Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

a tie is not unfair

it opinion of the lower court remains thats all

btw just because it is an even number does not necessarily mean a tie

perhaps an even number of jurists would end all or nothingness that has become expected of the court

So the GOP is playing politics with the courts. SHOCKED....SHOCKED!

Their platform should be one line:


a big part of the country does not want a leftist on the court

the prezbo if he wants the seat filled

needs to pick one the senate will consent to

it is that simple
So, you want the Senate to vote, up or down then? Yes, or no?

how can i offer an opinion of such a question when the president has not nominated anyone

unlike you I am not a party loyalist

and will wait to see what I want my senators to do
Republican Senators have already announced they have no intention of reviewing anyone Obama nominates. They have already declared they think the next president should handle this matter.
No intention??? Then say HELLO to President H Clinton
We don't want that flaming left liberal appointing another justice to the SCOTUS, if the left doesn't like it tough shit the country put the GOP in charge of the Senate. :eusa_boohoo:
enjoy it while you have it blues won't be for long

That's big talk from the party that got obliterated in an historic blow out election. :laugh:
Return with me to the thrilling days of yesteryear as 5 of the last 6 presidential elections had the majority of Americans voting DEM

LOL I see you remain in denial. Democrats were destroyed, not just at the national level but at all levels local, county, and state included.
I recall many on the right boasting about that after the 2010 election. Then Democrats won in 2012.

Good luck trying to get a justice confirmed in the Senate :eusa_boohoo:
If 2016 is anything like 2012, the left will get an even more Liberal replacement justice than had Republicans worked with Obama now to find a moderate justice.
We don't want that flaming left liberal appointing another justice to the SCOTUS, if the left doesn't like it tough shit the country put the GOP in charge of the Senate. :eusa_boohoo:
enjoy it while you have it blues won't be for long

That's big talk from the party that got obliterated in an historic blow out election. :laugh:
Return with me to the thrilling days of yesteryear as 5 of the last 6 presidential elections had the majority of Americans voting DEM

LOL I see you remain in denial. Democrats were destroyed, not just at the national level but at all levels local, county, and state included. Good luck trying to get a justice confirmed in the Senate :eusa_boohoo:
hopefully you're right That imho will make hillary a sure winner as america takes notice of how pubs are party first country last
And I guess Jon that you think the supreme court should always have a republican advantage just like your other friends here do
Wrong. We should have judges, not law makers on the bench. Regardless of their politics, which shouldn't be evident, judges are supposed to decide law based on what is written, not what they want the written words to mean.
true but there could be more than 1 meaning to what our forefathers wrote,,,,and this is a far different world or country than what it was then
It isn't rocket science. The argument isn't over what they meant, they often wrote about it. And we have history to guide us. The argument is how far we can stretch the meaning. Changes in law should be done by lawmakers, not judges.
You're right the court receives about 10,000 petitions for a hearing of which they select about a hundred. A tie is very unfair because when you're case is selected for a hearing, you expect that the case is going to be finally resolved after years in the court system. And after the waiting and the costs of taking the case to the Supreme Court for a final decision, there is none.

a tie is not unfair

it opinion of the lower court remains thats all

btw just because it is an even number does not necessarily mean a tie

perhaps an even number of jurists would end all or nothingness that has become expected of the court

So the GOP is playing politics with the courts. SHOCKED....SHOCKED!

Their platform should be one line:


a big part of the country does not want a leftist on the court

the prezbo if he wants the seat filled

needs to pick one the senate will consent to

it is that simple
So, you want the Senate to vote, up or down then? Yes, or no?

how can i offer an opinion of such a question when the president has not nominated anyone

unlike you I am not a party loyalist

and will wait to see what I want my senators to do

But your obstructionist Leader has already said he will block anyone that the President nominates. PARTY OVER COUNTRY!
We don't want that flaming left liberal appointing another justice to the SCOTUS, if the left doesn't like it tough shit the country put the GOP in charge of the Senate. :eusa_boohoo:
enjoy it while you have it blues won't be for long

That's big talk from the party that got obliterated in an historic blow out election. :laugh:
Return with me to the thrilling days of yesteryear as 5 of the last 6 presidential elections had the majority of Americans voting DEM

LOL I see you remain in denial. Democrats were destroyed, not just at the national level but at all levels local, county, and state included.
I recall many on the right boasting about that after the 2010 election. Then Democrats won in 2012.

Good luck trying to get a justice confirmed in the Senate :eusa_boohoo:
If 2016 is anything like 2012, the left will get an even more Liberal replacement justice than had Republicans worked with Obama now to find a moderate justice.

Democrats didn't win in 2012. Lets review, even with Obama on the ballot lying his ass off Democrats were only able to scrape back 6 of the 56 seats they lost in the blow out 2010 election. That's not a win. Obama squeaked out a win against basically an Obama light GOP candidate but only with the help if his lies and biased debate moderators. Then once people figured out he lied his ass off the people put an epic beating on Democrats again in 2014 handing control of the Senate to the GOP. Dem's saw it coming, they screamed at Obama until he went on national tv and took personal responsibility for his Obamacare lies but it didn't help, Dem's got their asses handed to them again.

I remember how smug the Democratic party was after their wins in 2008 but even I never imagined they would fall from grace only 2 years later, destroying themselves by shoving Obamacare down our throats over our objection. Obamacare the gift that keeps on giving.
But your obstructionist Leader has already said he will block anyone that the President nominates. PARTY OVER COUNTRY!
That's exactly backwards. It's the country they are looking out for. The libs want further changes, not the right.
Look ice the republican party from the getgo has had a policy of OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT You think America is dumb ?

Fuck, you assholes can't decide whether you want a lying, corrupt, murderous OLD white bitch or a AGED, old WHITE, Communist/Socialist as your presidential candidate, and YOU think the rest of the country is as dumb as you and will vote the DemoRAT/Socialist/Communist party back into power especially with OVER $18 TRILLION in debt put on our backs by a mulatto, Kenyan, Marxist?
Wow, what a perfect definition of a bigoted post by a bigot extraordinaire.
At least you're honest about your emotional immaturity, except for "forgetting" that Bush Jr was a major contributor to the DEBT with his bogus WMD war in Iraq and his tax cuts for the rich.
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But your obstructionist Leader has already said he will block anyone that the President nominates. PARTY OVER COUNTRY!
That's exactly backwards. It's the country they are looking out for. The libs want further changes, not the right.
Look ice the republican party from the getgo has had a policy of OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT You think America is dumb ?
Obstructing destruction isn't a bad thing. That's why they won so big in 2014,so no, America is not that dumb.

It's pronounced " now we have a real reason to rally Democrats throughout the country to take back the Senate as well as the White House." You clowns are fucked.

Fuck, you assholes can't decide whether you want a lying, corrupt, murderous OLD white bitch or a AGED, old WHITE, Communist/Socialist as your presidential candidate, and YOU think the rest of the country is as dumb as you and will vote the DemoRAT/Socialist/Communist party back into power especially with OVER $18 TRILLION in debt put on our backs by a mulatto, Kenyan, Marxist?
For you vigilante and there's more coming
Infamous scene of Samuel L Jackson
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

I'm also AGNOSTIC, and couldn't care LESS what bullshit you write, you're a fucking moron anyway!
I'm impressed; as an agnostic, you score some intellectual points, but your post confirms your ranting emotional immaturity.
But your obstructionist Leader has already said he will block anyone that the President nominates. PARTY OVER COUNTRY!
That's exactly backwards. It's the country they are looking out for. The libs want further changes, not the right.
Look ice the republican party from the getgo has had a policy of OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT You think America is dumb ?
Obstructing destruction isn't a bad thing. That's why they won so big in 2014,so no, America is not that dumb.

Ah, but 2016 is a National election. Time for the GOP to lose....again!
But your obstructionist Leader has already said he will block anyone that the President nominates. PARTY OVER COUNTRY!
That's exactly backwards. It's the country they are looking out for. The libs want further changes, not the right.
Look ice the republican party from the getgo has had a policy of OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT You think America is dumb ?
Obstructing destruction isn't a bad thing. That's why they won so big in 2014,so no, America is not that dumb.

Ah, but 2016 is a National election. Time for the GOP to lose....again!
When GOP loses it's Americas gain ......also the crazy rantings by republicans here is more indication they're going down hard .....lots of suicides predicted
But your obstructionist Leader has already said he will block anyone that the President nominates. PARTY OVER COUNTRY!
That's exactly backwards. It's the country they are looking out for. The libs want further changes, not the right.
Look ice the republican party from the getgo has had a policy of OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT You think America is dumb ?
Obstructing destruction isn't a bad thing. That's why they won so big in 2014,so no, America is not that dumb.

Ah, but 2016 is a National election. Time for the GOP to lose....again!
You side stepped the point.
But your obstructionist Leader has already said he will block anyone that the President nominates. PARTY OVER COUNTRY!
That's exactly backwards. It's the country they are looking out for. The libs want further changes, not the right.
Look ice the republican party from the getgo has had a policy of OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT You think America is dumb ?
Obstructing destruction isn't a bad thing. That's why they won so big in 2014,so no, America is not that dumb.

Ah, but 2016 is a National election. Time for the GOP to lose....again!
You side stepped the point.
how's this point ?? there have been policies that I can't remember that republicans were for but changed their minds when dems were for them too...repubs were threatened by their leaders not to support any dem policy or face a fight in their next election
The timing could not be worse for the GOP, but the court cannot be left deadlocked for more than a year simply because the GOP is being childish. Doing so would clearly show that the GOP is only too happy to damage the country to get their way. Refusing to govern in a presidential election year, with 24 GOP Senate seats to defend would be a huge mistake. If they do, and they might, they will lose the Senate, lose the White House, and lose the chance to name the next SC Justice.
If McConnell follows through, refusing to allow an Obama's nomination to come to the Senate floor for a vote, he will be creating the longest vacancy in the history of the 9 man court. That will leave the left leaning 8 justice court to make crucial decision over the next year and possibly much longer if there's a democrat elected. Clearly the Republican Senate is placing their political aim of a more conservative court above their constitutional duty.

If the court has a tie vote on a case, then the ruling of previous federal court will stand. Court decisions can have a huge impact. Suppose the court was called to make a decision that would determine the presidency as they did with Bush vs. Gore and could not reach a decision.

Clearly the Republican Senate is placing their political aim of a more conservative court above their constitutional duty.
Consider the clock will start again with a new President with vetting and confirmation of a new Justice taking another four months
That will leave us with a "tie court" for 15 months
Which is completely unwarranted and unacceptable; the Senate must confirm the president's nominee.
The Republicans clearly do not have to confirm an Obama nominee and it would be nuts for them to do so. The Supreme Court is never a big voting issue - especially with the Democrats - and there is really very little in it for the GOP. Your going to hear a lot of arguments from the left about how the republicans really risk a lot by not confirming someone -- just like they did with immigration reform where they tried to sell the nonsense that the republicans had to cave because they could never win again with out the Hispanic vote. the country isn't going to care that there are 8 on the supreme court and that 4-4 ties go with the lower court decision and lack precedental value. It just isn't.

on the other hand approving ANY Obama nominee means TRump is the presidential nominee. Game over.

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