Sure they are, most should never be granted a hearing in the first place, and they didn't enter at a port of entry as required by law. But hey, you commies are never really concerned by laws. And xiden has proven that by ignoring SCOTUS rulings.

I wholeheartedly agree.

That's what all politicians say.

Trump could have pushed for legislation during his first two years when Republicans controlled the house and senate, but he did not. This isn't necessarily his fault, as it is up to Congress to legislate, but considering his near absolute control of republican legislators I wonder why he didn't do more to push the issue?

First of all his first couple years , Democrats tried to block everything he did including opposing his calling for an emergency status on the border. You know, Democrats just wanted to wait until it was too late, like now.

If he did do more to push things through, he probably would have been called a fascist dictator by the same people who are complaining here, that TRump didnt get Mexico to pay for the wall. I do believe he was trying to get support from Congress.
Where is the wall paid for by mexico ?
You people are fucking pathetic.

First of all, I doubt you are really for building a wall in the first place. Secondly, You dont really care about what the damage of illegal immigration and an open border, controlled by drug cartels really does to this country and the migrants themselves.

You also dont realize that the cost in human suffering and economic suffering, and societal damage done here in the U.S. will end up being much more costly to the U.S. tax payer than paying for the border wall all by ourselves. IF Mexico had paid for it great, but that wasnt even necessary... and honestly as you are not a U.S. tax payer, you really dont give a shit except for the fact you like to bitch.

Our education system was already straining to catch up to the rest of the world, throwing in nowhundreds of thousands of school kids who may not speak english at all, immediately overwhelms our system. that is only ONE very small example. again, it really means nothing to you, which is why you bitch about whether or not we got Mexico to pay for a wall. The most important thing was to send the message to anyone trying to cross our border... You will not be allowed to just walk across without going through proper steps.
That message could come through the building of a wall, increased personel, etc or just a consistant and strong message from our politicians.

But since you just dont get it, Have to tell you again. Biden and his admin, basically with his actions and words let it be known to the world, if you just show up your going to get in. Drug Cartels also love this and do their part to make it happen while enriching themselves... Meanwhile.. our current leaders are helpless, clueless and deflecting.
What is phoney about deterring amnesty claims under laws Congress refuses to address?

I am not surprised. Employers keep hiring them so they keep coming. Red states governors even incentivise crossing by providing goodie bags and free rides to other states providing even more job opportunities.

Yes it does.

You sweepingly miss the point. Once again. There are existing immigration laws that Biden refuses to enforce. I gave you the code section.

The illegals keep coming because the Dems / Socialists entice them. Newsom in California offering free Healthcare. Sanctuary cities offering free Healthcare, food and. housing. BTW, it's not redstates offering free goodie bags and free rides, it's the Biden administration and taxpayers.

You're free to deny that the CBP app asks no questions about asylum but that is directly contradicted by the Texas Monthly.
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The root of the problem is xiden refusing to enforce the law.

Not just refusing to enforce it.

Openly violating it.

It's like the difference between a police officer that does nothing about a bank robbery taking place nearby, within his awareness; and a police officer actively robbing a bank.
Not closing it to illegals. That's who we're talking about. Focus.

Not just failing to close it to invaders. Actively and willfully aiding and abetting the invaders, in direct opposition to a duty that the Constitution explicitly assigns to him.
Sure they are, most should never be granted a hearing in the first place, and they didn't enter at a port of entry as required by law.

This is why we need to change amnesty laws.

But hey, you commies are never really concerned by laws. And xiden has proven that by ignoring SCOTUS rulings.

Ad hominem and deflection doesn't help your arguement.

This baffles me. They have an election in November and currently have nothing to show for their efforts.

They are impeaching Biden on zero evidence and now they are intent on impeaching Matorkas because he isnt stopping enough mexicans.

But these same people are refusing him the tools to do the job. How can they blame him when it is the GOP denying funding ?

It just looks like they have no ideas and nothing to do. Who elects these nutters ?
Look at the above, this person is literally living inside of a bubble of imbecility, these are the cretins who believe the lies, no matter how ludicrous, just as long as they comport with their worldview! There is not one jot of evidence against the lawful president, not one, yet that has not slowed the fascist state from manufacturing such via ludicrous lies and lying narratives!

Joe Biden was caught red handed with hundreds, if not thousands of profoundly compartmentalized, top secret documents, all horded away in his garage, documents Joe Biden never, ever had the authority to possess in the first place, each one a felony under all existing US law including the Espionage act! Above cretin it seems thinks Bidens treason along the southern border to either not amount to evidence of treason, or just doesn't give a shit about obvious treason!

No fucking evidence??? :omg: You people are a cancer upon creation, who have long since forfeited any right to live within that creation!!! :fu:
There's no way that it could be anywhere near as costly as what is happening now, due directly to the outright treason and malfeasance of Joe Biden and his Administration.
I don't think you know what treason means.

Congress needs to address this issue with legislation.
It's about cotton pickin time to impeach of this anti-White Cuban national who's hell bent on destroying the country through this invasion of third worlders, like himself. This is why we should have nothing but pure American natural born Citizens born of US Citizen parents elected to office.

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