Breaking Live: Police Have Arrived at CHOP

One reporter is complaining about the homeless having a hard time getting their stuff back, but they had been told to vacate the park for days.
In addition, Seattle Police noted they've received reports of 65 crimes -- many of them violent -- in the CHOP area just between June 8-30 compared to 37 in the same area over all of 2019.

"The CHOP has become lawless and brutal," Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best wrote in a statement as officers moved in. "Four shootings -- two fatal -- robberies, assaults, violence and countless property crimes have occurred in this several block area."

And this is just the reported crimes, how many of them went unreported? Unknown, but my guess is more than 65. I think it was apparent that the CHOP people were not going to back down, so the mayor had to take action. Maybe the governor told her that if you don't then I'll send in the NatGuard and do it for you and you'll end up looking like the total fool that you are.
Wanting to live in the city with its comforts but going back to nature. Impossible. Go to the rural areas and learn to do everything manually. Won't happen!
In addition, Seattle Police noted they've received reports of 65 crimes -- many of them violent -- in the CHOP area just between June 8-30 compared to 37 in the same area over all of 2019.

"The CHOP has become lawless and brutal," Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best wrote in a statement as officers moved in. "Four shootings -- two fatal -- robberies, assaults, violence and countless property crimes have occurred in this several block area."

And this is just the reported crimes, how many of them went unreported? Unknown, but my guess is more than 65.

descended into lawlessness and violence. YUP---that's why I am here in this room with this computer ALL DAY for MONTHS Ask Governor Cuomo how his pal billy-jo is doing
In addition, Seattle Police noted they've received reports of 65 crimes -- many of them violent -- in the CHOP area just between June 8-30 compared to 37 in the same area over all of 2019.

"The CHOP has become lawless and brutal," Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best wrote in a statement as officers moved in. "Four shootings -- two fatal -- robberies, assaults, violence and countless property crimes have occurred in this several block area."

And this is just the reported crimes, how many of them went unreported? Unknown, but my guess is more than 65. I think it was apparent that the CHOP people were not going to back down, so the mayor had to take action. Maybe the governor told her that if you don't then I'll send in the NatGuard and do it for you and you'll end up looking like the total fool that you are.
Her home was personally attacked the last two nights.
In addition, Seattle Police noted they've received reports of 65 crimes -- many of them violent -- in the CHOP area just between June 8-30 compared to 37 in the same area over all of 2019.

"The CHOP has become lawless and brutal," Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best wrote in a statement as officers moved in. "Four shootings -- two fatal -- robberies, assaults, violence and countless property crimes have occurred in this several block area."

And this is just the reported crimes, how many of them went unreported? Unknown, but my guess is more than 65. I think it was apparent that the CHOP people were not going to back down, so the mayor had to take action. Maybe the governor told her that if you don't then I'll send in the NatGuard and do it for you and you'll end up looking like the total fool that you are.
Yeah??? Good luck with that. The damn Governor is asleep at the wheel and probably doesn't know CHOP from chop suey.

But actually, didn't Trump recently say just about that same thing? 'Do it or else I will"?
Its embarrassing how long this took.
It’s ridiculous. Only after she began to feel unsafe at home did she finally do anything.

Exactly. Typical politician. Ugh.
Gop would not have let it ever get to this point.

Agree to disagree. The political tribe is irrelevant.
I don’t see how it is irrelevant, but ok.
Its embarrassing how long this took.
It’s ridiculous. Only after she began to feel unsafe at home did she finally do anything.

Exactly. Typical politician. Ugh.
Gop would not have let it ever get to this point.

Agree to disagree. The political tribe is irrelevant.
I don’t see how it is irrelevant, but ok.

Of course you don't. I wasn't expecting you would. That's the disagreement.
There isn`t a lot of tourism going on these days. I`m sure you`ve heard about the Trump Pox.
Because everything now is Trump's fault, if one believes the morons. Even the things he has absolutely zero control over like the mess in Seattle.

Stay out of urban areas under the control of leftist politicians and one should be okay.
There isn`t a lot of tourism going on these days. I`m sure you`ve heard about the Trump Pox.
Because everything now is Trump's fault, if one believes the morons. Even the things he has absolutely zero control over like the mess in Seattle.

Stay out of urban areas under the control of leftist politicians and one should be okay.

Sweeping the icky news under the rug is what got us here in the first place. Note: I don't expect you to understand this.
Sweeping the icky news under the rug is what got us here in the first place. Note: I don't expect you to understand this.
Riiight. :icon_rolleyes:
Thanks but you don't need to make exceptions for my benefit.

Rather you should be questioning your own jumbled conception of reality and logic when you conflate the
mess in Seattle (indeed in every large urban center) with what happened in Minneapolis as if the series of riots, deaths, arson, wanton destruction, mayhem, statue toppling etc. was a natural logical extension of the callous death of a single career criminal, George Floyd, instead of what it really was...the starting gun for an explosion by violent far leftist anarchists, racists, etc.
A real roiling petri dish of every sort of malevolent malicious creature the country has to offer...from
under it's rocks and sewers.

It was a large waste basket filled with gasoline soaked rags and newspapers just waiting for a match to set things all off.

Unfortunately for your types I understand all too well. Save your condescending dishonest bullshit
for someone else.
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