BREAKING: “Impeach Obama” ad to appear in Washington Times


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well? I'd rather see him resign then we call him a quitter.
a lot of links in article at site.


Will be given to every member of Congress

September 2, 2013

by Dr. Richard Swier

The Florida based National Black Republican Association has sent Articles of Impeachment to the Judiciary Committee in the US House of Representatives. The NBRA has decided to publish an advertisement in the Washington Times and provide a copy of the ad to every member of Congress as they return to work on Tuesday.

Frances Rice, Chair of NBRA stated, “Anyone may download and use the ad, which is camera ready, and pay for it to be in their local newspaper or magazine. The PDF was created by the Washington Times for their use in publishing it in their paper.”

To view and download the full size ad click here.

Congress is dealing with multiple scandals (IRS, NSA, DOJ, Benghazi, Extortion 17, etc.) that raise questions about Executive Branch overreach. Congress will also be debating going to war with Syria over its use of chemical weapons against its own citizen. The ad states, “Congress: Wake up and do your job!”

Below is the Impeach Obama ad that will appear in the Washington Times and be delivered to each Senator and Representative this week.

For a larger view click on the image.

To read the Articles of Impeachment please click here.

all of it here
BREAKING: "Impeach Obama" ad to appear in Washington Times - WatchdogWire - Florida
Well, at least the ad isn't being run in some failing left-winged rag that no one reads, i.e. the NY Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, etc.
I'm surprised Breitbart and The Blaze have not picked up on this

Even Fox News knows better than to touch it
Israel is firing off missiles in the Med sea.......Netenyahu is done dealing with this limpwrister who is lost in space with foreign policy matters. The progressives never give a shit about perceptions related to deterrence.
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National Black Republican Association -- another astroturf political organization.

Wonder where they get their operating funds?
Israel is firing off missiles in the Med sea.......Netenyahu is done dealing with this limpwrister who is lost in space with foreign policy matters. The progressives never give a shit about perceptions related to deterrence.

President Obama is fairly well liked in Israel.
Israel is firing off missiles in the Med sea.......Netenyahu is done dealing with this limpwrister who is lost in space with foreign policy matters. The progressives never give a shit about perceptions related to deterrence.

Are you talking about the missile test Israel said they did jointly with the US? If so, your post doesn't make any sense, not that they usually do.
We're starting threads about ads now?

Don't threads with ads get dumped in the trash bin?
Got it.

So the next time I see a spammer advertising a Nokia 324z.63-75gr1t$""{€^H~| phone, I'll ping the mods to stick the thread in current events.
Got it.

So the next time I see a spammer advertising a Nokia 324z.63-75gr1t$""{€^H~| phone, I'll ping the mods to stick the thread in current events.

only if it is an obamaphone.
The Washington Times has lost money every year that it has been in business. By 2002, the Unification Church had spent about $1.7 billion subsidizing the Times.[45] In 2003, The New Yorker reported that a billion dollars had been spent since the paper's inception, as Moon himself had noted in a 1991 speech, "Literally nine hundred million to one billion dollars has been spent to activate and run the Washington Times".[46] In 2002, Columbia Journalism Review suggested Moon had spent nearly $2 billion on the Times.[21] In 2008, Thomas F. Roeser of the Chicago Daily Observer mentioned competition from the Times as a factor moving the Washington Post to the right, and said that Moon had "announced he will spend as many future billions as is needed to keep the paper competitive."


Sun Myung Moon


In other words - we file this thread under: "Who Gives A Fuck"
We're starting threads about ads now?

Don't threads with ads get dumped in the trash bin?

you're right in a way as I complain of useless stuff posted on the board, I should of asked if the people agreed with impeachment or not and if the ad was right...
at least that was the point I was trying to make...touche
Israel is firing off missiles in the Med sea.......Netenyahu is done dealing with this limpwrister who is lost in space with foreign policy matters. The progressives never give a shit about perceptions related to deterrence.

Missiles we gave to them to try out, dumbass.
We're starting threads about ads now?

Don't threads with ads get dumped in the trash bin?

you're right in a way as I complain of useless stuff posted on the board, I should of asked if the people agreed with impeachment or not and if the ad was right...
at least that was the point I was trying to make...touche

I am more concerned with all the people police kill that are innocent and have no legal recourse for the victims, they are the true Nazies.
well? I'd rather see him resign then we call him a quitter.
a lot of links in article at site.


Will be given to every member of Congress

September 2, 2013

by Dr. Richard Swier

The Florida based National Black Republican Association has sent Articles of Impeachment to the Judiciary Committee in the US House of Representatives. The NBRA has decided to publish an advertisement in the Washington Times and provide a copy of the ad to every member of Congress as they return to work on Tuesday.

Frances Rice, Chair of NBRA stated, “Anyone may download and use the ad, which is camera ready, and pay for it to be in their local newspaper or magazine. The PDF was created by the Washington Times for their use in publishing it in their paper.”

To view and download the full size ad click here.

Congress is dealing with multiple scandals (IRS, NSA, DOJ, Benghazi, Extortion 17, etc.) that raise questions about Executive Branch overreach. Congress will also be debating going to war with Syria over its use of chemical weapons against its own citizen. The ad states, “Congress: Wake up and do your job!”

Below is the Impeach Obama ad that will appear in the Washington Times and be delivered to each Senator and Representative this week.

For a larger view click on the image.

To read the Articles of Impeachment please click here.

all of it here
BREAKING: "Impeach Obama" ad to appear in Washington Times - WatchdogWire - Florida

:lol: ROTFLMAO :lol:
We're starting threads about ads now?

Don't threads with ads get dumped in the trash bin?

you're right in a way as I complain of useless stuff posted on the board, I should of asked if the people agreed with impeachment or not and if the ad was right...
at least that was the point I was trying to make...touche

I do not agree.

I think it would be a bad tactic for Republicans.

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