Breaking! Italian PM Testifys To Parliament His Meeting With AG Barr Ended With All Eyes On Brennan

Brennan aired his distaste of Trump in public, and so Trump has launched his own little vindictive witch hunt.

Trump thinks that if he attacks everyone who criticizes him, it will cow everyone else into being lickspittles. But that strategy only works on turds like Lindsay Graham. Trump bitch slapped Graham for criticizing him during the 2016 primaries, and now Graham sucks his little toadstool cock.

This will go nowhere. One giant nothing burger. A colossal waste of time and taxpayer dollars.
Brennan aired his distaste of Trump in public, and so Trump has launched his own little vindictive witch hunt.

Trump thinks that if he attacks everyone who criticizes him, it will cow everyone else into being lickspittles. But that strategy only works on turds like Lindsay Graham.

This will go nowhere. One giant nothing burger. A colossal waste of time and taxpayer dollars.
Ex-CIA directors don't go on CNN and MSNBC blatantly lying and accusing a sitting president of treason, unless they're covering their own ass and probably guilty themselves of treasonous activities.
I saw brennan on TV lastnight...he looked like a broken man!

He knows what he's done!

I know where Brennan is lately.

Brennan aired his distaste of Trump in public, and so Trump has launched his own little vindictive witch hunt.

Trump thinks that if he attacks everyone who criticizes him, it will cow everyone else into being lickspittles. But that strategy only works on turds like Lindsay Graham.

This will go nowhere. One giant nothing burger. A colossal waste of time and taxpayer dollars.
Ex-CIA directors don't go on CNN and MSNBC blatantly lying and accusing a sitting president of treason, unless they're covering their own ass and probably guilty themselves of treasonous activities.
Trump is the one who projects his sins onto others.

There is nothing illegal about a retiree stating his opinions about a traitor in the White House.

Nothing burger. This is about a thin-skinned clown who can't take the heat. He wants a one way street. Too bad.
Barr and Pompeo have been getting a lot of free vacations thanks to Trump.

"Yes, sir. Italy was very nice this time of year. (burp) I think our 'investigation' is going to require us to visit Bali around April."
Brennan aired his distaste of Trump in public, and so Trump has launched his own little vindictive witch hunt.

Trump thinks that if he attacks everyone who criticizes him, it will cow everyone else into being lickspittles. But that strategy only works on turds like Lindsay Graham. Trump bitch slapped Graham for criticizing him during the 2016 primaries, and now Graham sucks his little toadstool cock.

This will go nowhere. One giant nothing burger. A colossal waste of time and taxpayer dollars.

Barr and Pompeo have been getting a lot of free vacations thanks to Trump.

"Yes, sir. Italy was very nice this time of year. (burp) I think our 'investigation' is going to require us to visit Bali around April."

Brennan and Clapper had a Bali connection too?

How despicable they are.
The Best Time To Visit Italy

The best time to visit Italy is in the spring (April to June) or fall (September and October) when there is nice weather, moderate temperatures, fewer tourists, and lower prices.
"Sir, we have inside information Brennan visited Disneyland. I've booked a flight."
I wonder if Barr will interview all the people involved with Manafort's money laundering.

I wonder if he will search for that imaginary DNC server in the Ukraine.

"We must not get to the truth!"
Barr and Pompeo have been getting a lot of free vacations thanks to Trump.

"Yes, sir. Italy was very nice this time of year. (burp) I think our 'investigation' is going to require us to visit Bali around April."

Anybody looking forward to this?

I wonder if Barr will interview all the people involved with Manafort's money laundering.

I wonder if he will search for that imaginary DNC server in the Ukraine.

"We must not get to the truth!"
Lol, Barr and Durham's investigation really has your small inept brain triggered. I love it!
Here's Morning deep state Joe before Trump was even inuagurated.

Joe Scarborough warns Trump: CIA can cut your administration to shreds with leaks – and they will

“They’ve lost sight of who they actually work for,” Flynn said in the interview. “They work for the American people. They don’t work for the president of the United States.” He continued, speaking of the CIA’s leadership: “Frankly, it’s become a very political organization.” They also cited him in another 2015 interview in which he explained, “It’s all political with” the CIA leadership.
And Clapper too. Just being reported. This is huge!

Watch the breaking news report video from an hour ago


Fake news.

Your so-called "news sources" aren't going to report on the story, until they're both frog-marched off in handcuffs.

It must suck living in an information vacuum.
Has it happened yet, information boi?
The IG report will be a preview of what to expect from Bull Durham in a few weeks.
And Clapper too. Just being reported. This is huge!

Watch the breaking news report video from an hour ago



Italy PM says Barr's meetings with Rome intelligence were legitimate


However, Conte told reporters the meetings, attended by Italy’s spy chief Gennaro Vecchione and other senior officials, had established that Italy had no information on the matter and was not involved in the investigation.

More Russian propaganda with no basis in fact.
And Clapper too. Just being reported. This is huge!

Watch the breaking news report video from an hour ago


Fake news.

Your so-called "news sources" aren't going to report on the story, until they're both frog-marched off in handcuffs.

It must suck living in an information vacuum.
Has it happened yet, information boi?
The IG report will be a preview of what to expect from Bull Durham in a few weeks.
Which will also be a nothing burger.
John Durham interviewed Australian diplomat whose tip prompted Trump-Russia investigation

U.S. Attorney John Durham reportedly interviewed the Australian diplomat whose tip about George Papadopoulos effectively started the counterintelligence investigation into President Trump's campaign in July 2016.

Alexander Downer, who was Australia's high commissioner to the United Kingdom up until last year, met with Durham's team last month in London and is said to have told investigators he was not part of a conspiratorial plot to undermine Trump, according to the Australian.

Under the supervision of Attorney General William Barr, Durham is conducting an investigationinto the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, examining the conduct of the Justice Department, FBI, and intelligence community. Last month, Durham shifted his administrative review to a criminal investigation that allows his team the power to impanel a grand jury and hand down indictments.

He has also been in communication with DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who recently completed an investigation into allegations of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses by the DOJ and the FBI. Horowitz's report is expected to be released in the coming weeks following a classification review.

Downer met Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, at London's Kensington Wine Rooms in May 2016. At this meeting, Papadopoulos said the Russians had damaging information on Hillary Clinton, Trump's Democratic rival in the 2016 election. Two months later, when WikiLeaks published stolen emails from the Democratic National Committee, Downer informed the United States about what Papadopoulos had told him. This prompted the FBI's counterintelligence investigation, called Crossfire Hurricane, in July 2016. It is believed that controversial FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok signed the order that launched the inquiry.

The counterintelligence operation was later wrapped into special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, which concluded earlier this year and was unable to find sufficient proof to establish a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.

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