BREAKING: Joe Biden Morning Joe Interview on Rape Charges

Who do you believe?

  • Joe Biden

  • Tara Reade

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Innocent until proven guilty.

In the court of public opinion...which is what counts in the world of politics...mere accusations can cause a world of trouble.

Thus it is more than just a legal definition of his becomes part of the narrative that he is unfit for office.
Oh I know. But I am not going to be a hypocrite. Innocent until proven guilty. Kamala Harris, Liz Warren, Amy Klobuchar, etc. they and their ilk, especially Spartacus Booker are hypocrites.
Biden seems believable to me.I believe he did it.
Interview starts soon.


Let the discussions begin.
We all know now after the Ukraine thing that this is just Trump trying to manufacture dirt on his opponent.

And, Trump's 1000 times more a rapist than Joe so even if Joe raped one girl, Trump raped 999.
"...even if Joe raped one girl..." If Joe Biden raped someone, Sealy he shouldn't be the Democratic nominee for President! That has zero to do with Donald Trump or anyone else!
Interview starts soon.


Let the discussions begin.

It doesn't matter does it, who I believe, but since the Republican House and Senate could careless about tramp and his assaults and adulteries they were not even investigated and that is the same as Kavanaugh.
I believe in the idea / ideal that all who are accused are "innocent until proven guilty" in all but one respect.

If a person actually does commit a crime against another, they are in REALITY - guilty of the act, even before the allegation is made.

That said, I do not know where the TRUTH or reality actually is in this case any more than I did with Blasey Ford and her allegations against Kavanaugh.

Biden said in Ford's case “Women are to be believed, given the benefit of the doubt, as they come forward and say something that is that they said happened to them,"

In my opinion, Tara Reade is completely entitled to be given the "benefit of the doubt" based not only on Biden's own words but also based on the fact that she went the extra mile in actually filing a police report in her case.

In Joe Biden's case, he deserves as much a presumption of "innocence" as Tara Reade is to be given her "benefit of the doubt."

They can not BOTH be right.

Biden started off looking as convincing as he could have possibly could and then slowly lost some of his plausible deniability as the interview progressed.

I can not say which one I absolutely believe at this point. However, it seems that the severity of the allegations alone - should be sufficient to create at least some level of skepticism about Biden's claims of transparency and also about his defense.

I agree with Biden on one thing.

The TRUTH is what matters, here.
Interview starts soon.


Let the discussions begin.
We all know now after the Ukraine thing that this is just Trump trying to manufacture dirt on his opponent.

And, Trump's 1000 times more a rapist than Joe so even if Joe raped one girl, Trump raped 999.
"...even if Joe raped one girl..." If Joe Biden raped someone, Sealy he shouldn't be the Democratic nominee for President! That has zero to do with Donald Trump or anyone else!
Are you a sanders guy?
I believe in the idea / ideal that all who are accused are "innocent until proven guilty" in all but one respect.

If a person actually does commit a crime against another, they are in REALITY - guilty of the act, even before the allegation is made.

That said, I do not know where the TRUTH or reality actually is in this case any more than I did with Blasey Ford and her allegations against Kavanaugh.

Biden said in Ford's case “Women are to be believed, given the benefit of the doubt, as they come forward and say something that is that they said happened to them,"

In my opinion, Tara Reade is completely entitled to be given the "benefit of the doubt" based not only on Biden's own words but also based on the fact that she went the extra mile in actually filing a police report in her case.

In Joe Biden's case, he deserves as much a presumption of "innocence" as Tara Reade is to be given her "benefit of the doubt."

They can not BOTH be right.

Biden started off looking as convincing as he could have possibly could and then slowly lost some of his plausible deniability as the interview progressed.

I can not say which one I absolutely believe at this point. However, it seems that the severity of the allegations alone - should be sufficient to create at least some level of skepticism about Biden's claims of transparency and also about his defense.

I agree with Biden on one thing.

The TRUTH is what matters, here.

Was the truth in tramps cases investigated, NOPE. (cases is plural)
Joe was forced to come out this morning and answer the sexual allegation made against him

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I believe in the idea / ideal that all who are accused are "innocent until proven guilty" in all but one respect.

If a person actually does commit a crime against another, they are in REALITY - guilty of the act, even before the allegation is made.

That said, I do not know where the TRUTH or reality actually is in this case any more than I did with Blasey Ford and her allegations against Kavanaugh.

Biden said in Ford's case “Women are to be believed, given the benefit of the doubt, as they come forward and say something that is that they said happened to them,"

In my opinion, Tara Reade is completely entitled to be given the "benefit of the doubt" based not only on Biden's own words but also based on the fact that she went the extra mile in actually filing a police report in her case.

In Joe Biden's case, he deserves as much a presumption of "innocence" as Tara Reade is to be given her "benefit of the doubt."

They can not BOTH be right.

Biden started off looking as convincing as he could have possibly could and then slowly lost some of his plausible deniability as the interview progressed.

I can not say which one I absolutely believe at this point. However, it seems that the severity of the allegations alone - should be sufficient to create at least some level of skepticism about Biden's claims of transparency and also about his defense.

I agree with Biden on one thing.

The TRUTH is what matters, here.

Was the truth in tramps cases investigated, NOPE. (cases is plural)

LOL, if you think that flooding this thread with cheap petty pot shots fired at Trump is going to shift any focus away from the actual filed police report against Biden?

U B Wong.
Interview starts soon.


Let the discussions begin.
We all know now after the Ukraine thing that this is just Trump trying to manufacture dirt on his opponent.

And, Trump's 1000 times more a rapist than Joe so even if Joe raped one girl, Trump raped 999.
"...even if Joe raped one girl..." If Joe Biden raped someone, Sealy he shouldn't be the Democratic nominee for President! That has zero to do with Donald Trump or anyone else!
Are you a sanders guy?
No. It wouldn't matter who's "guy" I was, Penny...if Biden did rape someone then he has no business sitting in the Oval Office. The idea that he gets a "pass" because someone else was accused of rape is appalling to me!
Watch how slow the women’s groups are to respond to the charge against Biden vs. how quick they were to take the guilty before innocent approach with Kavanaugh.
How should they react? Sounds like they shouldn't do to Joe what they did to Trump.

And notice how the Republicans didn't impeach Trump for trying to get Ukraine to make up fake news about Joe? They would have impeached Obama for doing that.

The Republicans have a problem with impeaching people over made up stuff. They insist on real crimes.
I think trying to get the President of Ukraine to make shit up about his political rival is illegal. If it's not it should be.

And grosse incompetence. Telling people to inject lysol or expose their insides to light? Two very dangerous ignorant things to suggest. And Republicans come back with he was just kidding? No he wasn't. Then they say anyone who would take that advice should die of stupidity anyways, but many people take Trump seriously. Doctors and governments were flooded with calls about these two ideas Trump the idiot spitballed.

I just can't wait for November.
Interview starts soon.


Let the discussions begin.
We all know now after the Ukraine thing that this is just Trump trying to manufacture dirt on his opponent.

And, Trump's 1000 times more a rapist than Joe so even if Joe raped one girl, Trump raped 999.

Tara Reade is a Democrat, and no she isn't in cahoots with President Trump at all.

Further, this isn't about Trump at all.

Trump wasn't a witness to this alleged rape. This has nothing to do with President Trump's qualifications and morality at all, time to focus on Ms. Reade's reports about Biden behavior and whether or not they are acceptable or not.
Trump was a democrat too. A lot of former Democrats are uge Trump supporters today. So she might not be a Republican but she's probably a huge Trump supporter.

I already heard the evidence. Back then she told people he made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't tell anyone he stuck a finger up her pussy.

Just like Kavanaugh didn't forcibly hold down that woman and threaten to rape her. Or did he?

Anyways, if all the stuff about Trump didn't disqualify him then Biden is our guy despite Tara's claims. All he did was sniff her hair and grab her pussy. YOU have a problem with that? LOL
Sniffing hair and grabbing pussy is exactly what Biden did, as opposed to making jokes about gold digger women at parties that want their pussies grabbed.

There is no doubt Biden is a pervert. We’ve all seen the photos and footage of him getting close to young girls in front of the cameras. The Democrat Party is the party of degenerates and perverts. Look at Al Franken, Weiner, BJ Clinton, John “pedo” Podesta, the Muslim bitch who married her brother, Kamala “Round heels” Harris, and the countless homos that are the most powerful in the Party.
Pot meet kettle. YOu found yourself a pussy grabber we got one too. Only Joe has been squeeky clean for decades. He was even VP this didn't come out. Trump however has paid many women hush money to make them go away. And that's ok with you. IDIOT.

Biden 2020
I believe in the idea / ideal that all who are accused are "innocent until proven guilty" in all but one respect.

If a person actually does commit a crime against another, they are in REALITY - guilty of the act, even before the allegation is made.

That said, I do not know where the TRUTH or reality actually is in this case any more than I did with Blasey Ford and her allegations against Kavanaugh.

Biden said in Ford's case “Women are to be believed, given the benefit of the doubt, as they come forward and say something that is that they said happened to them,"

In my opinion, Tara Reade is completely entitled to be given the "benefit of the doubt" based not only on Biden's own words but also based on the fact that she went the extra mile in actually filing a police report in her case.

In Joe Biden's case, he deserves as much a presumption of "innocence" as Tara Reade is to be given her "benefit of the doubt."

They can not BOTH be right.

Biden started off looking as convincing as he could have possibly could and then slowly lost some of his plausible deniability as the interview progressed.

I can not say which one I absolutely believe at this point. However, it seems that the severity of the allegations alone - should be sufficient to create at least some level of skepticism about Biden's claims of transparency and also about his defense.

I agree with Biden on one thing.

The TRUTH is what matters, here.

Was the truth in tramps cases investigated, NOPE. (cases is plural)
Seriously, Penny? You had every investigative reporter for every main stream media outlet doing their level best to break the story on Trump's alleged "rapes" and yet they came up with nothing credible? Let's be honest here...Donald Trump is the most "investigated" person ever to walk our planet!
Interview starts soon.


Let the discussions begin.
We all know now after the Ukraine thing that this is just Trump trying to manufacture dirt on his opponent.

And, Trump's 1000 times more a rapist than Joe so even if Joe raped one girl, Trump raped 999.
"...even if Joe raped one girl..." If Joe Biden raped someone, Sealy he shouldn't be the Democratic nominee for President! That has zero to do with Donald Trump or anyone else!
Are you a sanders guy?
I don't believe anything the Republicans come out with against Joe. And notice the "liberal media" is running with every slander story they put forward on Joe. So Republicans can't say the media is liberal. They'll put Joe's feet to the fire too.

I can't believe Trump ever since he got caught trying to get Ukraine to make dirt up on Joe. So you know everything they come out with is going to be bullshit now.

And even if Joe did it, Trump has set the bar so low it doesn't matter.

Do you know coronavirus put off and changed Trump's campaign tactics? He was going to hit Joe much harder and much earlier but he had to not appear to be campaigning during a pandemic.

A Pandemic he's handling horribly. Lysol? Ultraviolet rays? And he wasn't kidding.
Interview starts soon.


Let the discussions begin.
We all know now after the Ukraine thing that this is just Trump trying to manufacture dirt on his opponent.

And, Trump's 1000 times more a rapist than Joe so even if Joe raped one girl, Trump raped 999.
"...even if Joe raped one girl..." If Joe Biden raped someone, Sealy he shouldn't be the Democratic nominee for President! That has zero to do with Donald Trump or anyone else!
Trump's own wife told a judge he raped her. Then Trump paid her a boatload of hush money. STFU
I believe in the idea / ideal that all who are accused are "innocent until proven guilty" in all but one respect.

If a person actually does commit a crime against another, they are in REALITY - guilty of the act, even before the allegation is made.

That said, I do not know where the TRUTH or reality actually is in this case any more than I did with Blasey Ford and her allegations against Kavanaugh.

Biden said in Ford's case “Women are to be believed, given the benefit of the doubt, as they come forward and say something that is that they said happened to them,"

In my opinion, Tara Reade is completely entitled to be given the "benefit of the doubt" based not only on Biden's own words but also based on the fact that she went the extra mile in actually filing a police report in her case.

In Joe Biden's case, he deserves as much a presumption of "innocence" as Tara Reade is to be given her "benefit of the doubt."

They can not BOTH be right.

Biden started off looking as convincing as he could have possibly could and then slowly lost some of his plausible deniability as the interview progressed.

I can not say which one I absolutely believe at this point. However, it seems that the severity of the allegations alone - should be sufficient to create at least some level of skepticism about Biden's claims of transparency and also about his defense.

I agree with Biden on one thing.

The TRUTH is what matters, here.

Was the truth in tramps cases investigated, NOPE. (cases is plural)
Seriously, Penny? You had every investigative reporter for every main stream media outlet doing their level best to break the story on Trump's alleged "rapes" and yet they came up with nothing credible? Let's be honest here...Donald Trump is the most "investigated" person ever to walk our planet!

All the Trump rape stories are owned by the national enquirer. Trump's buddy, the owner of the rag, would pay women $100K for the exclusive rights to their story. Then he would shelve those stories for Don. Believe what Michael Cohen says about Trump and the things he did for Trump.

Trump shouldn't be famous he's infamous.

You guys want to go there? This story will go away on it's own because it's bs. Not because the media is liberal. If they think they got Joe on rape then they'll go with that story.

BTW, reporters don't run the media. Their bosses do. Corporations. It used to not be that way. The news room didn't answer to the boardroom but that all changed with Republican deregulations and now the corporations control what we see. Liberal on social issues to divide us and conservative when it comes to the middle class. And how's the middle class doing? 2.3% growth last year? Pretty bad candidate Trump would say about President Trump
Does anybody other than the filthy ass Moon Bats really think that the sonofabitch isn't lying?

The same stupid Moon Bats who thought that Crooked Hillary, Hussein Obama and Slick Willy were all telling the truth?
The uneducated and low information Moon Bats will try to justify the lies told by Creepy Joe's rape.

Just like they justified Creepy Joe's lies about the corruption with the Ukraine.
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