Breaking: Jared Kushner involved in Trump's Russian problem now

I was under the impression that the Logan Act only dealt with civilians and not a government agent. Jared is an advisor and Flynn's position was secure in the transition.
In December they were civilians.

There's so many of them, I wouldn't know where to begin:

Donald Trump advisor Boris Epshteyn also has disconcerting financial ties to Russia

Opinion | Another Trump adviser with deep ties to Russia

Donald Trump’s New Foreign Policy Advisers Are as Rotten as His Steaks
I knew it, knew it, knew it. Trump never played this straight. This is going to blow into a scandal of Russian involvement that goes waaaaaay back into the election + going around Obama in December to console Putin after the sanctions.

Kushner and Flynn Met With Russian Envoy in December, White House Says
It will all come to naught unless it's somehow shown Trump had a motive to appease Putin that was based on something other than his belief that good relations with Putin was in America's interests, and both Obama and W believed that early in their terms as well.

Except that this meeting took place when Obama imposed the sanctions. And again, remember, in things like this before, it's not the act, it was the lie to cover up the act, that sank the ship. Sessions is trying to backtrack now from his lie during the confirmation hearings.
So what if they took place while Obama was still potus? Reagan got a pass on that. What nearly sunk him was his admin was providing guns to contras in violation of a statute.

There has to be something that cannot be innocently, or naively, explained.

Senator McCaskill met with Russian officials for heavens sake.
Dancer, there's no problem with meeting, the problem was saying under oath he didn't and the possibility they discussed future US policy. Both are at least in theory impeachable.

but it's not going to be anything ... unless Trump has financial ties to Russia that he wouldn't have gotten with legit US investors.
I knew it, knew it, knew it. Trump never played this straight. This is going to blow into a scandal of Russian involvement that goes waaaaaay back into the election + going around Obama in December to console Putin after the sanctions.

Kushner and Flynn Met With Russian Envoy in December, White House Says

Fake News

So what?
I was under the impression that the Logan Act only dealt with civilians and not a government agent. Jared is an advisor and Flynn's position was secure in the transition.
In December they were civilians.

There's so many of them, I wouldn't know where to begin:

Donald Trump advisor Boris Epshteyn also has disconcerting financial ties to Russia

Opinion | Another Trump adviser with deep ties to Russia

Donald Trump’s New Foreign Policy Advisers Are as Rotten as His Steaks

They were the President elects appointees. Didn't have to be confirmed. And the transition team is allowed to conduct business in advance of the inauguration.

You don't really think that every incoming team is not allowed to do a damn thing till the day of the inauguration?

Tell me you don't.
It's just a coincidence. You see, all these people around Trump were meeting with them all behind Trump's back! And uh, he just happened to pick them all to be in his campaign! Just because they all were lying about meeting with Russians doesn't mean anything improper went on!

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It's just a coincidence. You see, all these people around Trump were meeting with them all behind Trump's back! And uh, he just happened to pick them all to be in his campaign! Just because they all were lying about meeting with Russians doesn't mwant anything improper went on!

And until you prove otherwise your last sentence is accurate.
Fucking weeboos cry about everything
I knew it, knew it, knew it. Trump never played this straight. This is going to blow into a scandal of Russian involvement that goes waaaaaay back into the election + going around Obama in December to console Putin after the sanctions.

Kushner and Flynn Met With Russian Envoy in December, White House Says
It will all come to naught unless it's somehow shown Trump had a motive to appease Putin that was based on something other than his belief that good relations with Putin was in America's interests, and both Obama and W believed that early in their terms as well.
so ben the sanctions meant nothing?
I knew it, knew it, knew it. Trump never played this straight. This is going to blow into a scandal of Russian involvement that goes waaaaaay back into the election + going around Obama in December to console Putin after the sanctions.

Kushner and Flynn Met With Russian Envoy in December, White House Says
It will all come to naught unless it's somehow shown Trump had a motive to appease Putin that was based on something other than his belief that good relations with Putin was in America's interests, and both Obama and W believed that early in their terms as well.

Except that this meeting took place when Obama imposed the sanctions. And again, remember, in things like this before, it's not the act, it was the lie to cover up the act, that sank the ship. Sessions is trying to backtrack now from his lie during the confirmation hearings.
So what if they took place while Obama was still potus? Reagan got a pass on that. What nearly sunk him was his admin was providing guns to contras in violation of a statute.

There has to be something that cannot be innocently, or naively, explained.

Senator McCaskill met with Russian officials for heavens sake.
Dancer, there's no problem with meeting, the problem was saying under oath he didn't and the possibility they discussed future US policy. Both are at least in theory impeachable.

but it's not going to be anything ... unless Trump has financial ties to Russia that he wouldn't have gotten with legit US investors.

Perjury is not even a question because both Franken and Leahy asked the question regarding the campaign. And because Sessions didn't discuss the campaign with the ambassador he answered truthfully.

That was verified by the Justice Department who said flat out Sessions was doing his day job both as a Senator and as a member of the Armed Service committee.
It's just a coincidence. You see, all these people around Trump were meeting with them all behind Trump's back! And uh, he just happened to pick them all to be in his campaign! Just because they all were lying about meeting with Russians doesn't mwant anything improper went on!

And until you prove otherwise your last sentence is accurate.
Fucking weeboos cry about everything
you don't have one iota of common sense Why do you think those ah repubs would outright lie???Couldn't be they are hiding something could it?
It's just a coincidence. You see, all these people around Trump were meeting with them all behind Trump's back! And uh, he just happened to pick them all to be in his campaign! Just because they all were lying about meeting with Russians doesn't mwant anything improper went on!

And until you prove otherwise your last sentence is accurate.
Fucking weeboos cry about everything

You've sold all your cred. Sad!
I knew it, knew it, knew it. Trump never played this straight. This is going to blow into a scandal of Russian involvement that goes waaaaaay back into the election + going around Obama in December to console Putin after the sanctions.

Kushner and Flynn Met With Russian Envoy in December, White House Says

This is great news - a ticking time bomb! Much worse than Watergate! Drip...drip...drip...
There's far too much smoke to forget about all these ah republican lies
It's just a coincidence. You see, all these people around Trump were meeting with them all behind Trump's back! And uh, he just happened to pick them all to be in his campaign! Just because they all were lying about meeting with Russians doesn't mwant anything improper went on!

And until you prove otherwise your last sentence is accurate.
Fucking weeboos cry about everything
Russia says it was in touch with Trump's campaign during election

The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told the Interfax news agency on Thursday.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said there had indeed been some communications.

"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing this and have been doing this during the election campaign."

Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did not name names.

"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's)entourage. Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.

"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in touch with Russian representatives."
It's just a coincidence. You see, all these people around Trump were meeting with them all behind Trump's back! And uh, he just happened to pick them all to be in his campaign! Just because they all were lying about meeting with Russians doesn't mwant anything improper went on!

And until you prove otherwise your last sentence is accurate.
Fucking weeboos cry about everything
you don't have one iota of common sense Why do you think those ah repubs would outright lie???Couldn't be they are hiding something could it?
Don't care. All I care about is the economy & jobs. Immigration & Obamacare to a lesser extent.
Outside of those 4 items I don't give a flying fuck
I knew it, knew it, knew it. Trump never played this straight. This is going to blow into a scandal of Russian involvement that goes waaaaaay back into the election + going around Obama in December to console Putin after the sanctions.

Kushner and Flynn Met With Russian Envoy in December, White House Says

This is great news - a ticking time bomb! Much worse than Watergate! Drip...drip...drip...
There's far too much smoke to forget about all these ah republican lies

Republicans are Russian loving bitches with a big pussy boy gene.
It's just a coincidence. You see, all these people around Trump were meeting with them all behind Trump's back! And uh, he just happened to pick them all to be in his campaign! Just because they all were lying about meeting with Russians doesn't mwant anything improper went on!

And until you prove otherwise your last sentence is accurate.
Fucking weeboos cry about everything
Sessions committed perjury HE MUST RESIGN

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