BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

The funny thing here is that, in her zeal, Maddow probably helped Trump overall.

Wingers are so nuts that they often just don't think stuff through.

Absolutely she did. She gift wrapped a new talking point and delivered it first class to Trump supporters.

Now anytime the left brings up Trump's taxes, the right can quickly respond with this story.
The funny thing here is that, in her zeal, Maddow probably helped Trump overall. Wingers are so nuts that they often just don't think stuff through.
Absolutely she did. She gift wrapped a new talking point and delivered it first class to Trump supporters. Now anytime the left brings up Trump's taxes, the right can quickly respond with this story.
Yep. I love it when zealotry bites the zealot square on the ass.
The funny thing here is that, in her zeal, Maddow probably helped Trump overall.

Wingers are so nuts that they often just don't think stuff through.
since the election they have been in "GOTTCHA" mode, no amount of set backs will suffice, it is an endless search for something to hang their hats on and to date it has amounted to nothing but frustration for them...I don't think the MSM even cares, it is just the best thing they have to fill air time thats why all the accusations disappear when trump throws them a bone by doing or saying something outrageous, if the accusations were real none of that would work for Trump...when they've completely milked a trump claim they then go back and revisit an old claim of theirs or create a new one.
Easy question, did Woodward and Bernstein go to jail? NO, they didn't. Stop before you keep making a fool of yourself.

Woodward and Bernstein did NOT disclose the tax returns of anyone involved or eventually prosecuted. The ONLY person who can legally release a tax return or part of one is the taxpayer.

Stop before you keep making a fool of yourself!

Woodward and Benrstein had something much worse than a 12 year old tax return. Quit being a fucking fool.
Why do we care what his tax return was like 12 years ago?
Big f-ing deal.
Why do we care what his tax return was like 12 years ago?
Big f-ing deal.

You on the left made it a big deal....all through the election and since. TRUMP PAID NO TAXES! you screeched.

Well he did, you look foolish and once again you've been played.
It is illegal to release someone's tax returns to the public without the taxpayer's consent.

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

See also Was it illegal to publish Trump’s tax returns without his consent?

Somebody broke the law. In addition, when Maddow and MSNBC had Trump's 2005 returns in their possession and then published them, THEY may have broken the law (there are First Amendment and public policy issues with the press, obviously). At the very least, they are publishing private documents that were illegally obtained. This is the height of sleaze.

Then, the return released shows that Trump pays quite a bit in income taxes, which does not even comport with the leftist narrative very well.

Somebody needs to sit that dude, Maddow, down and tell him that he is fucking up his career, even at a shit hole like MSNBC.

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So how did this all turn out?...was it real or a ruse to get viewers to tune in? what did they reveal? [the answer to that last question will tell us if it was real or not]
From Forbes :
Maddow said it showed that Trump reported over $150 million in income that year and paid $5.3 million in federal income tax and $31 million in alternative minimum tax. Many questions were left unanswered, including the sources of his income.
The investigative reporter and tax expert David Cay Johnston, who had obtained the 1040 in the mail and passed it on to Maddow, suggested Trump, himself, had sent him the document. Johnston he also emphasized how Trump used loopholes to secure a discounted income tax rate and that he believed the rest of the returns would show something that Trump may be trying to hide.
So was it real or a ruse to entice viewers?...if many questions were left unanswered then what was the point of demanding his tax returns? if they were not the tax returns they were demanding then claiming she had them was a lie...btw, citing Forbes quoting Maddow adds nothing in terms of legitimacy...and what's with calling a legal tax deduction a loophole? is that explained anywhere in the "article"?
Hell idk, I was just trying to inform you of what I read.
It seems legit considering the WH was saying they were breaking the law.
Because there are loopholes as to where you don't have to pay any tax. Deductions alone aren't going to drop his rate to like 3% or whatever that is.
Personally, I don't care. If people don't like the rich paying "their fair share" they should quit circle jerking to "tax the rich more" while keeping those loopholes. Circles of stupidity and all that.
Doing the same thing EVERY person would do.
To me the claim made by Maddow that "I have Trumps tax returns, be sure to tune in", just seemed like television to me, and I don't blame her, that's what she does for a living, no reason she should not be allowed to "promote" herself, but it was nothing more than advertising "licence", no substance at all from what I can tell.
It reminds me of Geraldo Rivera and his fiasco with Al Capone's vault.
A return that is 12 years old isn't much to look at. What is surprising to me that his income is only showing 150 million yet he has repeatedly stated his net worth is around 10 BILLION????? Hmmm.

So more recent tax returns are what is needed to determine which foreign countries hold him hostage right now.
Personal vs Corporate income...are you that stupid?
You own a business.

As a matter of fact I did for over 30 years and was a sub-S corporation. So yeah you're right what the 1040 form is--is his personal income derived from all his business's and again in 2005 he is reporting an income of only $150 million, meaning all the business's he owned in 2005 only produced a 150 million personal income for him? That surprises me. Especially when he claims to have a net worth of 10 billion.

But also Foreign investments would be shown on the K-1 & that would be attached to his 1040, and a list of those business's and how much income or loss was produced by them. As we see it's just the simple 1040 form and it's 12 YEARS OLD, it's worthless.

It doesn't tell us where his foreign investments are at. I could care less how much he earned, or paid in taxes, I want to know about these foreign investments and assets, and where they're at.

all the business's he owned in 2005 only produced a 150 million personal income for him? That surprises me. Especially when he claims to have a net worth of 10 billion.

He could own billions in real estate equity while reporting rental income of much, much less.
Your failure to realize that surprises me.
If anyone takes the so-called president down with good solid investigation and facts, it will be Rachel Maddow. Good for her. She needs to keep digging. :clap:


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It is a felony for her to possess his tax returns.

No. She is protected as a journalist. She has special rights that you and I do not have.

Really? Show us the law that protects her.
Really, really? Show us the law she has broken.

Jake- You are everything wrong about America that Mr. Trump is trying to fix. That is why you and your Democrat buddies and rhino pubs were sent out of town on a rail. The people spoke because we were, and are tired of your leftist perception of the way America should be. Sorry, we were not ready to go down the crapper even though Obama had us circling the drain. Your unicorn, pixie dust envision of America does not exist. Well, not anymore since real Americans have spoken. Your time has passed. Suck it up buttercup -Geaux
The GOP lost seats in the House and the Senate, fact. 77 thousand votes in MI, MN, and WI does not a mandate make for the rest of America. No one has shown what law has been broken. And the far right transforming America? You guys are fumbing and bumbling, and America and the world is laughing at you freeks.

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