BREAKING: Joe Biden Morning Joe Interview on Rape Charges

Who do you believe?

  • Joe Biden

  • Tara Reade

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Sleepy Joe denied the Rape charges, essentially called Tara Reade a dam liar. That's defamation and slander, certainly cause for Reade to sue the Vice President.
Biden says no NDAs and if there were he would release those bound by them . Ask Trump the same question ask and to release those bound by the NDAs.
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Biden says no NDAs and if there were he would release them. Ask Trump the same question ask and to release the NDAs.

Biden can say a lot of things, doesn't mean they are true. Time IMHO for an investigation.

IMHO, the Vice President's real problems are going to come when more women get the courage to come forward regarding other rapes he may have committed. Probably not until after he is nominated and it becomes too late for the DNC to change horses. Sleepy Joe got schlonged here, even though he might not know it yet.
Interview starts soon.


Let the discussions begin.
We all know now after the Ukraine thing that this is just Trump trying to manufacture dirt on his opponent.

And, Trump's 1000 times more a rapist than Joe so even if Joe raped one girl, Trump raped 999.
Joe biden said “trump isn’t having intercourse with the wold like we should” lol there was some Stuttering involved but U get the idea
Mika actually brought the heat, did not watch but got cliffs on another forum

my take -- the fix is in; Creepy Joe will be pushed out, but they are slow walking as they formulate a plan to appease the Bernie crowd without giving him the nomination
Interview starts soon.


Let the discussions begin.
We all know now after the Ukraine thing that this is just Trump trying to manufacture dirt on his opponent.

And, Trump's 1000 times more a rapist than Joe so even if Joe raped one girl, Trump raped 999.

Tara Reade is a Democrat, and no she isn't in cahoots with President Trump at all.

Further, this isn't about Trump at all.

Trump wasn't a witness to this alleged rape. This has nothing to do with President Trump's qualifications and morality at all, time to focus on Ms. Reade's reports about Biden behavior and whether or not they are acceptable or not.
Interview starts soon.


Let the discussions begin.
We all know now after the Ukraine thing that this is just Trump trying to manufacture dirt on his opponent.

And, Trump's 1000 times more a rapist than Joe so even if Joe raped one girl, Trump raped 999.

Tara Reade is a Democrat, and no she isn't in cahoots with President Trump at all.

Further, this isn't about Trump at all.

Trump wasn't a witness to this alleged rape. This has nothing to do with President Trump's qualifications and morality at all, time to focus on Ms. Reade's reports about Biden behavior and whether or not they are acceptable or not.
Trump was a democrat too. A lot of former Democrats are uge Trump supporters today. So she might not be a Republican but she's probably a huge Trump supporter.

I already heard the evidence. Back then she told people he made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't tell anyone he stuck a finger up her pussy.

Just like Kavanaugh didn't forcibly hold down that woman and threaten to rape her. Or did he?

Anyways, if all the stuff about Trump didn't disqualify him then Biden is our guy despite Tara's claims. All he did was sniff her hair and grab her pussy. YOU have a problem with that? LOL
Watch how slow the women’s groups are to respond to the charge against Biden vs. how quick they were to take the guilty before innocent approach with Kavanaugh.
How should they react? Sounds like they shouldn't do to Joe what they did to Trump.

And notice how the Republicans didn't impeach Trump for trying to get Ukraine to make up fake news about Joe? They would have impeached Obama for doing that.
Watch how slow the women’s groups are to respond to the charge against Biden vs. how quick they were to take the guilty before innocent approach with Kavanaugh.
How should they react? Sounds like they shouldn't do to Joe what they did to Trump.

And notice how the Republicans didn't impeach Trump for trying to get Ukraine to make up fake news about Joe? They would have impeached Obama for doing that.

The Republicans have a problem with impeaching people over made up stuff. They insist on real crimes.
Interview starts soon.


Let the discussions begin.
We all know now after the Ukraine thing that this is just Trump trying to manufacture dirt on his opponent.

And, Trump's 1000 times more a rapist than Joe so even if Joe raped one girl, Trump raped 999.

Tara Reade is a Democrat, and no she isn't in cahoots with President Trump at all.

Further, this isn't about Trump at all.

Trump wasn't a witness to this alleged rape. This has nothing to do with President Trump's qualifications and morality at all, time to focus on Ms. Reade's reports about Biden behavior and whether or not they are acceptable or not.
Trump was a democrat too. A lot of former Democrats are uge Trump supporters today. So she might not be a Republican but she's probably a huge Trump supporter.

I already heard the evidence. Back then she told people he made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't tell anyone he stuck a finger up her pussy.

Just like Kavanaugh didn't forcibly hold down that woman and threaten to rape her. Or did he?

Anyways, if all the stuff about Trump didn't disqualify him then Biden is our guy despite Tara's claims. All he did was sniff her hair and grab her pussy. YOU have a problem with that? LOL
Sniffing hair and grabbing pussy is exactly what Biden did, as opposed to making jokes about gold digger women at parties that want their pussies grabbed.

There is no doubt Biden is a pervert. We’ve all seen the photos and footage of him getting close to young girls in front of the cameras. The Democrat Party is the party of degenerates and perverts. Look at Al Franken, Weiner, BJ Clinton, John “pedo” Podesta, the Muslim bitch who married her brother, Kamala “Round heels” Harris, and the countless homos that are the most powerful in the Party.
Innocent until proven guilty.

In the court of public opinion...which is what counts in the world of politics...mere accusations can cause a world of trouble.

Thus it is more than just a legal definition of his becomes part of the narrative that he is unfit for office.

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